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Wednesday, August 27, 2008

CBS's The Early Show with Erica Hill

All the focus this week has been on CNN and it's fabulous convention coverage. The ratings truly have been phenominal. But let's change it up a bit and take a little break from politics with a look at Erica Hill's new gig on CBS.
CNN's Erica Hill has been moonlighting for the last month or so on the Saturday's Early Show. After working the night shift at AC360 she manages to pull off perky at 5 AM the next morning. If she could bottle that energy she'd make a mint.
For those of you who don't have the opportunity to watch The Early Show we've clipped a few segments from Saturday, August 23rd's broadcast.
First up is the opening host banter, it's not as good as Anderson Cooper/Erica Hill banter but what is?

Erica did a one on one interview with Bob Schieffer, former anchor of the CBS Evening News and the anchor of Face the Nation since 1991 .

This segment takes a look at what Erica would have looked like in her yearbook pictures if she was born in a different decade. Erica got quite a kick out of her pictures.

We were so amused by the classroom pictures from the past that we went to and created a few of our own. Can you guess the CNN personality and the year we chose for their pictures? For the answers check comments.

The last clip in our Erica Hill tribute is the obligatory morning show fitness segment.

Special thanks to Sapphire for the Bob Schieffer clip. That's it for us this week. Have a great Labor Day weekend everyone! ~Phebe

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Phebe said...

Wolf Blitzer 1976
Candy Crowley 1970
John Roberts 1980
Anderson Cooper 1982
John King 1960
Erica Hill 1968

How did you do?

JRHot said...

I zeroed in on JR's eyes......they get me every time. The only one I couldn't get was Wolf......not used to seeing him with a clean shaven face. :)
That was fun.

Sapphire said...

oh my gosh those yearbook photos are classic.....well done Phebe!. I almlost lost my tea when I saw them.

I have so enjoyed Erica on the Early Show and not that I would ever want her to leave CNN but she is being used in such a larger why on the Early Show. Just goes against what the naysayers say......Erica Hill certainly does have the chops to interview someone like Bob Schieffer IMO

Em said...

Loved the interview with Bob Schieffer. It is interesting that he thinks Obama/Biden is now a winning ticket.

I can just imagine the hubbies face if he came in and I was doing squats in front of the stove LOL!

The pictures are awesome. Unfortunately I remember all of teh 70's-80's fashions all too well...would have thought those guys were so cool! ROFL

JRHot said...

I went back and was looking at the dates. John King was born in 1964.

Kristien said...

Thanks for the clips! I obviously can't watch it and I was very curious to see Erica in action on another program. Just like I thought she would, she did a great job.

Hahaha, John King looks fa-bu-lous!!!

QuotidianEditorialist said...

OMG Anderson with a "fro"? LOL. That is a classic. I love them all and that one of Wolf looks like it could be the real thing. John King too. Thanks for a much needed chuckle. =)

Also, I missed Erica on CBS this past weekend, so I truly enjoyed the clips.