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Monday, May 12, 2008

Wars and Rumors of War

As the natural disaster in Burma turned into a man-made catastrophe, CNN's Dan Rivers traveled deep inside the country to bring us the true story that the repressive military junta was trying to hide. His harrowing story of avoiding capture could not be told until he was once again outside of the country:

On Sunday, Howard Kurtz interviewed Dan on Reliable Sources:

Dan's experiences were also written up for a Behind The Scenes article on titled "Escaping cyclone-ravaged Myanmar." 

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Beirut Bureau Chief Brent Sadler posted an article about the ongoing fighting in Lebanon: Hezbollah-led forces take revolt to mountains above Beirut.

Beirut, May 12, 2008. 
International reporter Hala Gorani & her producer "standing in part of the offices of Future television, the pro-government network torched by opposition supporters two days ago. There is still smoke curling from the debris."

For more on what is happening in Beirut, keep an eye on the blog for Hala's program Inside the Middle East.

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As I mentioned Saturday, Michael Ware is back in Baghdad, and on Saturday filed a report on the situation in Sadr City:

So far, the cease-fire seems shaky at best, but that's a step up from the way things have been going there, so we can hope for improvement.

By the way, General Colin Powell gave a speech last week in which he addressed the proposed updates to the GI Bill that are currently being debated. The fact that they are even being debated rather than just approved is very, very sad:

That's it for me today. The earthquake in China adds yet another humanitarian nightmare to the world's woes. CNN, of course, has the Impact Your World page to assist you in donating if you can. Maybe we should stop funding the political ads and start sending our money to someplace where it will really do some good...

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1 comment:

maxie1218 said...

Excellent post! Thanks Cyn.