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Thursday, January 31, 2008

California Debates....History in the Making

Over the past two evenings CNN along with the LA Times and brought us the final debates with the Republicans and Democratic candidates before Super Tuesday. Whatever side you fall on Republican, Democrat, or Independent we all know that we are getting to the point where these events are history making. This is an election that will be talked about for generations and generations to come and I could not be more excited by this. So rather then telling you what happened during the debates, I want to share some pictures from the two California Debates.

Republican Debate
Reagan Presidential Library
Simi Valley, California

All photos courtesy E.M. Pio-Roda ©2008 Cable News Network. A Time Warner Company. All Rights Reserved.

Democratic Debate
Kodak Theatre
Los Angeles, California

At the end of tonight's debate Wolf announced the next CNN debates will be held in Ohio on February 27 and 28th. Stay tuned!!!

All content, unless otherwise cited, is © All Things CNN and may not be used without consent of the blog administrator.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

For real. There are actually more debates for
Feb back to back again. Awesome!!! I was at
work and did not see the end of the debate.
I did watch some moments of the night.
I think it will likely be the highest rated
presidential debate in television history.