Earlier this week, Dana Bash and John King participated in POLITICO & Starbucks Coffeehouse Conversation at George Washington University in Washington, D.C. POLITCO has posted video clips from the discussion and an extra clip where the couple discussed what they did for Valentine's Day:
King on how stories happen:
Bash on being first with Romney’s McCain endorsement
King on dealing with sources
Bash on candidates before they go 'big time'
Bash on interviewing Obama in Iowa
King on working with Rahm Emanuel
Bash asks Allen about McCain's houses story

CNN Breaks New Ground On-Air and Online to Cover President Obama's Address to Congress
After setting the record for the largest live video event in Internet history on the day of Pres. Obama’s inauguration, CNN.com and Facebook again will partner on Feb. 24 to enable users to connect and engage with each other while watching live the President’s first address to Congress.
Additionally, CNN continues to break new ground in its political coverage with anchor John King hosting a special online-exclusive edition of State of the Union with John King from noon to 1 p.m. on CNN.com Live, where users can watch as well as pose questions to members of the Best Political Team on Television and comment on their analysis in real-time. From 8 a.m. until midnight on Feb. 24, CNN.com Live, the Internet’s only multi-stream live video news service, will provide continuous, live coverage – featuring numerous CNN anchors and analysts – produced specifically for the digital audience.
On television, anchors Wolf Blitzer, Campbell Brown, Anderson Cooper and John King will lead special coverage from the Election Center in New York. Throughout the evening, members of the Best Political Team on Television, including CNN Senior Political Analyst Gloria Borger and CNN Political Analyst Roland Martin, will analyze the expectations facing the president and break down his address. From 4 p.m. to 7 p.m., there will be a special edition of The Situation Room with Wolf Blitzer, followed by special editions of Lou Dobbs Tonight and Campbell Brown: No Bias. No Bull.
Shortly before the 9 p.m. address, Blitzer will set the stage and introduce President Obama. Both CNN and CNN.com will provide live coverage of President Obama’s speech and Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal’s GOP response.
A special two-hour edition of Anderson Cooper 360º starts immediately after the President’s address, with Blitzer and Cooper leading the discussion with CNN’s correspondents and an ideologically diverse panel of political analysts. Larry King will host a live, midnight edition of Larry King Live on CNN’s television networks.
On Tuesday, Feb. 24, CNN.com will provide comprehensive reporting and analysis on the issues Obama is expected to raise in his evening address, in particular the economy. As part of its dedicated coverage, the site will enable users to track the current economic climate state-by-state across various categories and indicators, including unemployment rate, foreclosures and job sector changes; as well as showcase personal stories to provide perspective to the impact of the nation’s financial health.
Additionally, CNN.com Live users will be able to update their own Facebook status directly from the CNN.com Live player; and also see status updates from their friends and other Facebook users on CNN.com Live. On Facebook, the status updates for those using CNN.com Live will be published in their News Feed with hyperlinked tags that read “via CNN.com Live” so users’ friends on Facebook can click the tag and join the CNN.com Live/Facebook experience.
Following the special edition of State of the Union with John King at noon, the hosts of Your $$$$$ Ali Velshi and Christine Romans will host a CNN.com Live-exclusive program, State of the Economy beginning at 1 p.m. During the two-hour special, also featuring personal finance editor Gerri Willis, CNNMoney.com anchor Poppy Harlow and CNN.com Live anchor Melissa Long, members of the CNN Money Team will answer phone calls, emails and iReport questions from users and viewers about the economy.
Throughout the remainder of the day, CNN.com Live will be anchored by Reggie Aqui, Naamua Delaney, Nicole Lapin and Melissa Long, and will feature guests including chief international correspondent Christiane Amanpour and finance expert Suze Orman.
Coverage across other CNN networks and platforms will include: viewer commentary and reaction via mobile devices, emails and Facebook on HLN; live coverage of the address, as well as analysis and reactions from around the world on CNN International; custom reports for CNN Newsource affiliates from correspondent Sandra Endo and RunningMate correspondent Samantha Hayes; live anchored coverage and special reports for affiliates which will stream live on CNN.com from CNN Radio’s Lisa Desjardins and Bob Costantini; special coverage for the classroom and teacher materials from CNN Student News; and live analysis before and after the 9 p.m. address from correspondent Juan Carlos López on CNN en Español.

Looking for something to watch this weekend that has absolutely nothing to do with politics? (I'm going to pretend that you said, yes.) Check out News To Me on HLN. Here's an excerpt from this week's newsletter about the program:
As a child she saw her valley community buried under water, but now Debbie's diving back down to where her childhood memories were laid to rest… both physically and emotionally. Come with us as we brave the depths of Lake Jocassee and make a miraculous discovery at the bottom of the lake and make a miraculous discovery at the bottom of the lake!
David after the dentist -- The EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW!
Sure, by now many of you may have seen the internet video of young David, whose ramblings after a visit to the dentist made him a viral video star… but we got to talk to David and his dad about the video that made us all laugh AND CRINGE at the same time!
Bowling ball? Check! Canon? Check! Horrific outcome? Probably…
We love our iReporters! Especially the ones who send us clips of themselves dressed up in costumes… firing off their homemade cannons that may or may not display their love of bowling!!! Curious? Yeah, so were we…
"News To Me" this Saturday and Sunday at 7:30 p.m. 9:30 p.m. and 12:30a.m. ET… only on HLN.

