Rating calculations are weekly averages based on nightly ratings provided by TVNewser with data by Nielsen Media Research. Numbers reflect Live and same day (DVR) data.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Ratings For The Week of February 15th
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7:00 PM
Labels: Ratings At A Glance
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CNN is really struggling. Last night Jessica
Yellin subbed on 360 and topped both Larry
and Campbell in viewers and the demo.
Even AM is really taking a hit this week and
is in 4th place. People realize that the Broken
Government junk is not news or investigative.
Also, I did not buy and HD tv to see another
tv screen on it.
Question : when did pundits become real people
to offer solutions.CNN is truly clueless and
they have seemed to have forgotten that tv
is a visual medium, boring talk will make
people turn away from CNN as viewers are
clearly doing.
As someone tweeted yesterday CNN has
lowered it's standards so badly that the
only why to get on the channel is to be
loud or annoying.It is pathetic and then
Let's see if CNN will have lots of different
stories tonight. Like Toyota, the Whale
incident at Sea World or the bloom box
or the health care summit coming up
Am I kidding myself, of not they are CNN
they will focus on their dumb series.
By the way I think I will be watching CSPAN
for the health care summit.CNN has Ali
Velshi as a fact checker.
I am not surprised about these ratings. Even on ATA more people are interested in commenting about AC's physcial appearance, than on the content of the news.
FOX and MSNBC have viewers that are truly interested in news for its news worthiness.
Either you are a news junkie or you are not and unfortunately CNN seems to attract people who would rather watch "the anchor" than listen and absorb the content. Unfortunately, this type of viewership is not helpful to ratings.
Even though 360's ratings are down, it
is the top demo in the prime time lineup
for CNN. What is up with Larry King ?
I am a 360 viewer and I don't watch CNN
during the day because I don't like the
programs. Anderson Cooper is a rock
solid journalist.
@12:07AM "Anderson Cooper is a rock solid journalist." That may well be, but his ratings are lower than Blitzer, and Maddow and Olberman on MSNBC. The other nite he had 400,000 people watching him in totals. In the world of ratings that is about as low as you can get. Looks plus passion don't always equal ratings.
@7:40PM I agree with you totally. TVNewser had her equal to anderson cooper's ratings the night before. She was animated and totally engaged with the audience. The viewers notice things like that.
Ali Velchi knows nothing. He and his pal Sanchez need to leave quietly and let the talent reign.
No one is interested in broken government. We know it is broken. CNN is good at pointing out the obvious.
CNN needs to look like a 24/7 news channel.
Right now they look like bad local news. How
about letting the pundits go and hiring more
journalists and writers and make the transition
to real time news. Drop the crawl and add a
media bar for all of the video and packages
you will see. Considering the web is how a
lot of people get their news you need to see
the digital world we now live in and CNN looks
like a poster and not visually appealing.
Rather than doing the outdated crawl why
not just have them type up news items that
will slide on scene with words type on a
picture to emphasis the story, like you
see when you go on Yahoo, CNN or AOL.
Create a cool transition for this.IMHO
not CNN,FNC or MSNBC are news channels.
They are old media who have no clue as
to how people consume info these days.
People want access to info and they want
it now. Right now the race is on to build
a mulitplatform news organization that
brings everything together. How about
hiring people to create apps.I know for
certain that all television stations have
servers. Use them to store items of
various topics and run them raw during
the midnight to 6am hours. Too often
the repeats are outdated. I will try and
check in later with more.CNN needs to
wake up ABC,CBS and NBC all have a
digital journalist to do stories that will
air form time to time.CNN needs to
modernize and stop acting like it is
the 90's. That is so last decade.
It is unfortunate that so many people who are actually Toyota owners, would rather watch the Olympics than the CEO of the company. LK had one of the lowest ratings ever with his exclusive, according to TVNewser.
Toyota is counting on this disinterest to keep robbing the public blind of safety issues.
TV BY THE NUMBERS & ICN have interesting
times on Campbell Brown. I am guessing
that a change will be coming soon at 8 on
CNN. It appears John King's show will launch
on March 1st. I will say it again, CNN needs
to have an 8 pm hour of all women anchors
of diverse ethnic backgrounds with not one
single talking heads but a very fast paced
news show that can be a Sex In the City
show for the news biz. Try Jessica Yellin as
the primary host but each week switch up
the other 2 or 3 anchors.A real legit news
show like Rachel Maddow featuring intelligent
talk and stories like those from Amber Lyon.
I think CNN should air TSR from 4-6 and
come up with a brand new show for 6.
Maybe a Tj Holmes show. Back to the
all women news show: maybe have premiere
week with Fredericka and Betty or Alina.
All 3 of these women have done plenty of
female themed news stories. Call it something
like Girlfriend I've Got Some News Have music
through out the whole show.
CNN need to give Dr. Sanjay Gupta needs
to air on Sunday afternoons followed by a
tech/science show each running for 30
minutes. There is no reason for Your money
to run on Saturday and Sunday. Stevie Wonder
can see that Campbell Brown will lose her
time slot. She didn't look to happy tonight.
