1 - Special programming was aired on one night during the week
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Rating calculations are weekly averages based on nightly ratings provided by TVNewser with data by Nielsen Media Research. Numbers reflect Live and same day (DVR) data.
Posted by
10:23 PM
Labels: Ratings At A Glance
Those ratings are a little weird. The numbers for
FOX look lower than usual and 360 jumps up in
the demo at 10.
So it is true . Only a difference of 38,000 in the
demo between 360 and ED. This is getting to be
very interesting. 360 was Anderson Cooper at his
best last night. Anderson Cooper is an amazing
story-teller. It would be awesome if he could use
those skills each night on 360 . The man is a very
gifted writer.
If you guys are able, please post the Strombo
interview with Dr Sanjay Gupta. Man if CNN
gets this guy. From the show intro to the bio
to the interview with Sanjay Gupta. I hope CNN
can get him and Jack Tapper. CNN should be
the network with the most talented journos &
interviewers. I hope that George Strombo is on
the CNN Radar.. CBC is now breaking up the
show into two 30 minute shows. The first will
air at 7 PM the other at 11 PM. CNN should
just pay for the rights for him to do a 9 PM
hour specially designed for CNN.
The ratings are going down because of too much
political coverage. There has been no campaign,
no conventions and no debates. The public is not
tuned into all things politics like cable news. I am
watching cable news less these days. Wasting
viewers time by going on and on about a poll in
the month of May is useless. Do some news. I
didn't subscribe to 3 24/7 political channels. Can
somebody give us a news channel and not talk
and opinion channels.
Just saw an interview Poppy Harlow did with Jay Z. He is the perfect example of someone who is only voting for Barack Obama in 2008 because he too is African American. Not sure what the point of the interview was. It was uncomfortable watching.
It is not just CNN. CNN just happens to be the
network that is getting hit the worst but Monday
was not that great for FNC or MSNBC either. The
drop off usually does not happen until June. What
is it that is making viewers tune out almost one
month earlier ? CNN trying out a Summer women's
show may not be a bad thing.
There was nothing wrong with the Jay Z interview.
He is also a business mogul.
At my 5:42PM comment, I meant to say 2012.
OK. I agree that Anderson is at his best when he is in the field.
But most of his loyal viewers, such as myself, are over him.
Whether he is in Syria or he's in Bulgaria, were done.
And to compare HIM TO ED, who stayed with LABOR, when WE really needed him to be there, gave ED his following and some of that following, such as myself, will remain with ED. Anderson showed no interest in teachers, policeman, and fireman and we watch TV!
So unless CNN plans to KEEP their star performer in the field, from now on, his days of glory are over, unless he takes the offer from 60 Minutes.
Sorry for this reality check but AC got a 382 in totals from Syria!
AND unless his demos and totals improve by mid-week, they'll have him come home because it is just too costly to keep him there.
Those are the facts and he promoted himself on everyone's show, so everyone was aware that he was in the field.
360 might not be having the greatest month.
The funny thing is 360 could end up topping
ED in the demo. 41,000 is the difference so
far this month.
The management shake up at CNN is coming.
The problems are so widespread at CNN that
it needs new leadership. Shortly after that CNN
will have a new 7 PM show. I think it's possible
that CNN might move Erin Burnett to TSR. She
has been appearing on the show regularly on
the show with Wolf Blitzer. After that CNN will
make changes to Starting Point.
CNN's not even trying to hide how much they're pushing Romney. Wolf and Jack had a segment about how Romney should keep using the "failed President Jimmy Carter" theme in order to tie President Obama to that and beat him, Wolf was practically giddy about it. Shameful. And not neutral journalism.
It's the 21st century. There is nothing wrong with
CNN interviewing Jay Z. Hip hop is the dominant
most popular music in America today. Women,
minorities and hip hop fans consume news just
like everyone else. To people 50 and under hip
hop is not a big deal. Some have Jay Z in their
music collection and so do their kids. Nothing
is wrong with CNN interviewing Jay Z. Too
African American, what is that suppose to mean ?
Jay Z is also a prominent business figure.
CNN's political coverage is so empty. It is
completely useless and ridiculous. Arguing pundits
is not working. There is no real analysis nor do you
learn anything. CNN is too busy creating fake topics
to really focus on what is really going on. Drop
the pundits. Unfortunately, for CNN they are now
the face of the network. Not good news for CNN.
Try a different approach to politics other than
making up political fodder for a pundit food fight.
I agree with someone who said 360 should go with
Nia Maleka Henderson, Abby Huntsman, Toure,
Conor Knighton, and Brett Erlich for politics. TLW
is using Alex Wagner and Chris Hayes. 360 has
to get in the game.
CNN apparently is trying to save Erin Burnett. Now
they think a political strike team will save her show.
Like the economic strike team is working so well.
CNN needs to be working on a replacement show.
People's minds are already made up about Out Front.
That is exactly why The Sit Room is in trouble. AP
did a fact check on Romney and it blasted him big
time. Wolf and Jack just gives him a pass.
