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Friday, December 11, 2009

TJ Holmes in The Long March

CNN's T.J. Holmes was interviewed for the documentary, "The Long March", which aired on PBS last month. The Knoxville News Sentinel posted an article about the documentary after talking to the creators.

"The Long March" coincides with the 45th anniversary of Brown v. Board of Education, and, as co-creator Jane Barr says, it is focused on "education of today through the lens and lessons of the civil rights movement."

With interviews from civil rights activists and Martin Luther King Jr. historians such as Andrew Young and C.T. Vivian, former presidential candidate and activist Jesse Jackson, CNN news anchor TJ Holmes and University of Tennessee professors, the film delves into subject matter not examined so frequently anymore.

... to read the full article: The march continues: Locally produced film traces education for black students

Tre Berney, one of the creators of the film, has posted the documentary's trailer and a clip (both include a brief comment from Holmes):

Clip from "The Long March"

The Long March Clip 1 from tre berney on Vimeo.

"The Long March" Trailer

The Long March - Trailer from tre berney on Vimeo.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The list of people on CNN watch in 2010.

1. TJ Holmes
2. Betty Nguyen
3. Reynold Wolf
4. Kyra Phillips
5. Robin Meade
6. Richelle Carey
7. Don Lemon
8. Fredericka Whitfield
9. Josh Levs
10. Jim Acosta
11. Alina CHo
12. Jessica Yellin

These are people that CNN should
take a look at promoting. I happen
to like the weekend morning show
better than AM.John Roberts deserves
better than an morning news show.
The man is an accomplished journo.
CNN needs as many people as possible
during the News Room. I say all of these
people because maybe rotating anchors
could work 7 days a week.I am not digging
the sol anchor for a couple of hours how
about 3 anchors with a huge mix of topics.