Andrea Koppel has been with CNN since 1993 and is currently a congressional correspondent based in the Washington, D.C., bureau. Her last name might lead you to wonder if she’s any relation to the former ABC “Nightline” anchor, Ted Koppel. The following article from USA Weekend Magazine addresses that question:
Yes. She's the eldest of four, and she tells us her dad worried that her name might make a journalism career more difficult. Still, she was drawn to it after a failed career as a trade representative for an American company in China. She'd been hanging out with Western journalists there, and "hearing [them] talk about their jobs, it sounded so fascinating." Koppel, 39, even met her husband of two years, Iraq expert Ken Pollack, who wrote "The Threatening Storm: The Case for Invading Iraq", on the job.
Top 5 things Koppel learned from Dad:
- Care about helping the voiceless.
- Be passionate about people. "One of my earliest memories is when my parents took me to the Taj Mahal. I was 3, and I remember taking our box lunches and giving them to poor Indian people."
- Make time for your kids. "He always makes time, no matter what's going on."
- Keep your commitments. "My parents are about to celebrate their 40th wedding anniversary."
- Pay attention. "It's important to really listen to the person you're interviewing, not think ahead to the next question."
In an article published by Middlebury College's Middlebury Magazine, she explains that she didn’t always want to follow her father’s footsteps into the news business.
"Years ago, people would ask me, 'Oh, I suppose you want to anchor like your dad [Nightline anchor Ted Koppel],'" she says. "I'd say, No. I thought anchoring was what you do when you're on the network news, reading introductions to reporter packages and maybe throwing one question to a reporter. It is so different on CNN. You have to snap on your seatbelt and get ready for a rough ride. There have been days when we've been live from the moment I sit in the chair until the moment I get up three hours later—wall-to-wall live coverage that involves ad-libbing, no scripts, reacting to the situation on the ground. I love the excitement."
I have been wanting to know this information about Ted and Andrea for about 6 months. No time to research.
Great job, BA! Welcome and good luck :)
Great first post. Welcome aboard.
Fantastic post Book Asylum!!!!! If this is your first post I can't wait to see what you have for us in the future :)
Great first post, Book Asylum! I think it's great Andrea is following in her Dad's footsteps and he gave her some great advice. I'm sure flying by the seat of your pants reporting is very challenging.
Fabulous post, Book Asylum! looking forward to more.
I especially like Ted's advice about making time for family, especially in their line of work. I know a few people who should heed that advice!
great first post!!
congrats on the new gig :)
I enjoyed your first post. Great advice from her dad. You can take those 5 points and apply them to every day life no matter the profession.
Thanks so much! I'm really looking forward to contributing to the blog!
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