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Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Out of the Box

*Tonight on Larry King Live Joy Behar (The View) will guest host and her guest will be Ann Coulter author of 'Guilty: Liberal "Victims" and Their Assault on America'.

We don't have anything new personal appearances for you this week, but we do have a few that we missed and follow ups to some previously blogged events.

In the 'Better Late Than Never' category:
James Carville:

James and his wife Mary Matalin spoke at the Georgia Historical Society annual Birthday Bash and Awards Gala held on Valentine's Day evening at the Hyatt Regency in Savannah.

Dana Bash:

A discussion and Q&A with Chuck Todd of NBC and Dana Bash of CNN was held on Wednesday, February 18th from 7:00pm - 8:00pm at The Gelman Library 2130 H St, NW, Washington, DC.

Ali Velshi:
Ali Velshi, along with 4 other business journalists, detailed their role in keeping the country informed on the financial recession at the National Press Club on Monday, February 16. The event was the 63rd Kalb Report and was sponsored by GW Global Media Institute, the Shorenstein Center at Harvard University and the National Press Club, and funded by a grant from The Ethics and Excellence in Journalism Foundation.

Follow Ups:

David Gergen:

David Gergen and economist Paul Krugman were in Cambridge on February 9th for a sold-out event focusing on our current economic crisis. Here is a link to an audio recording of the discussion.

We mentioned last week that David Gergen was speaking at Wake Forest on February 10th. If you'd like to read about the event here's the review in the Wake Forest student newspaper.

Anderson Cooper:

As we mentioned previously Anderson is taking part in the Distinguished Speaker Series of Southern California this week. Here is a write up of his appearance in Thousand Oaks on Sunday night and a review from a journalism student of his speech in Pasadena on Tuesday and another from an audience member.

By the time I blog here again Fat Tuesday and Ash Wednesday will have passed. Party responsibly and we hope to see you back here soon. ~Phebe

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