From today's New York Times online:
To read the full article just follow the link.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Posted by
7:26 PM
Labels: Anderson Cooper, New York Times, Ratings
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From today's New York Times online:
To read the full article just follow the link.
Posted by
7:26 PM
Labels: Anderson Cooper, New York Times, Ratings
CNN is losing viewers because they are
70 % opinion.The panel stuff is ridiculous
and they have some really bad actors,oops
anchors. Brown, Sanchez and Dobbs are
really really bad, they have facial expressions
that are not genuine and makes it look like
they are acting. They have annoying voices
with word emphasis.I now watch only 360
and tune into MSNBC. Until changes are
made in the lineup I am not watching much
of CNN because the are just a really bad
CNN needs to bring in TJ Holmes to replace
Lou Dobbs. Tj is likable. Also, now that Kyra
seems to be in NYC have her replace Campbell.
But please come up with original shows for
each of them. CNN is a failure at 8 because
it is a dumb show. Why does CNN need to
have clips from other networks. Did I miss
something does CNN not have enough skilled
reporters to put things into perspective.
Something also have to be done about TSR
and dayside. I hope that 360 wakes up and
get back to being a cool news show.
Definitely bring back the music, When I
heard Joy Division and the Clash that
signaled that it was a different type of
news show. I want more Michael Ware
and original reporting and no more
pundit panels.
It serves them right for disrespecting viewers.
You can't just pub anything on the air and
expect for people to take it and not change
the channel. Your arrogance has cost you.
Heads are going to roll . The ratings for CNN
have been declining for months.
Perhaps Rome Hartman or David Neuman
will come on board. Hey maybe the head for
CNN International can take over CNN domestic.
CNN is in trouble because they are following
town hall people, the tea party and Limbaugh.
I don't understand why if someone makes
a crazy statement or screams and carry
racists signs you can get on CNN. MSNBC
is not afraid of the right wing and CNN is
and it shows. I would not mind seeing
some of the shows from CNNI. I have no
problem with seeing World Report, World
View or Backstory. How can CNNI be so
go and Americans get lousy programs.
Heck is better than the network.
Even TIme is writing about this. CNN needs
to hire Conor Knighton and the Vanguard
journalists from CUrrent. Get rid of the
commentary and do more in depth reports.
How about trusting your viewers to know
and understand what they see. Give people
more raw news.CNN really needs to change
it's graphics. music and get rid of all of the
clutter on the screen, drop the crawl and
upgrade the logo. Personally I think they
should make their on air look like
Put every story in a media player with a
bar showing the time the story begins
and ends.
All of a sudden Ted Turner returning to
CNN does not seem so crazy, CNN needs
someone who can come in and get things
done. It is funny the same 3 names keep
coming up on all of the discussion about
bad anchors : Brown, Dobbs and Sanchez.
I think Klein is too afraid to fire any of them
It would be admitting his biggest mistakes.
Turner is right they need to do more news
Only have the pundits on State of the Union
and the Sit Room. Previously on this blog
I have posted that eventually CNN would
have a ratings collapse. it was clear that
people were turning away from CNN
during the day and not returning to
the channel. The only weak links at
MSNBC right now is Dylan, Doctor Nancy
and Morning Joe. Once MSNBC figures
this out CNN is history.
@9:37PM: You are ABSOLUTELY CORRECT. They have disrespected the viewer for a long time and when I recently brought this up on ATA, I was told that they have Contact Us. Well many of us have and they don't listen. And how about cutting the really big salaries these talking heads make. Are they doing investigative reporting or reading a teleprompter?? Anyone of us could do that and what's on the teleprompter is from the INTERNET!!
@8:27PM: Dobbs is looking for a show on Fox Business and eventually he will get it. Brown often does better than Anderson Cooper in the demo and the totals. Sorry, those are the facts.
You are correct about Sanchez. He's a smiling dope. How about using the talent they have like Soledad O'Brien? Or Don Lemon? Not sometimes. All the times. The audience is changing and you need people of ethnicity to reflect that change.
That is not true just look at the data on
TV by the Numbers. AC is usually the top
demo for CNN and rarely does Brown top
him in total viewers. Huffington Post has
charts on the data for this month I agree
that the best journalists are being passed
over for clowns since CNN is dumbing
down the news. Also, anyone who says CNN
is doing news obviously is not tuning in.
They get all of their news from talk radio
and political blog.I don't know who is in
charge of content, but obviously they need
to be out of a job.If this is not a clear
message to the suits that viewers don't
want the opinion /commentary from
panels. I never understood why they
basically demoted Lemon and put Sanchez
on 5 days a week. Not realizing how
annoying he is.
Yes it is true CNN could learn a lot from Current.
It is real and raw and everything CNN should be.
Guess what : it is a network aiming for 18-34
year olds but everyone is welcome to submit
stories.I think one problem is that CNN repeats
the same stories over and over again. There
needs to be only one edition of the Newsroom
from 6 am-4 pm. Come up with different show
tittles for Tony Harris and Kyra.I agree the twitter
dumb hour must go it is totally useless and seems
to have become nothing but propaganda on the
screen from people with agendas.I dare CNN
do a 2 hour program from 6-8 pm that is
part big news stories, legit news items submitted
by CNN viewers(but not politics or opinion
items, there are many sites out there for that
junk). Along with the best of I am
with a now playing on segment
every hour of the day. Revamp 360 and make
it live for 2 hours again with more segments
for international news and Jack Gray and
more original reporting. Currently segments
are too long and boring on 360.I want my
old 360 back as well plus the music. Please
fix the 360 bog as well, lose the opinion
it is more of that than news items. Definitely
drop the 360 political promo people see
AC as a journalists not a political type
like Countdown and Maddow.It works for
those 2 at MSNBC because that is who they
are.360, Larry King, TSR and AM all need
to be revamped. I say use music all day
long CNN will have to do something about
Dobbs and Brown. I think Conor could do
a daily version of the news and media of
the day for CNN at 8. I am a huge fan
of Infomania and Vanguard. Knighton is
so right on about the media.I also think
Wolf's show only needs 2 hours. Also
please drop all of the slogans and just
let us look and make up our own minds.