CNN hits lowest primetime demo rating at 9PM in 15 years according to TVnewser. I really want CNN to succeed. I love this network. Hopefully big changes will come soon.
"Arguing pundits is not working"
And you want Toure to be on 360ยบ???
As a loyal CNN viewer, I (and many people will agree) that CNN should completely get rid of pundits! I cannot stand it. It is why I wish CNN would revert back to its old format, and be more like Al Jazeera English. I want straight facts, and no opinion. Keep a few well known political contributors but no pundits.
"There is no real analysis nor do you learn anything."
I don't get that comment considering CNN has more analysis than any other network. They go as far as to over doing it by showing so many types of statistics that no one really thinks about.
According to TVN, Erin Burnett had the highest demos for this past Tuesday.
She was in the low one hundreds while AC got a 92 and an 89, for the 10PM slot.
Now the viewers don't know where he is.
Before they were just confused as to what he was, a journalist one minute, a comedian the next.
On Monday he really was in Syria, and Tuesday nite, back to NYC?
Maybe I'm the dumb one, but why go?
Most viewers don't like change and they don't handle it well...as we can judge from the ratings.
For 360 to be CNN's major prime time show, why
is the production value so low ? There is no open
that is pre-produced. Where are the cool graphics
conveying a point that you can see and get right
away ( aka TRMS ). That dancing blue background
has got to go. Stop it with the cliches. Just freakin
write an intro. You don't have to use KTH for a
segment on a charity ripping off vets. You are
suppose to be communication masters. You don't
need cliches and phrases. It is true Young Turks
has better production value than 360. The show
is looking like a cheaply produced show that is
not a pleasant setting for viewers. Crime &
Punishment, Raw Politics. Enough already. CNN
makes it hard to connect with viewers because
of branding run amok. That gets old quick.
Words matter and 360 needs to let Anderson
connect with viewers via story-telling. Yes,
all networks have special segments but you just
don't do that for an hour. There is no flow or
continuity to 360. The show has no rhythm.
If you are dong a Keeping Them Honest story
don't use lying pundits. CNN is making mistakes
that are costly. How can viewers take KTH
seriously. I liked when Raw Politics was a full
package it was more effective Are you telling
me that real CNN reporters can't sum up the
politics of the day that is all brought together
with writing, editing and has a point. Partisan
POV should never have been a part of 360.
360 was the original news renegade. Drop the
tired old formulas that CNN seems incapable
of cutting lose. Aril Fleischer and Paul Begula
really 360 ? CNN I don't want to hear what the
pundits think try reporting on what is really
going on. At some point CNN has to act like
they care about viewers. If 360 is the major
prime time show on CNN , act like it. Give
viewers a show that lets them walk away with
something each night. Pundits were never a
part of 360 and they should not be now. I am
sick of the pundits on 360. They are not
relevant or add any value to the conversation.
Maybe when CNN is getting CBC type ratings
they will understand CNN viewers can't stand
the pundits. How many ways can viewers send
CNN a message ? CNN you are nothing without
your pundits.
PMT should never have happened in the first
place. CNN inflicts damage upon itself. Erin
Burnett never did news but CNN thinks they
can turn her into a serious news personality
with a widely panned show. Starting Point is
nothing but a pundit panel with a CNN anchor
for window dressing. Like viewers are not smart
enough to see it has CrossFire written all over
it. CNN did this in the morning after see it ddi
not work for John King.
The management team will be out but no one
can fix the problems at CNN overnight. The
network might be lost. Viewers waited and
kept hoping CNN would change. It did not
happen. CNN you don't diss your customers.
How is CNN going to get those viewers back ?
CNN is no longer a major player. Rachel Maddow
is proving to be the game changer for MSNBC.
She is getting close to Hannity. If she flips the
hour for MSNBC that is major. Frankly, I think
that is where all of those 360 viewers are moving.
The ratings for FNC are under 400,000 demos
this week in prime time.. On Tuesday, BOR did
not have the top demo for FNC. CNN got hit
hard first but they might soon have some company.
MSNBC directly challenged FNC and it is paying
off. CNN got it all wrong they turned into FNC
and angered viewers. MSNBC set out to beat FNC
not be FNC. It is a shame that CNN management
took the network out of competition.
True, Burnett had the highest demo Tuesday with 103k but what does that say when CNN's worst performing primetime show is the ONLY one to break 100k in the demo that night. 103k is STILL terrible. Besides, she didn't have the highest total viewship either. Piers still isn't gaining traction and now CNN's star AC is tanking in the ratings as well. CNN does seem to be doubling down on OutFront but people aren't buying! For an anchor to carry a show there needs to be trust and credibility - she does NOT have it. I find it baffling that CNN is investing in someone who is so inexperienced, so young and green, and completely out of her depth. Why her? What does she have that all the other 30-something Wall Street neophytes don't? I don't get the appeal at all.
I agree with those who are critical of having pundits on CNN. First, they already have Abby Huntsman and I don't think cable news needs another vapid presidential candidate also-ran offspring to yap their talking points on TV. I don't find her at all compelling. I like Nia Malika Henderson - but she is not a pundit. She is a smart, thoughtfut reporter. CNN needs to drop pundits and show off more of their reporting team. Get rid of the partisan hacks, aka CNN "Contributors."