My last item tonight... a plea for help. I came across this article about CNN's Rome bureau chief, Alessio Vinci
Alessio Vinci, profilo dell'erede di Mentana
Alessio Vinci, 40 anni, è nato a Lussemburgo ma è italiano. Suo padre, Enrico Vinci, siciliano, è stato per quindici anni l’eminenza grigia per eccellenza a Bruxelles: ha ricoperto infatti, unico italiano, l’incarico di Segretario generale del Parlamento europeo. E i suoi figli sono nati a Lussemburgo perché è lì che c’erano gli uffici amministrativi dell’europarlamento. Alessio ha frequentato la Scuola Europea Lussemburgo. Dopo il liceo, si è trasferito a Milano, dove si è iscritto a Scienze Politiche all’Università Statale. Alla fine degli anni Ottanta, Vinci va alla Cnn di Atlanta con una borsa di studio. Lì mette a frutto le lingue imparate nell’ambiente multilingue frequentato sin da bambino (l’italiano, il tedesco, il francese, l’inglese e il russo) e passa subito al servizio esteri. Quindi, si trasferisce a Mosca per seguire il colpo di Stato e ci resta per cinque anni, coprendo l’ascesa di Boris Elstin, il crollo dell’impero sovietico e guerra in Cecenia. Nel 1996, Vinci è nuovamente trasferito alla redazione di Berlino, per poi passare – tre anni dopo – a Belgrado, dove convince la Cnn ad aprire un ufficio di corrispondenza. Dopo l'esperienza dei Balcani, Vinci viene trasferito all'ufficio di corrispondenza di Roma, e diventa capo dell’Ufficio. Nel 2005, ha ricevuto il premio giornalistico dedicato dal Corriere della Sera a Maria Grazia Cutuli. Oggi, la conduzione di Matrix: una sfida prestigiosa ma anche la pesante eredità di Mentana da gestire.
The problem.... I don't know Italian. There is a lot of basic biographical information in the article that can also be found on his CNN bio, but I'm pretty sure that there is more to it than that. If you happen to be able to translate Italian into English, please email us at allthingscnn@gmail.com.
This could be a related press release from Mediaset:
CNN'S HISTORIC ITALY CORRESPONDENTMatrix, journalistic background programme of Videonews on Canale 5, will be back on 24 February after this week's planned interruption during Rai's coverage of the Sanremo Festival. The programme will continue with its three late evening slots per week.
Until the end of the season, the programme will be presented by the journalist Alessio Vinci, head of CNN's Rome bureau and the rolling news channel's Italy correspondent.
Coordinating the staff alongside Vinci will be Alessandro Banfi, deputy editor of Videonews, among the first developers of the programme with Enrico Mentana and former deputy editor of TG5.
Great post BookAsylum! I love the video clips of John King and Dana Bash. It's interesting to hear behind the scenes stuff, like Jonh talking about sources.
The Dana-John interview was so cute! They're adorable and they seem to be really in love.
And I love Alessio Vinci. You don't read very much about him. I wish I knew Italian.
I just copied and pasted the article in Italian into translate.google.com and this is what I got...it's choppy, and I would fix it if I was Italian, but that's not the case : )
" Alessio Vinci, profile of the estate Mentana
Alessio Vinci, 40, was born in Luxembourg but is Italian. His father, Enrico Vinci, Sicily, was for fifteen years, the gray eminence for excellence in Brussels: he was in fact, the only Italian, the post of Secretary General of the European Parliament. And his children were born in Luxembourg, because it is there that there were administrative offices dell'europarlamento. Martin attended the European School Luxembourg. After high school, he moved to Milan, where he enrolled in Political Science at the State. In the late eighties, Vinci move to CNN in Atlanta with a scholarship. There is building on language learning in multilingual early childhood frequentato (Italian, German, French, English and Russian) and passes it to the foreign service. Then, he moved to Moscow to follow the coup and remains there for five years, covering the rise of Boris Elstin the collapse of the Soviet empire and the war in Chechnya. In 1996, Vinci was again transferred to the drafting of Berlin, and then - three years later - in Belgrade, where the Cnn convinced to open an office of correspondence. After the experience of the Balkans, Vinci is transferred to the match in Rome, and became leader of the Office. In 2005, he received the prize from the newspaper dedicated to Corriere della Sera Maria Grazia Cutuli. Today, the introduction of the Matrix: a challenge but also the prestigious heritage of Mentana heavy to handle."
Hi, everyone,
even if late,I wish I could be "the" Italian you've been looking for, in order to entirely appreciate what a google- translation may fail on Alessio Vinci.
A.V. ,40, ...His father Enrico, Sicilian,was the sole top Italian officer- an eggman, to better match the expression "eminenza grigia"-, to serve a 15 years post as General Secretary of European Parliament in Brussels.His children were born in Luxembourg, because of Europarliament administrative sites.
After high school, the European School in Luxembourg, he moved to Milan, where he attended Politic Sciences at Università Statale.In the late Eighties he flies to Atlanta, thanks to a CNN fellowship. As an intern, he could thrive on that multicultural environment he had been raised up in, and his knowledge of Italian,German, French, English and Russian makes the case for him to get to the foreign news department. Hence Alessio flies to Moscow to report from the 1991 "putsch" (coup), and staying for 5 years, he witnesses Eltsin's political ascent, The Soviet Empire collapse and the Chechnyan war. In 1996 he ends up to Berlin CNN bureau, where he leaves from 3 years later, to further move to Belgrade desk, where he could work it out through the Balkan events. Hence he is assigned to Rome CNN bureau, heading for the office management. In 2005 he's rewarded with the "Corriere della Sera(Italian main daily newspaper)-Maria Grazia Cutuli journalistic Prize.
Nowadays he confronts both the challenging and burdensome task as "Matrix" anchorman.
Matrix is an insightful Italian tv talk show, just in case...
Thank you to both of our translators! I appreciate the help.
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