There is no excuse for pundits talking
on Afghanistan and Pakistan. They are
not qualified. Don't you have Peter Bergan
and Michael Ware. Also, hook up with those
independent filmmakers, there people
behind some really amazing items on
Vimeo and Youtube and those writing
great articles for Vanity Fair, Rolling Stone,
New Yorker, Time, Newsweek and others.
CNN needs to look like a 24/7 news
channel with less repeats. Adopt the
Current format from midnight to 6
and just let work from anchors, reporters,
photojournalists and the wealth of material
from as well as some of the shows
from CNN International. Boy if only CNN
looked like Current. The funny thing is
that David Neuman who is in charge of
programming at Current used to work
for CNN. Maybe he could be hired to
overhaul the programming. Also have
a daily salute to I-reporters who upload
Personally IMHO CBS News has the best
digital look for tv news. I think CNN has
to cut down on shooting video from tv
monitors. I did not by a 55 inch HDTV
to see another tv on a tv. Lose the crawl
and have the tittle of the show in place
of it to ease the crap that is on the screen.
I think HLN has a more cleaner look than
CNN.At least everything lines ups with
the logo and the banner.
Whoa TV By The Numbers say ratings are down
77 %. Can you save nosedive? Mr. Klein. Jeff
Bewkes will see you in his office now. I bet
the pressure is on for Klein to resign.
@8:13 AM: I think you make some interesting points. Presentation is everything and no I don't think hip music is the answer. Most of us are not teens or tweens. CNN has to have a cleaner, clearer appearance, and should NOT be repeating silly things from You Tube. Jon Stewart made this point weeks ago. CNN listened for about two days.....duh?
You wonder, does anybody bother to read our suggestions? Do they care? What is wrong with them?
According to TVNewser, Jon Klein spoke to the troops to reassure them saying "They don't do things to get them a quick number."
Is he for real? If they don't do those things, why was 360 stuck on balloon boy for days on end showing the vomit scene?? Was this for his core audience or his not so core audience? Does he ever bother to watch his own shows?
The Kllein item on TVN is just crazy. CNN is
not doing news. Too much opinion & talk and
no information. Tv by the Numbers has more
in depth numbers and it was a complete lousy
day in the ratings. Another dumb show from
Campbell tonight. She is talking to Valerie
Jarrett about FNC. CNN is a network full of
clueless people. CNN when I am watching
your network I do not want to hear about
FNC. Last night's lead on 360 should have
been Afghanistan hands down, but the
since Jon Klein says you lead with some
type of politics we get a story on lobbyists.
I will likely tune 360 out as well tonight
the blog says says Obama is the reason
why Dems are in trouble in Virginia
and Jersey. Give me a break at this point
it seems CNN is trying to stir up something
for ratings.CNN is currently being run by
dumb, dumb and dumber.I have relatives
in Va, Deeds is a really bad candidate, it
has 0 to do with the president. Also I see
hr 2 with the tea party finished last in
viewers and the demo.
Is Jon Klein for real. The man says CNN is doing
excellent journalism and is getting better. Boy
that is news to me.
Ouch. Countdown just made fun of CNN and
Dobbs at the same time.YouTube is more than
silly videos. There are docs, music videos. how
to demos. science you name. I am not for a lot
of the dumb stuff.
Yes, Morning Express is starting to top
Morning Joe and American Morning. I
like that because it is better than those
2 shows.
I have a problem with the new
There should be animation when you first
click on the page taking you through the
top stories. Right now if you click on more
you are directed to the Newspulse which
does not seem to be updated that much.
There needs to be instant access when you
first come to the page. It a mistake to just
have a steady page that just sticks on one
thing. You get my attention faster when
every 7 seconds or so the story changes.
There is a change that I won't like the 1
item being featured at the time. People
need multiple choices. Also, can CNN
disband the special investigative unit.
The only stories they do is your money
is being wasted. Looks like local news.
That is exactly why the are being beaten
by Vanguard when it comes to docs on
news and information channels. Having
your reporters do nothing but your
money is being wasted is nothing more
the scam segment on local news. CNN
is not longer worldwide, nor do they get
that television i a visual medium.CNN
continues to make itself irrelevant. FNC
and MSNBC can just stand back and see
CNN implode. You don;t have to be a
rocket scientist to see this. CNN is giving
new meaning to the phrase boob tube.
What happened to the 360 blog it is now a piece
of junk. Old media really doesn't understand
social media. There should be more material
from reporters,photographers and writers. I
am sick of all of the opinion. When it first begin
it seemed to follow some elements of open
source with links to news items on Yahoo, AOL,
Google and others. Not only that there should
be video promos , heck even producers can
do this, all you need is a web cam. Let's face
it any computer has a built in camera these
days.I mean hourly updates. Maybe Jack
Gray can do this and send out tweets to
about the latest updates on the blog. The
man is closing in on 900,000 followers
and he his not on the air.In fact, Gray is
out in LA at a conference on social media.
Obviously, the dude is good at it.
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