According to TVNewser, former CNN correspondent Marina Kolbe who filed a discrimination lawsuit against CNN case has gone to trail.
"Marina Kolbe says the network did not renew her contract in 2003 because she was 42 and white — and that CNN was instead interested in hiring young, minority on-air staff.
According to the Fulton County (GA) Daily Report, "internal CNN memos introduced (at the trial) suggest that, beginning in 1999, in some cases a job candidate's race and ethnicity were key factors in hiring on-air talent. One memo also revealed a push by CNN to hire 'younger, more attractive anchors' to draw younger audiences..."
CNN spokesperson Christa Robinson tells TVNewser, "CNN did not discriminate against Marina Kolbe in any way. CNN made a competitive talent decision that had nothing to do with the race or age of Ms. Kolbe. In addition, we do not agree with the characterizations of the documents presented in the article."
CNN does have a lot of minorities that work for them but I think that shows they are not bias in who they hire. We'll keep you updated on the develops.

Coming up on Larry King this week...
*Monday he'll have Judge Judy answering viewer's questions.
*Tuesday, Actress, Hunter Tylo joins Larry to discuss her son's tragic death.
*Wednesday, Larry will have Donnie and Marie Osmond on to talk about "Dancing with the Stars" and the death of their father.
*Thursday, James Van Praagh and John Edward join Larry to discuss how they communicate with the dead.
Upcoming Guests:
Joy Behar
Joan Rivers
Sharon Stone
Mario Lopez
Kenneth Cole
Josh Grobin
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Have a great week everyone!
"Seems like an odd lawsuit based on the fact that CNN has more minority anchors/correspondents than the other news networks?"
But Marina Kolbe is white. She believes her contract wasn't renewed because she was too old (according to CNN) and wasn't a minority.
I'll reword it but what I meant is that CNN seems open to having all types of people work for them and that they don't seem bias because of that.
Is LK going to even be on Thursday night. I did not think it would be with the Democratic debate and all
It looks like "Larry King Live" will have some interesting shows this week.
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