Thursday, December 31, 2009
Happy New Year from All Things CNN
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11:55 PM
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Posted by
11:55 PM
Happy New Year back at ya.2010 is now hare
and it all starts again. Here is a list of some of
the things I will be taking a look at on CNN .
1. Upgraded graphics,logo banners,music,etc.
IMHO CNN has the worst on air look.Use
the look for the packages that
will air. Give the long packages a media
bar. YouTube , Vimeo look for an example.
Also, do we need to see the anchor along
every piece of video. I just need them to
be on camera and live the video go full
scene and do we need the graphic in
between every piece of video. You said
it is top stories , I saw the intro animation.
I get what it is.In the age of HD,LED,OLED
and soon 3-D less is best. Get rid of the
crawl and use update info graphics and
video with banners to upgrade the news
whenever it comes in.
2. Live streaming. Look folks we are in at
time when anyone can have their own
live channel.So I say look for a lot of
broadband news channels showing up.
You can do this with your cell phone and
send it to your computer,Why not do the
same at since you have moved
in the direction of having more video.
More live content man.
3. If you've noticed ABC,CBS and NBC all
have people they call digital journalists.
These people are usually a one person
outfit that does it all and upload their
stories.I know that CNN have people
that call all platform journalists, let us
see more of them and the wonderful
photojournalists behind the In Focus
series,can't the video journalist appear
on camera and explain and introduce
their work.
4. More content, add more global news
and start getting out of ideological
news, dude this is really getting old.
If you continue down this path you
will soon be like the music industry
and newspapers. I just want facts
not pov The fact that you are a visual
medium is the only thing that is keeping
you in the game.
5. Instead of the Twitter silliness how about
real user generated news.If you are really
interested in what I want from the news,
let the viewers of CNN put together a daily
news program. Let us truly make the news.
That's right add a Digg element and bring
FB and Twitter into the mix.Persanlly,
Twitter should be used by your reporters
to provide the most current info.
6. Can we get hourly reports of what is
developing on the web. What you are
doing with Josh Levs is a start.I like the
premise of The Situation Room but I
don't see a lot of new media elements
to the program.
7. Arm all of your news people with a
laptop, with built in cam,cell phones
with all of the latest apps and a $90
pen that lets you shoot up to 4 hours
of video .In other words armed and
ready for the news where ever the
news might be.
8. All day long CNN collects tons of
info from their own people and
affiliates across the county.At least
try and look like a 24/7 news channel.
Can I actually get 24 hours of news
instead of 24 minutes of news.
I just check the stats on Facebook & Twitter
and CNN is tops. If only they could duplicate
the success for television. On FB they have
over 700,000 fans no other news org is close.
At some point this year CNN brk will have more
than 3 million followers on Twitter. There is also
just CNN on Twitter that will top 1 million as well.
The funny thing is that when go to the political
blogs the stats are not that great. Maybe tv
news needs to be straight to the point and
no opinion. I agree with you Anon 10:20.
Really enjoyed CNN's Years celebration.
Like seeing John and Kyra can we get them
together more often.Anderson,Kathy,Poppy
and Don. It was great.
I for one hope that CNN hires all of the
Vanguard journalists from Current and
get them to work with Michael Ware for
a news series of documentaries for CNN.
18-34 year olds were the original intent
of Current TV. A lot of us are angry that
they are getting away from their unique
style of news.If CNN had the Current TV
format I probably would watch them more.
There are only a couple of news channel
shows that I can tolerate.
I hope that when Larry King retires that CNN
goes for Charlie Rose.I have started watching
him on Bloomberg at 8.
Tom Foreman's narration of the best and worst of 09 was narrated well. Having said that, it was the WORST edited program, including background graphics with pop-up pundits out of context, that I have seen this year. If that's what CNN called a "lead in," for AC and KG, someone must help this poorly advised, mismanaged, disorganized, pitiful station, NOW.
I have always had this problem with the pundits.
If they represent the political parties why are they
on the CNN payroll, that spells conflict of interest
to me because are the pundits held accountable
if the just tow the party line and talking points
and if you pay for them can you really be a free
and independent press?
@10:56pm: That's a very good question. Once you pay someone, aren't they obligated to promote their cause and if so they are no longer free or independent and that goes for print media as well.
@ the poster who wants Charlie Rose when LK retires...we're talking CNN here. That would be a reasonable choice, but CNN isn't reasonable. They want ratings and the best way to get them is to get someone terribly unqualified like Kathy Griffin who offends and knows nothings about anything except using foul language which she thinks is funny.