360 should go Nia Malika Henderson. Last night
TLW had on Chris Hayes and Alex Wagner. MSNBC
seems to have hired all of the sharp young political
reporters. 360 had on bickering pundits while TLW
had smart political talk. Why does CNN keep putting
the boring pundits on 360. It is now the pundit
dumping ground because CNN's political shows
have collapsed. Tossing question to pundits is so
ancient and needs to end.
That women's news show might need to come on
at 9 PM. CNN might decide to dump PMT before
Erin Burnett. He is on in a more important hour.
That is the million dollar question : which show
will CNN drop first , PMT Out Front or Starting
Point ? Seriously doubt any will be around by
Even though I agree that Erin Burnett, Piers Morgan, and Starting Point need to go, I don't think CNN will dump them by fall. They should but they won't. They've done a graphics redesign on Early Start and Starting Point and they started airing commercials for Starting Point with Soledad Obrien. That suggest to me they will try to make it work. OutFront has launched the Politcal Strike Team to which media critic Jay Rosen says "can the show get any dumber?" in response to the strike team. Given that CNN exec Jim Walton has a total h*rd-on for Burnett, she is going no where (much to my dismay). As for Piers, well they relaunched him again in January 2012 after he quit that talent show and they gave him AC360 as lead-in and lead-out to boot. The ratings for all three are tanking fast. CNN's new motto: If at first you don't succeed, double-down on your stupidity.
Burnett, Cooper, and Morgan have shown to be an unholy concoction of epic news failure. Even the once great Anderson Cooper can't carry these two deadweights. They are like cement blocks tied to his ankles. The only ones who can't see it are Burnett, Morgan and the execs at CNN Worldwide. Given Anderson's attitude lately, I think he knows he is on a sinking ship and is miffed that management is doing nothing about it.
@1:07 p.m. I agree with most of your comments. However, I would say that part of AC360's problem is the attitude of the anchor too. He is simply not engaged the way he was a few years ago, and I get the feeling on most nights that he is in a different reality than the anchor chair he is sitting in. Simply don't know on some evenings if he is there mentally or just 'phoning it in'.
@1.07pm you hit the nail in the head with your comment. The only way any really significant and dramatic change could start happening is if Walton and much of his yes-men are booted. If this month's ratings continue the way they started, I think the change at the top might come slightly sooner than expected, but I must admit I'm a bit terrified as to who might succeed Walton.
"Piers still isn't gaining traction, and CNN's star AC is tanking in the ratings as well."
Yes, this is true, but Anderson is on twice as much as everyone else.
It is about time commenters stopped blaming those before AC and After AC for his ratings.
If people want to watch somebody, they do, no matter who is before or after.
What is his excuse in daytime?
Should he have Judge Judy as a lead in and who does Judge Judy depend on? She garners ratings because she has a LOYAL viewership who like to watch her.
AC is "miffed" at management because of Piers and Burnett. This is a subjective statement with NO FACTS to support it.
Perhaps he should be "miffed" at himself for thinking he can do it ALL.
Piers Morgan and Erin Burnett are not "cement block tied to Anderson's ankles."
If AC can run through the streets of NYC to promote is dayshow, he can certainly run at a marathons pace at night if he really wanted to.
The question is should he be replaced as well as Morgan and Burnett if he choses not to perform.
If he's tied to his desk, and sits there like glue, don't blame them.
Place the blame where it belongs.
Anon 7:26pm and 11:40pm:
Don't get your panties in a twist, I said in my post that this is what I think. I admit this is a subjective statement, AS MOST STATEMENTS ARE ON THIS BLOG. I may be a bigger fan of AC than you are but I think AC has really exposed himself to criticism lately. As someone said above, he is phoning it in. I totally agree with that statement (even though it is subjective). I blame Morgan and Burnett for their own failures as well - no one really believes that those two are failing because of Anderson Cooper. They have never demonstrated an ability to hold a solid audience for CNN. So, you are free to rail on AC all you want, and much of it he deserves but you can't expect to spout your subjective statements and expect that no one else can. Sometime we agree, and sometimes not.
Good for Lawrence O'Donnell topping Greta in the Demos and being the clear winner on Thursday night.
MSNBC is also the clear winner placing second right behind Fox permanently, and unfortunately for CNN things are not working as planned.
Let's start cleaning house, shall we....a clean sweep of everyone there, and stop with this nonsense of lead ins.
Everyone should take responsibilty for their own performance or lack there of.
"no one really believes that Burnett and Morgan are failing because of Anderson Cooper."
No, no one believes that, but by the same token, Anderson Cooper isn't failing because of Burnett and Morgan.
He is doing it all by his little lonesome.
Let the chips fall where they may.
And some things are far less subjective than others...like ratings that show failure and total disinterest by both the viewer as well as the anchor, and the cause is, the viewer isn't watching and the anchor doesn't seem to care.
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