Soledad O'Brien won an award from the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute. Here's part of her speech posted by Latinos y Latinas Online Blogera.
Roland Martin has a new article titled Hollywood and God Can Coexist. Click here for the link.
Jeffrey Toobin is in The New Yorker with his article No More Mr. Nice Guy.
Betty Nguyen was seen at Whiskey Park in Atlanta on 9/17 along with Dallas Austin. Click here for the post from Peach Buzz.
Congratulations to CNN for winning the President's Award at the News & Documentary Emmy's on 9/21. CNN also won in the category of Outstanding Individual Achievement in a Craft: Lighting Direction and Scenic Design for CNN's Election Center. Anderson Cooper won for his 60 Minutes report titled War Against Women in the category of Outstanding Continuing Coverage of a News Story in a News Magazine.
Larry King is being sued for more than $50,000 due to a car crash last November. Click here for the article from WSYR.com.
Whether the couple was hurt or not,$50,000 is nothing to the Kings and they know it. Should the couple go for his "deep pockets?" Probably not, but that's the price of fame and a really high salary. I also noticed his wife said "Their driver," like they can't drive themselves????
If the rumors are true that Larry King could retire,
let's hope Conor Knighton gets a shot. No way
should they hire Ryan Seacreast.Knighton is about
to blow up in a major why. Infomania is getting
a whole lot of buzz these days. In fact if Time
Warner is looking to acquire other networks.
Current should be # 1 on the list.
Rumors of Larry King retiring have been circulating for the past few years.
But if King did retire- John Roberts would do well at that type of anchor role.
Another person who would do well with that format- Anderson Cooper
Current is something CNN should be.
A real news and information network. A
place were storytelling and modern forms
of journalism thrive.I always thought John
Roberts should anchor an evening newscast
on CNN. CNN needs to move away from too
much talk and opinion and do some news
and interesting stories that is out there and
tell me something I do not know. Anderson
needs to keep doing 360. He is the journalist
who a lot of young people like.CNN also
needs so fresh faces and forward thinking
leadership.It is so easy in this day and time
and not very costly. You pretty much edit
your own stuff and upload it to YouTube
and others. There is Skype and every
computer has a built in camera.I am not
sure if the suits realize that CNN needs to
re-invent itself. Let FNC & MSNBC be the
kids and CNN be the place where you might
actually learn something from the stories
airing on the network. Current is light years
ahead of CNN.
I have to agree that Vanguard docs are way
better than the ones on CNN.
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