I love that Rachel Maddow continues to take
CNN to the wood shed for not doing their
homework and letting the facts go out of
the window.Anon 10:58 I could not agree
more, CNN actually have people on their
payroll who's job is to basically mislead
viewers. I am with Maddow that is really
irresponsible and when will the journalists
call them to the carpet on this. CNN's
has a former national security person who
worked for the Bush administration, of
course she is going to say the Obama
administration is wrong.CNN is behaving
as thought the idiot brought down the
plane, not anyone I know is afraid to fly,
but they do say let's hope the economy
picks up this year. There is such a huge
disconnect.On a matter such as this you
have got to go with the facts and not
the rhetoric. The news media needs to
quite pimping misinformation to the
masses. Take for an example Ed Henry,
who said Bush would have been out in
front of the cameras. Guess what, someone
did their homework and discovered that
when Richard Reid tried to blow up a
plane around the same time in 2001,
it took Bush 6 days to respond and he
was on vacation.In other words, CNN get
it through your head, the Bush administration
is not longer running the government. So
CNN thinks Obama has to do what the
former administration did, in my book
that is making stuff up because does it
really matter what Bush would do since
he is not currently the president, it is
a non factor. Where are the real journalists.
To Anon, who posted the list about what to
look for on CNN, you have to keep in mind
that CNN is outdated and has not come up
with a new business model. I think for the
most part old media is scared of new media.
Also, with regards to Current I am not sure
that network will be around much longer
but they do have some good journos.I think
these are future journalists going anywhere
to bring you the news and stories you don't
see anywhere. Some of the reporters on
all of the cable news channels are not good
storytellers like Candy Crowley, she is in
a class and league all by herself.
I hope CNN does get into live streaming.
Take for example 360,since it has a live
blog while the show is on the air you might
as well add live streaming into the mix.I 've
No offense but the 360 blog is a little boring
these days they need to spice things up with
virtual story-telling and stepped up production.
Take for instance, Peter Bergen talking about
Yemen. Let's say he does something called 5
things you should know about Yemen.Do it
with the Heroes format of storytelling and
post these on the blog, same thing with the
CIA story.I would like to see the 360 blog
become more of a daily blogzine. Original
digital content each day. When I visit the
blog I should automatically see live streaming
of 360 as it is airing on CNN.I have also
noticed that now when you click on the
CNN TV icon, it will list all of the shows
individually and you can see various clips
from the all of the CNN shows.
So what you guys are basically saying is that
CNN has lobbyists on the payroll? So much
for there actually being a real news channel.
I really like In Focus. There is more than 1
type of journalist. Photojournalists play a vital
role without them you get no pictures.@ I am
for photojournalists getting their own show.
I want to see the faces behind video. After all
they shoot, write and edit themselves. i just saw
Bethany Swain on CNN and she said that CNN
domestic has 120 photojournalists. I would like
to see this program expand to CNN worldwide
as well. How about a weekly show running on
the weekends.CNN runs TSR at 6 on Saturdays.
It;s old news and just doesn't make sense. No
need to have an anchor for IN Focus. Let the
photojournalists introduce their work and
have their pictures and short bio at the end
of their features.I just want to say thank you
for Bethany and all of her colleagues. Finally,
something original that is not out there.
I have noticed that Richard Lui and Melissa Long
form HLN are now anchoring on CNN as well, any
chance Nicole Lapin will be in the mix since she
did anchor on the web for CNN. i don't like to
see Drew Griffin anchor. When Don is not there
can someone like Lapin sub for him, Last time
I saw Lapin she was on with Tony Harris. Why
not add her in with Josh Levs and Abby Tatton.
When The Sit Room first started Wolf had 2
internet reporters. What happened ?
@9:42AM: I absolutely agree with you about Candy. You can't get classier than she, maybe Soledad, but the two are in a league ALL of their OWN. They are gold and I do hope CNN is fully aware of these two treasures.
I have always wonder why Soledad is not
subbing in the anchor chair. What is up
with that ?
I have no problem with Tom Foreman being
the host of IN Focus. He could sit down on talk
with the people behind the stories. He is also an
excellent writer. I really loved when he and Candy
and Joe did the Raw Politics segments minus the
pundits it was clever and witty and not annoying,
boring and way too long as Raw Politics is now on
360.Do you all have any info on the 360 series the
next decade. I have been seeing the commercial
and it looks very interesting.