There must be buzz that something is up
for it to make to TV by the Numbers. Bill
must be hearing something that we just
don't know about yet.CNN must be trying
to figure out what to do with her.
Campbell Brown isn't the only problem CNN has. She's part of it, but what about the really bad pick with Ali and Rick? Please, these two are like Mutt and Jeff.
Conor Knighton said it best on this week's
Infomania.If Larry King is talking to Stephen
Baldwin about broken government that just
proves that CNN is broken.It is now official
Jon Klein has ruined CNN possibly beyond
repair because CNN is not showing him the
door and Klein continues to destroy a once
great news organization.
Finally, now that TVN has an item about
backpack journos someone at CNN will see
what they need to do in an effort to have
cheap original content and recoop the losses
of millions CNN will lose on Lou Dobbs and
Campbell Brown. Many times I have posted
how Anderson's brand of journalism.Basically
what he did in the 90's is becoming a model
for today's J-students. You are taught various
skills and basically can do it all.In no way
am I saying that pros should be fired like
ABC is about to do and is way over the top.
You don't need to fire 300 people.It is
simple: reach out to the colleges and pay
people for the original content. Next please
give your producers,photographers,writer
etc creative freedom that makes you just
another cable news channel. Television is
about pictures not talk.I hope they hire
David Neuman and Laura Ling and
focus more on content. You have Wolf,
Anderson,Don Lemon. John Roberts,
John King and great weekend end talent.
Candy Crowley and Tom Foreman, who
are the best writers in cable tv IMHO.
CNN has got to get out of the ideological
universe. Open source reporting will
help you discover and find the best
original material that you can not get
anywhere else and that is what CNN
should be about journalism not opinion.
I say David Neuman because originally
he launched Current TV and there was
hope that tv news would change. Well
Current decided to bring someone from
MTV and it is now horrible. Laura Ling
is the brains behind Vanguard, which
is the most original doc franchise is
years. Please get Ali Velshi and RIck
Sanchez off the anchor schedule. This
may prove to be 2 of the dumbest
moves made in cable tv.I refuse to
be subjected to horrible news anchors
for 4 hours. Show some respect to your
viewers and quit talking down to them.
I strongly believe that CNN can do what
Current was not able to because it is
a part of Time Warner and money was
the problem that lead to the downfall
of Current. The network is not making
money.Media companies had better
figure out real soon how to bring
together old and new media.Finally,
hire a social media team with the
understanding of how people really
use FB and Twitter.
To All: It was reported in TVNewser that Campbell Brown's husband may run for the Senate seat in NY.
@8:30 AM: "Anderson's brand of journalism has become a model for J students." That's interesting because Anderson never went to journalism school and we all don't have "mommies" who can afford to fund our children's desires while they roam around with a camera and just point and shoot in foreign places. Some can't even afford to pay tuition in regualr schools.
Please get real.
CNN should really limit the pundits.
Only have them on TSR and SOU.
Is broken government really the
best that CNN can do. Lame and
then some.If management has half
a brain. TJ Holmes, Jessica Yellin,
Don Lemon and Betty Nguyen would
be on 5 days a week. Wait a minute
I am talking about CNN, it will never
10:46PM Jon Stewart agrees with you about the pundits. Have a look at his clip on TVNewser.
All morning long I have been watching
the breaking news on the earthquake
in Chile. Betty ,Rob Marciano and Josh
Levs are doing an amazing job.
One thing is clear CNN has a lot of young
talent that they had better start using and
giving opportunities to as well.It is great
that Rob is anchoring with Betty today.
He knows the questions to ask. Also,
CNN has a network in Chile and Soledad
is on her way to Chile.
Rob has even connected with another
weatherman in Hawaii. Good work guys.
A wave of at least 10 ft will hit Hawaii.
The quake is more powerful than Haiti.
I have a feeling 360 will be in CHile on
Monday and possibly by Sunday.
@9:42AM: Guess again about who is achoring....it is the multi-lingual Rick Sanchez and for the record, he couldn't even identify Hawaii on the map this PM. He thought it was off the coast of Chile. Is he the ONLY anchor that is multi-lingual at CNN?? He's a complete idiot and totally incompetent.
When disaster strikes any place it is helpful if the anchors are multi-lingual like Soldedad who knows more than one language?
I do not expect Anderson Cooper to replace Katie Couric. He has less of a following than she does. But according to the NYT article CNN will merge with CBS, at some point and I believe AC will be with his good friend Erica on "The Morning Show." This is just a guess on my part. I know nothing in advance. It just makes more sense.
He probably will continue to do 60 Minute reports since he thrives on attention and I do not see Scott Paley, Steve Kraft, or Leslie Stahl retiring any time soon to make room for him on a permanent basis, nor should they. 60 Minutes is rated highly with or without him.
TVNewser is reporting that CNN's LKL and AC360 had it's lowest ratings for the month, and in LK case in 13 years! Larry's guests have not been the best, have to agree nor has the subject matter, very predictable and boring.
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