Kiran Chetry and John Roberts mark their debut as the new co-anchors of CNN's flagship morning program American Morning on Monday, April 16 from 6 a.m. to 9 am (ET).
With Chetry based in New York and Roberts anchoring from both New York and Washington, D.C., the new anchor team will offer a heavy dose of political news each morning. On Monday, American Morning will launch with an extensive interview with John and Elizabeth Edwards from the presidential candidates childhood home in Seneca, S.C. On Tuesday, April 17, American Morning will focus on Attorney General Alberto Gonzales’ testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee with live interviews with newsmakers prior to the hearings.
As part of American Morning’s ongoing coverage of the war in Iraq, Chetry will kick off a new series, “Children of War,” featuring an in-depth look at the lives of children with parents serving in Iraq. This look at the impact of war at home will continue throughout the week.
I'm going to record and review, at least for the first few days. Since I'm not a morning person this should be very interesting.
You wanna bet they'll be shoving more Imus down our throats, too? ;-)
Awesome photo of JR & KC. Can't wait till Monday
I wish them good luck!
That should be interesting with John Roberts anchoring from DC & NY. Sort of breaks up the normal morning show routine. I plan on taping it as well for the first few days to see how things go. Did anyone see Soledad & Mile's last signoff as morning anchors? I think I taped it, but haven't had a chance to watch.
I don't usually get to watch much morning TV..hard enough getting myself out of bed to begin my work day! By the time I'm fully functional it's more like afternoon TV. I will look forward to your comments about the show to clue me in on whether or not it is Tivo worthy. Mr Em's already griping I have the whole thing filled with Anderson!!
Great new blog!
Karin talked over Michael Ware during a report. She just kept inturupting him. How dare she. He's my man!
I'll give her a second chance. Looks like I don't have a choice. If I go to sleep with Anderson she'll be there in the morning whether I like it or not! LOL
Miles & Soledad signed off on Friday morning with grace & class. Miles actually sounds like he's going to enjoy the change. Soledad didn't sound quite as convinced (IMHO).
JR plugged Monday's show during This Week At War. Kiran previewed the Children of War story. I'm hoping that he keeps doing TWAW.
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