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Friday, June 22, 2007

Keeping Them Honest

For the past week on AC360, Drew Griffin has been reporting on Congress and their earmarks. CNN interns called everyone in Congress and asked for a list of their earmarks. Earmarks in bills could potentially be worth billions of dollars from tax payers. Up til now, Congress hasn't wanted much to do with sharing their list with the press or the people they represent. It makes you wonder what they are hiding? Here's a break down of how many have responded and who haven't, according to Drew Griffin's report.

*45 have turned over their requests.
*68 flat out refused.
*6 told us they did not request any earmarks.
*316 didn't respond at all

Check out his post on the 360 blog and read more about the story. You can also check to see if your Congressman/woman has given their list. If not, maybe a call or email would nudge them along!

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