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Monday, February 2, 2009

Ups and Downs

So if you're in Davos for the World Economic Summit and need a metaphor for the current global financial mess ... well, all you have to do is step outside! Richard Quest quite literally hit the slopes last Monday to explain it all:

Last Wednesday, Ben Wedeman reported from Jerusalem on the status of the truce in Gaza and the meetings going on with US Special Envoy George Mitchell:

Thursday Zain Verjee was in The Situation Room to talk to Wolf Blitzer about President Obama's upcoming world travels:

Havana Bureau Chief Morgan Neill was visiting "the Mothership" Friday and spoke with Kiran Chetry about the latest from the Castro brothers -- Fidel wants the US to give Gitmo back to Cuba, and Raul is visiting Russia. Well, it's nice to have Morgan get airtime with something other than hurricanes:

Michael Ware was up bright and early for the second hour of American Morning today and talked to Kiran about Saturday's provincial election in Iraq:

Michael stuck around the Time Warner Center and spoke to Wolf about the Iraqi elections and the "graveyard of empires" that is Afghanistan:

That's a wrap for me -- hope everyone is keeping warm; since Punk Phil has promised/cursed us with six more weeks of this nasty winter, I think it's time to throw another log on the fire!

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