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Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Latino in America Panel Discussion

Photo ID from Left to Right: Millie Irizarry, CEO of the Latin America Association, Alex Garcia, NASCAR driver, Jerry Gonzalez, executive director of the Georgia Association of Latino Elected Officials, Claudia Goffan, CEO of Target Latino, Soledad O’Brien ,CNN anchor and special correspondent and Mark Nelson, vice president and senior executive producer of CNN Productions

CNN anchor and special correspondent Soledad O’Brien moderated a panel at the Atlanta screening of Latino in America held at the Woodruff Arts Center on Oct. 19th. The evening focused on the Latino community, issues of Education, Latino identity and overall empowerment.

CNN Presents Latino in America Anchored by Soledad O’Brien New “…in America” Documentary Series Debuts on CNN and CNN en Español on Oct. 21& 22. The two, two-hour documentaries will air at 9p.m. and 12a.m. ET and PT.

To read more follow the link to the program's webpage at

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Anonymous said...

Sadly, I don't think Latino I America will do
too well for CNN.I glad that CNN is doing this
but there seems to be anger at CNN these days.
I think Soledad is a bright spot for the network.
It is MLB time and Grays Anatomy on Thursday.

Anonymous said...

Soledad O'Brien's Special was especially informative and compelling and as interesting as her first Black In America. Unfortunately, I have to agree with the first commenter, I don't think it will do as well as Black in America only because the Latino community is not as cohesive in their viewing pattern of CNN documentaries.
There are plenty of Latino stations on cable that give them their news and in their language and CNN was wrong in NOT promoting Soledad's multi-racial-bilingual, background. The viewing audience at large does not know that she is both Cuban born and raised by an Afro-American parent. Too bad for her because once again she did an outstanding job.