Gloria Bolger was hosting State of the Union today, and not too well. She was not as good a host as was Candy Crowley and I do hope CNN realizes that. Candy has a following, Gloria does not and she isn't as experienced. But knowing CNN management, they don't do what's right, they do what is convenient and then bulster their own egos with polls filled with falsehoods to make themselves look good.
I think it would be smart for CNN to turn the
360 into a social media hub for news junkies.
2010 is when advertisers will be eyeing social
media, simply because it is more people and
diverse. You have to get beyond people just
posting comments on stories. That is so last
decade.I am not sure if the ratings started on
Saturday or begin today.In about a couple of
weeks we should see what kind of ratings CNN
will have for January.As more and more viewers
move to cable it will be an opportunity for CNN,
but they have to get away from ideology. For
this simple reason : majority of 18-49 are
not ideologues. They just want the news and
information. In other words the content that
CNN offers.18-49 year olds are choosing
Nightline over Conan and Letterman.
Is Zain coming back to The Sit Room. There
is a new promo for Wolf and you see Zain &
others being featured and the slogan when
we see it you see it.
Looks like AC plus Kathy beat FOX, but not by much this year...100,000
in totals is not a big margin considering she did go blue anyway.
J.LO was the biggest draw of the major networks on NYE.
With all that blueness you would have "thunk" she'd done better.
TVNewser is reporting that CNN won the demos for NYE, but split the totals with FOX. Considering FOX didn't even try, they did pretty well. Guess it's time to say bye bye to Kathy Griffin who seems to have lost here shine....or maybe her ability to say really filthy things for ratings, which are not the least bit funny.
Mashable has the top 100 social brands list
and believe it or not CNN is # 3 behind I-phone
and Disney.CNN is a brand name and they need
to recognize this.It is all about content. It is
what makes CNN a wanted brand not opinion.
John Klein has done his best to tarnish CNN's brand name this past year. We can only hope he too reads Mashable.
AOL is saying Cathy Griffin will not be back.
The net suits are angry with her behavior, we
will see.
If Kathy Griffin really doesn't come back, it's because the "suits," paid her too much for misbehaving and not bringing in the ratings they expected.
IMHO, whatever they paid her was too much.
J Lo's catsuit was worth more and she didn't even have to open her mouth...except to sing.
I believe KG said something unfunny about Lou Dobbs, but in retrospect it was possibly the funniest thing she said the entire nite. She asked AC where "Lou's body was buried?" Perhaps management, or Lou, took offense.
The 1st Monday of 2010 was not too good for
CNN they trailed MSNBC badly in viewers in prime
time. Only 360 topped MSNBC in viewers, but
lost the demo.I must say I am not surprised. Is
it me or is Larry King having trouble booking
decent guests.He did a segment on left vs right
about terrorism. At some point someone at CNN
will get it. Your viewers have had enough of the
ideologues it is not working why continue.I have
a feeling that the changes coming in the next
2 weeks are going to make things worse. For
goodness sake CNN is acting like they think
and want another 9/11 to happen. Why is
Fran Townsend on CNN, she is being given
a free pass and not challenged on her remarks.
She always tries to make it seem as though
the Obama administration is not doing what
it is suppose to do, naturally she is trying to
make the Bush administration look good.She
should not be commenting on the current
administration. Are we suppose to believe
she is above politics. Yeah right.
Who's responsible for 360 tonight, it is
the most ridiculous show ever, it is all
about people getting fired. What no news
happened today ?
It would not surprise me if CNN ends up
being behind MSNBC & HLN. Maybe if they
end up badly in 4th then someone will take
off the blinders. We need Ted Turner back
at the helm.
@7:30PM: Fran Townsend is on CNN because the Obama Adminstration has yet to appoint someone to fill her position and she seems to know what she's talking about.
360 won its time slot yesterday in total viewers, though they're NOT COUNTED, stupidly, only because AC is up against taped repeats. Olberman and Maddow both passed one million impressively in the nine pm hour and LK should, RETIRE.
The problem with last night's 360 is that it
forgot some facts. The intelligence lapse
happened at the bureaucratic level and not
at the top.It would have been different had
the question been asked should heads roll
at a higher level. I guess someone missed
the statement from Dennis Blair. Funny how
Rachel Maddow found the statement and
Bloomberg says the final report on the
breakdown is days away. It was clearly
premature and sounds like talk radio.
Secondly, who cares about Sally Quinn.
