The US economic story did not become news over the last few days but these last few days certainly have been a roller coaster and CNN has been there.
Monday morning after a long debate on the House floor, the bailout bill was rejected and the markets crashed.
Monday’s closing bell on Wall St. covered by Susan Lisovich and Rick Sanchez.
Situation Room cover the story from all the angles including having Suze Orman on (who made the rounds on Larry King Live and Anderson Cooper 360 as well).
Here is a clip from the Tuesday’s opening of American Morning.
With word coming out late Tuesday night that the Senate would be voting Wednesday, here is a clip of American Morning’s opening on Wednesday.
And my award for VIP in this who economic crisis is….Ali Velshi! Here is a clip of Ali and Campbell Brown discussing the Senate’s vote on the “new” bailout bill.
Wednesday night the Senate passed the bailout bill. It is now back to the House to see if this bill will go to the President’s desk.
With the Vice Presidential debate airing Thursday night, CNN released the following press release regarding CNN’s Friday Presidential Debate online numbers.
CNN Digital No. 1 in Unique Visitors, Total Minutes, Page Views on Debate Day
Traffic Record Reached for ‘Political Ticker,’ No. 1 Political News Blog According to Nielsen Online
Traffic Record Reached for ‘Political Ticker,’ No. 1 Political News Blog According to Nielsen Online
As online users sought up-to-the-minute news and information on the day of the first presidential debate, the CNN Digital Network broke away from its competitors, securing the No. 1 spot among Current Events and Global News Sites across key Nielsen Online usage metrics, including unique visitors, total minutes and page views.
On Friday, Sept. 26, the CNN Digital Network obtained the No. 1 spot across multiple metrics, including:
· Unique visitors: 7.7 million
· Total minutes: 70 million, besting No. 2 MSNBC Digital by 70 percent
· Page views: 71.2 million page views, beating No. 2 MSNBC Digital by 89 percent.
(Source: Nielsen Online)
On Saturday, Sept. 27, the CNN Digital Network again ranked No.1 with 32.8 million total minutes and 38.4 million page views. (Source: Nielsen Online) Live, the network’s multi-stream, live video news service, served 1.1 million live video streams, representing an increase of 271 percent over the benchmark period and ranking Friday, Sept. 26, as the second-highest day on record for the live video news service. (Source: Omniture SiteCatalyst, Global)
On Friday, Sept. 26, the CNN Digital Network obtained the No. 1 spot across multiple metrics, including:
· Unique visitors: 7.7 million
· Total minutes: 70 million, besting No. 2 MSNBC Digital by 70 percent
· Page views: 71.2 million page views, beating No. 2 MSNBC Digital by 89 percent.
(Source: Nielsen Online)
On Saturday, Sept. 27, the CNN Digital Network again ranked No.1 with 32.8 million total minutes and 38.4 million page views. (Source: Nielsen Online) Live, the network’s multi-stream, live video news service, served 1.1 million live video streams, representing an increase of 271 percent over the benchmark period and ranking Friday, Sept. 26, as the second-highest day on record for the live video news service. (Source: Omniture SiteCatalyst, Global), the online gateway to the network’s up-to-the-minute political coverage, generated 12 million page views on Friday, while The Political Ticker – the No. 1 political news blog according to Nielsen Online – set a record for its highest trafficked day ever with 4.8 million page views on Friday, Sept. 26. Continuing its momentum, the Political Ticker garnered 4.2 million page views on Saturday, Sept. 27, accounting for the blog’s second-highest day on record. This is the second time in a month that the Political Ticker has generated record page views. (Source: Omniture SiteCatalyst, Global)

Everyone at All Things CNN sends our warmest birthday wishes to Gary Tuchman who is celebrating his birthday on Thursday. I wonder where in the world Gary will be on his birthday??? Hopefully where ever it is, Gary has a fantastic day.
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