Miles O'Brien did a piece this week that looked into the many crashes of air ambulances lately. One big way to help avoid such disasters would be to equip the pilots with NightVision goggles. The NTSB has recommended that this be done, but any law requiring that is passing very slowly through channels. (The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are also already putting those goggles in high demand.) But the difference in visibility -- literally night and day -- makes this a vital part of any rescue:
On Wednesday, the 2009 troop deployments were announced, and Barbara Starr reported on what's happening:
Cal Perry also reported on the Iraqi national soccer team, which brought some of the few moments of joy and national pride to the country. It's amazing to see people in the stadium at all, let alone without kevlar:
On Friday, a look at some world reaction to the VP debate from Reza Sayah in Islamabad, Cal Perry in Baghdad, and Kyung Lah in Tokyo:
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The ATC team would like to send wishes for a full recovery to Bill Schneider, who recently had a health scare. This from Friday's TVNewser:
VP Debate: Bill Schneider, Back In Action After Denver Hospital DetourSt. Louis really is a long way from Denver. Just ask CNN's Bill Schneider."I am feeling better," he told TVNewser last evening while in St. Louis covering the Vice Presidential debate. "I am doing better." Much better than he felt in the Mile High City when he was there in August for the Democratic National Convention.He went to Denver for the convention, but ended up in the hospital. With a bleeding ulcer. Schneider missed two days on-air, but got back in the swing of things in rapid fashion.And none too quickly, because Schneider values his role as a political analyst. "I get feedback, which I absolutely love...people come up to me on the street...and they say, 'I'm not sure I know your name, but I love your stuff because you're very clear.'"My response is, 'Thank you. That's my job.' That's what I'm here to do, to make things clear." It's second-nature for Schneider, who has taught at the college level and has a Ph.D. in Political Science from Harvard.But even though he's a political junkie, Schneider says he's ready for a new President to be chosen already. "It feels like I've been covering this campaign for years," he says with a laugh. "Oh wait, I have!"
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Where in the World...?
A pretty quiet week in WITW...
SATURDAY: TJ Holmes, Suzanne Malveaux, and Dana Bash reported from Oxford, Mississippi, scene of the Presidential debate the night before; Roland Martin and John King both hosted shows in New York to critique the debate, and Michael Ware appeared on both shows.
SUNDAY: Jessica Yellin was in Detroit with the Obama campaign; Dana was on Capitol Hill; Wolf Blitzer was in New York; John King was in Washington.
MONDAY: Suzanne was in Denver with Obama; John Roberts hosted Election Center.
TUESDAY: Richard Quest is in Los Angeles and discussed the financial meltdown; Miles O'Brien was in New York; John Roberts hosted The Situation Room, as he also would on Wednesday.
WEDNESDAY: Cal Perry (above) is in Baghdad; John Zarrella was in Fort Pierce, Florida to cover Bill Clinton campaigning for Obama; Suzanne was in Washington; Dana was in New York.
THURSDAY: Candy Crowley, Suzanne, and Dana were in St. Louis for the VP debate; Wolf was in New York, as he also would be Friday.
FRIDAY: Nada! Everybody stayed put!
That's it for me today... I will be off next Saturday, so WITW will be back in two weeks with twice as much globe-trotting to cover!
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Love your posts Cyn, I get to catch up on the reports I missed and wanted to see. Cal in the Baghdad soccer stadium was priceless. Let’s hope things will continue to improve there.
With Cal's soccer story and the Arwa's piece for Inside the Middle East from the Habbanyie resort, it gives hope for Iraq... At least, we see something else of this country.
Thank you, Cyn.
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