Tuesday, Stan Grant had early reaction to President Obama's al-Arabiya interview:
And on Tuesday's AC360, Nic Robertson (in London) had a pre-recorded piece about Saudi hopes for a new relationship with our new president, after which Anderson Cooper asked Peter Bergen (in NOLA) and Reza Aslan (in LA) about whether the interview would resonate in the Muslim world:
Wednesday, Zain Verjee was in The Situation Room to discuss Iranian reaction to the interview:
So... what about the problems in Afghanistan and Pakistan? On Wednesday, Christiane Amanpour (in Davos, Switzerland for the World Economic Summit) spoke to John Roberts about that:
That evening, Chris Lawrence and Peter Bergen were on Campbell Brown's program to discuss it. (And seriously -- doesn't anyone have any info about that new wedding ring Peter is wearing?):
Thursday morning, Tony Harris spoke with Atia Abawi (CNN's newest correspondent in Kabul) and Rory Stewart about what the next step should be:
Friday, Wolf Blitzer spoke with Christiane and Michael Ware (in New York) about the interview, the outreach, and the realities:
And this morning Arwa reported on how things are going so far:
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Where in the World...?
SATURDAY: Ben Wedeman was still in Gaza.
SUNDAY: Karl Penhaul was still in Rafah, Gaza; Dan Rivers reported from Bangkok on the plight of refugees in Thailand.
MONDAY: Stan Grant reported from Abu Dhabi; Richard Quest from Davos, Switzerland, where the World Economic Summit is underway; Peter Bergen is still in NOLA. Erica Hill filled in for Kiran Chetry; Betty Nguyen was in for Kyra Phillips.
TUESDAY: Stan reported from Dubai; Nic Robertson from London. Betty was again in for Kyra.
WEDNESDAY: Christiane Amanpour is in Davos; Ben is in Jerusalem. Fredricka Whitfield filled in for Kyra; John King filled in for Larry King.
THURSDAY: Atia Alawi reported from Kabul; John was in Peoria, Illinois at a Caterpillar plant absorbing massive layoffs. TJ Holmes filled in for Rick Sanchez; Fredricka again filled in for Kyra.
FRIDAY: Michael Ware is in New York; Arwa Damon reported from Baghdad on the Iraqi elections; John is back in DC, appearing in The Situation Room; Morgan Neill is in Atlanta (above). TJ again filled in for Rick; Fredricka again filled in for Kyra.
All content, unless otherwise cited, is © All Things CNN and may not be used without consent of the blog administrator.
What an amazing news week!
To quote Reza "I'm giddy"!
I too want to know more about Peter's ring.
Thanks for giving me my CNN fix of the week. I really needed it! :-)
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