She is in the gossip biz. Anderson your
viewers expect better from you.I turned
to Charlie Rose. I needed an intelligent
conversation and not hot air.ABC news
says the 3rd so-called WH crasher never
made it as far as the couple. That is what
happens when you think talk radio &
political blogs are sources of information.
Will the real CNN please stand up. I noticed
on TV Newser that CNN barely beat out
HLN for viewers. Who will be held accountable
at CNN. Looks like no one.
My worry is that CNN will continue doing what
it has been doing for the last five months that
caused their ratings to take a dive.If it is not
working way stick with the program. I think
AC 360 going heavy on politics is the problem
for CNN, 360 was suppose the young people's
news show and now it is just like the others
with too much noise. Monday was decent
but Tuesday was really bad. The segment at the
beginning would have been fine with David
Gergen & the Flynn guy, the other 2 were
useless.I am with the Digg crowd on Sally
Quinn, I guess she is not as connected,so
she has a chip on her shoulder.
OMG I just turned to CNN and John Roberts
doing a correction because CNN showed the wrong
pic of the CT AG.I am now turning back to HLN.
What is going on at CNN. Already MSNBC has
broken 2 news stories. First, a tape of the CIA
bombing exists and a passenger unknowingly
carried explosives in Ireland because someone
flunked a test. The smartest thing MSNBC did
was to acquire the twitter account for Breaking
News, it is constantly providing them with news
because it gives you news when ever it happens.
I agree with your pals at All Things Anderson,
last night's show was one-sided and seemed
not quite genuine. You would think Obama
awarded the people for failure like Bush did
by awarding medals.It looked like an hour of
Obama bashing; Like that is working for CNN.
Their goal must be to see how many viewers
they can lose.
I am not sure who is the worst these days.
Campbell Brown,Larry KIng or 360.
I have no problem with question being asked
the presentation was the problem.Bloomberg
& BBC are being more responsible and talking
with The Center For International Studies or
The Council For Foreign Relations to stay above
the politics. It is the job of the Secret Service to
protect POTUS and the head of SS is likely in
trouble. I just think it was a cheap ploy for
ratings and will not work.
Is it me or is CNN trying to turn 360
into Glen Beck. Just throw the facts
of of the window.
Ways to know if CNN is changing.
1. No more promos about ratings but
promos on all of the shows and news
that will be on CNN for that day.
2. New sets and graphics.
3. Josh Levs is at a mac with a 50
inch screen and the monitors
they are using to shoot video
off are similar to TSR.
4. A refocus and news and facts and
pundits only being on the political
shows. It is lazy journalism to use
pundits as show fillers.
5. A new management team.I think
leadership is an issue. There is no
way that mistake should have even
happened this morning on AM.
6. Look like you are updating your
news . Same old news over and
over again along with sticking
with segments that never seem
to end.
That said I am noticing some things.
It looks as though they are changing
the name of Dr Gupta's show and a
new promo for Sunday shows, but
where are the new promos for prime
RIP CNN. The network is history because they
just don't seem to care about viewers and just
keep giving us the same old crap.
The numbers are in for yesterday.To me it seems
that people are tiring of both CNN and MSNBC.
The big winner is going to be HLN. Nancy was
# 2 in the demo and so was HLN. I think the
appetite for left vs right is over. There was a
good post on this on the Daily Beast. One thing
I am noticing is that 360 is the top demo for
CNN but CNN was 4th for the demo. There are
some problems.
I like Wolf but Jack is over the top today.
I am not watching The Sit Room anymore.
360 may be the "top demo" for CNN, but it is LOW. Olberman and Maddow in the 9:00 slot repeatedly beat 360....according to TVNewser. 360 is opposite Taped shows except for Greta, AC has NO competition and Greta, the only live show, beats AC badly, every night. This is a trend that started years ago. It didn't just happen last year. Something is wrong with the entire prime time line up at CNN. Put one LIVE show opposite 360 like Olberman or Maddow, and 360 will be in fourth place forever.
I agree with 7:14 AM. Why in the world would you have Sally Quinn on?? She's almost as old as the guy she's married to who is almost ninety. I know he's Ben Bradley, but isn't there someone who is more up to date and has better credentials than she? When she wrote for The Washington Post she was in charge of "place settings at the White House," during the Nixon Administration! And CNN wants the young demographic? Some of you weren't even born yet.
I really like Kyra anchoring.
I was jus on tv by the nubmers
and Morning Express is now ahead
of American Morning and Morning
Hey guys who are commenting about AC360 here at ATC.... we'd love to have your opinions posted at All Things Anderson too. Currently we are posting anonymous comments on both blogs.
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