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Sunday, October 21, 2007

Iraq and the Embedded Journalists

In September, 2003, The University of Tennessee's Howard H. Baker, Jr. Center for Public Policy had a seminar called The War: Iraq and the Embedded Journalists. Below is a video clip from a presentation that Gary Tuchman gave at this seminar entitled A Journalist Prepares and Goes to War.

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Tuchman discusses his experience reporting during the first days of the Iraq War from an army base in Kuwait City and being embedded with the air force on a base in Northern Kuwait.

David Rust, an embedded cameraman for CNN, also gave a presentation. You can view this at: The presentation includes a look at the equipment that they used while embedded with the military.


Mystery Journalist

This week's Mystery Journalist was
Wolf Blitzer.


Jennifer said...

I'm right about my guess is Wolf Blitzer. WhooHoo!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the video of Gary's presentation at UT. He is one of my favorites and I found the entire presentation to be extremely interesting. -Em