I don't know about anyone else but I can not think of a better way to spend Thanksgiving then watching a celebration that truly honors those who do things that so many people around the world are truly thankful for.
CNN aired it's second CNN Heroes event Thursday night. Anderson Cooper hosted this year's event from Los Angeles.
So tonight I want to share some photos from the CNN Heroes event.

Tad Agoglia, Houston, Texas: Agoglia's First Response Team provides immediate help to areas hit by natural disasters. In a little more than a year, he and his crew have helped thousands of victims at more than 15 sites across the United States, free of charge.

Yohannes Gebregeorgis, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: Moved by the lack of children's books and literacy in his native Ethiopia, Gebregeorgis established Ethiopia Reads, bringing free public libraries and literacy programs to thousands of Ethiopian children.

Carolyn LeCroy, Norfolk, Virginia: After serving time in prison, LeCroy started the Messages Project to help children stay connected with their incarcerated parents. She and volunteer camera crews have taped roughly 3,000 messages from inmates to their children.

Anne Mahlum, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: On her daily morning jogs, Mahlum used to run past homeless men. Today, she's helping to transform lives by running with them, and others as part of her Back On My Feet program.

Liz McCartney, St. Bernard Parish, Louisiana: McCartney moved to New Orleans to dedicate herself to helping Hurricane Katrina survivors move back into their homes. Her nonprofit, St. Bernard Project, has rebuilt the homes of more than 120 families for free. Liz was voted as the 2008 CNN Hero of the Year.

Phymean Noun, Toronto, Ontario: Growing up in Cambodia, Noun struggled to complete high school. Today, she offers hundreds of Cambodian children who work in Phnom Penh's trash dump a way out through free schooling and job training.

David Puckett, Savannah, Georgia: Puckett started PIPO Missions to bring ongoing prosthetic and orthotic care to those in need. Since November 2000, he has helped more than 420 people in southeastern Mexico, free of charge.

Maria Ruiz, El Paso, Texas: Several times a week, Ruiz crosses the border into Juarez, Mexico, bringing food, clothing and toys to hundreds of impoverished children and their families.

Marie Da Silva, Los Angeles, California: Having lost 14 family members to AIDS, the nanny funds a school in her native Malawi, where half a million children have been orphaned by the disease.

Viola Vaughn, Kaolack, Senegal: The Detroit, Michigan, native moved to Senegal to retire. Instead, a group of failing schoolchildren asked her to help them pass their classes. Today, her 10,000 Girls program is helping hundreds of girls succeed in school and run their own businesses
Congratulations to all of the CNN Heroes!!!!
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Congratulations to all of the CNN Heroes!!!!
Last year I was so overwhelmed by the CNN Heroes Special I even made the bold attempt to buy the disc from CNN. As it happens it was too expensive and I wound up watching the show at least 3 times.
This year I couldn't stand to watch it once. What was missing? Everything, including good sense and Christiane Amanpour. She also helped Anderson host and it proved to be a worth while diversion. It was taped at the Metropolitan and portions were also filmed at the public library which provided a sense of culture and sophistication.
This year CNN crossed the line between entertainment and journalism,filming in LA. We heard far less from the actual heroes and far, far, far more from the celebrities, all of whom I care very little about.
Anderson looked the part of the perfect host, but gone was his boyish charm and in place a graceful bordem. No one reads the teleprompter better than Anderson or looks better doing it. Having said that, I don't watch CNN to be entertained and I NEVER watch award shows and that's exactly what this was, interspered with some heroes who yes, were inspiring, but given a lot less to do than last year. The only one who wasn't inspired was THIS viewer.
This was my first time watching the CNN Heroes tribute. And all I have to say was, wow! Each person's words brought me to tears and it allowed me to think that if a Nanny in LA can make a difference, a lady in El Paso, and a business man in Savannah, why can't I do something?
I promise you that I will.
Thank you CNN for an excellent event. It has motivated thousands to action.
A 2008 heroes show, with no one from our military?
That's an absurdity.
@9:39 AM: I fully agree. I'd like to meet the committee who picked the actual heroes and then meet all the LA agents who enlisted their "stars," to exploit the program. When CNN and People have a joint venture, you know the show will be mediocre and it was.
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