This past week has been filled with so much new programming on CNN, it would have been easy to miss the Soledad O'Brien's Special Investigations Unit program Growing Up Diana.

It's hard for me to fathom that its been 10 years since the princess' tragic death. I remember watching the fairy tale wedding on television~ the assumption was that a fairy tale would end with happily ever after.

The program focuses on her up bringing, her courtship with Prince Charles, the royal wedding, and the early years of her marriage. Did you know that she had a school girl crush on Prince Charles? She first met her prince when she was only 16. They didn't start dating until she was 18 (and he was 31).

Soledad O'Brien does an excellent job presenting this story without it becoming tabloid. She talks to the princess' nanny, a woman that employed the princess as a nanny, and a few other life long friends.
I never realized that she had a secret speech writer, who was a long time friend of hers. The program gives the impression that the princess was thrown into the deep end of the pool without any assistance- sink or swim.
Mystery Journalist
This week's Mystery Journalist: CNN's Chief National Correspondent John King
This screen cap comes from a July 23, 2007 live shot from the Citadel on American Morning.
How did you do this week? I'll post another Mystery Journalist clue in Friday's post.

And finally tonight, a happy birthday to Americam Morning anchor Kiran Chetry. She celebrated her birthday today (August 26).
Dang! Figures! That was such a hard mystery journalist. Oh well :)
Soledad's Diana special was very impressive. I enjoyed watching it.
Happy birthday to Kiran :)
I really liked Growing up Diana. It was very good and informative. Soledad always does so good with documentaries.
Well I was wrong on the mystery journalist. I said Anderson...LOL!!!
I was a big fan of Princess Diana's. I think the world really lost a person who really cared about people and who worked hard to make sure sick people and poor people had a voice.
I, too, remember waking up early to watch the wedding. I was nine and remember wishing I was her, now after what we know of her life, it's sad how unlike a fairy tale it was!
I loved Princess Diana......who didn't grow up dreaming they could have the "fairy tale" like she did. I was only 2 weeks old when she married Charles but I remember growing up and watching her and just having such admiration for her. I remember where I was and what I was doing when Diana passed away. It is one of those moments in my lifetime that you don't forget. I just remember crying and thinking how sad her 2 boys must be now that they did not have their mother. I can't believe it had been 10 years, it honestly seemes like it was yesterday. Soledad did a fantastic job on "Growing Up Diana", another great job.
Hope you had a lot of fun on your b~day :)
Thanks for adding John King as a mystery journalist! I love that pic :)
I saw the Diana special and thought it was splendid. Soledad did an amazing job and as noted, thank goodness it was not tabloid-esque.
I too remember watching the wedding. I was only 9 years old at the time, and I was watching it at an aunt's house in The Netherlands.
All the adults around me were so enthralled. I didn't really know much about British royalty at the time, all I could remember thinking about was the amazing dress and how beautiful she looked.
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