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Tuesday, December 11, 2007

CNN: Election Center 2008

Hi everyone! I'm now a permanent fixture here at ATC every Monday night. If you read my posts at ATA, you'll know I'm a huge political geek. And I'm always looking for websites that layout all the presidential candidates views on the hot-button issues for this campaign season. (Click the screen grabs to enlarge.)

Well, I shall look no further! CNN's Election Center 2008 is the place to be for all your campaign information. In it's Meet The Candidates section, you will find extensive candidate biographies as well as their political history, supporters, advisers, campaign funds, position on issues as well as links to the hottest news on each candidate.

In their States To Watch section, you'll get a run-down of each of the key states like Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina to name a few. I found information on each state's government, their primary or caucus process, latest polls (which I'm not quite sure is current information but I could be wrong), demographic information and past election highlights. There is even a link for potential voters to register to vote if need be.

The Issues section is what I found most helpful although I think I've seen enough debates now to figure out where each candidate is coming from! Seriously though, if you want a comparison of all the candidates and how they stand on your most important issues, this is the place to visit!

Ah, the all important Money section is where you'll find all the pertinent info on the candidates campaign funds. It's no surprise that Ms. Hillary is the top dog in this category. Her campaign really is a well-oiled machine in that department! But of course, Mr. Obama isn't far behind. What I find amazing is that the front-running Republican candidate in the campaign dollars column isn't anywhere near Mrs. Clinton or Barack Obama. (The data is from September 2007)

And last but not least, the almighty Debate section is where to go to get caught up on the what seems like the 100th debate to happen before 2008! LOL! Okay, I exaggerate but I swear I'm all debated out! But if you aren't and you want to find out when the next showdown is, click on the Debates tab and you'll get all the latest and greatest!

I'll make it easy for you though. The next debates take place in Iowa on Wednesday and Thursday afternoons at 2pm CST. Note: CNN's December 17th debate at the JFK Presidential Library has been cancelled. (Source: Boston Globe thru TVNewser)

And of course if you aren't all politicked out from all this great information at your fingertips, you can click on CNN's Race to 2008 Podcast. You can find the podcast link at the bottom right-hand corner of the main page.

Well, that does it for this political geek! I'll see you next week! ~Sheryn


Phebe said...

Great information and nice to have you at ATC on a regular basis.

Anonymous said...

Good stuff.Informatin is porwer.