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Friday, January 11, 2008

This Week at War/Politics

From the CNN Press Room:
CNN’s This Week at War takes a more political bent for the Saturday, Jan. 12, edition as it expands its focus to scrutinize how the 2008 presidential candidates plan to deal with the war in Iraq and other issues involving the military and conflicts abroad should they make it to the Oval Office. The program will air from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. (ET).
Hosted by CNN’s Tom Foreman, the program also will include a look ahead to the Michigan primary and how the voters and veterans in that state feel about the war in Iraq. Panelists will discuss whether U.S. troops serving overseas have become political casualties of the 2008 election season. Other topics of discussion are the politics of oil in the struggle for international peace and the political fallout of President George W. Bush’s trip to the Middle East.
Among the guests on the program are Chris Christoff, bureau chief for the Detroit Free Press; Joseph Cirincione, director of nuclear policy at the Center for American Progress; Noah Feldman, Harvard University professor and senior adjunct fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations; Brig. Gen. David Grange, U.S. Army (Ret.) and CNN military analyst; Ken Pollack, director of research at the Brookings Institution; Bill Schneider, CNN senior political analyst; Barbara Starr, CNN Pentagon correspondent; Shibley Telhami, University of Maryland professor and Middle East analyst; Jim VandeHei, executive editor of The Politico; Alphonso Van Marsh, CNN international correspondent; and Ben Wedeman, CNN international correspondent.
CNN’s This Week at War airs Saturdays from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. and Sundays from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. (ET). The Sunday, Jan. 13, edition of the program will be pre-empted for CNN’s “Ballot Bowl” coverage. “Ballot Bowl” is long-form, uninterrupted coverage of Democratic and Republican candidates’ significant live and recent events, offering viewers around the country a chance to see a complete political campaign event first-hand.
If you missed the return of Jon Stewart this week you missed some good laughs at CNN's expense.

Here's Lou Dobbs visiting with Jon on Thursday night. Thanks to JWest for the links.

And last, but not least, we'd like to wish Christiane Amanpour a happy birthday today! All content, unless otherwise cited, is © All Things CNN and may not be used without consent of the blog administrator.


Sapphire said...

Happy Birthday to Ms. Amanpour. She is awesome!!!!

Cyn said...

I'm 100% behind the Writer's Guild in the strike, but so very, very grateful that Jon and Stephen are back. No one else can skewer the politcos like them!