1 - Based on 4 nights of regular programming
Rating calculations are weekly averages based on nightly ratings provided by TVNewser with data by Nielsen Media Research. Numbers reflect Live and same day (DVR) data.
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Rating calculations are weekly averages based on nightly ratings provided by TVNewser with data by Nielsen Media Research. Numbers reflect Live and same day (DVR) data.
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8:39 PM
Labels: Ratings At A Glance
360's ratings have been on the upswing since the panel discussions have lessened. Let's hope this is a trend for good.
congrats erica, wish u were still on w/ ac360. where r u on tv? RENEE' IN MISSISSIPPI
TVN is reporting that AC is going to be given a "talk show" type program starting at 11PM. Why not just put that interview in the 360 program at 10? Isn't that what they were doing with the "Big Interview?" It's just like CNN to mess it up. No one is going to hang around after 11 if the person isn't all that interesting. It would be like spending an hour just talking to Larry King.
I think CNN is trying to develop some programs
TVN says that they are moving the EP for Brown's
show to oversee dayside programming and that
Amanpour's EP will be in charge of Campbell's
show. I say just make 360 live for 2 hours.
The memo said the person going to Atlanta would
also be in charge of weekend programs.I am
wondering will CNN change it's day and prime
time programs and come up with new shows for
the weekend because if it is more of the same
CNN is in trouble/ CNN could learn a lot from
Bloomberg the changes they have made is
really good and they did not walk away from
who they are but expanded the operation.
In the end it is all about content and CNN
seems to have forgotten this in a major way.
CNN really needs to quit trying and be FOX.
Doing more of the same that is already out
there will not increase your viewer numbers.
CNN must really be the news alternative.
IMHO it means more stories like the kids
who run a coffee shop in the school or
the story on the family in the homeless
shelter and the in focus series.I like the
weekend people better and I hope they
don't mess things up. Yes, add some new
shows to get rid of the repeats but leave
the anchors alone. You must not forget
that television is a visual medium and
storytelling and video matter more than
Can someone please tell CNN and Dana Bash
that the Eric Cantor story is not true according
to the AP. The bullet was not fired at his office.
Does CNN research anything and make sure the
facts are not forgotten. This is exactly why it is
hard to believe anything you see on CNN these
days. You have to take it with a grain of salt.
I too like the weekend anchors much better as we've both said this before but no one hears us or listens and that's a MAJOR part of CNN's problem.
I don't agree that 360 should be expanded for two hours....except for really Breaking News. It never worked before and it will not work now. Make the 10pm slot the best you can and keep giving us the "Big Interview" while you have our attention.
If you guys get the chance please check out
Spud/ICN essay about cable news it is so true
and then some and CNN needs to read it and
learn. Cable news is becoming more and more
political and going for political junkies and not
news junkies. That is a huge mistake and is
ignoring millions of potential viewers,majority
of Americans don't live, breathe or drink
politics. Spud is saying he now appreciates
the broadcast network news because it is the
only way to find out what is going on as
cable gets more and more political and is
getting farther and farther away from news.
If you don't think there is not millions of
people who want news just take a look at
the people who get their news from the
internet and not the blogs but websites like
CNN.com and others. That is why I think
David Westin is revamping ABC News. They
are hearing from people and listening.
People want information and I am betting
that the ABC NEWS digital channel which
is on FIOS will get into the cable news game
and offer an alternative.CNN had better
start moving in the news direction before
ABC gets in the game. Currently, CNN has
the organization but it does not have
direction about where it wants to go.
About 3 weeks ago Westin gave a speech
on the state of news and he mentioned the
never ending cycle of talking heads,Cable
news has to change with the times and
adapt.CNN wake up. Real time news,
real information and useful stories ,
original reporting and different styles
of journalism but not different types of
opinions. There are millions of stories
that CNN is missing simply because they
are not looking for news. Quit getting
your news from the political blogs and
talk radio. Thank you Spud for speaking
the truth. Cable news is basically non-
existent. I find out more from ABC,NBC
and CBS in half an hour than I find on
24/7 so-called news channels.
I have to tune out CNN today because
they are giving the Tea Party wall to wall
coverage. Question for CNN : If these
are people being bused in from other
states but not the locals or people who
will be voting in the state, why does it
matter? That is the problem with CNN,
did it ever occur to their reporters to
ask the people who their congress
people were and where are they from.
If these people are outsiders with
Republicans for their congressman.
It is not adding up and shows just how
easy it is to manipulate CNN.
I am pulling for TJ, Alina and Reynolds on
the weekend. I also like Jenifer Delgado
from CNN International.
@11:18AM: You are right about primetime news and ABC. I am finding that they are a far better source of what is actually happening than cable and far more interesting to watch. I have a feeling their numbers are going to go way up because you are right. ABC is listening to its viewers and CNN NEVER HAS.
CNN's obsession with Sarah Palin must stop.
There is no way Pallin should be the lead story.
She is a celebrity not someone that impacts
peoples lives. There is about to be a change
of government in Iraq and a huge sex abuse
scandal creating headaches for the pope and
Palin is the lead story.
One thing I have noticed is that CNN constantly
uses the word controversial with regards to
President Obama. For CNN to constantly say
that the protests are about health care shows
just how lame the media is these days. The
loaded language being used by protesters and
CNN began on day one and even before Obama
won the election. If you think this is all about
health care ,you believe you can build a house
on quick sand.. That is exactly why old media
is dying. They are misinforming the masses
and we know it. One big story that CNN failed
to report last week was how did the Obama
administration pull this off. Maybe if CNN
would actually practice journalism and stop
letting people tell them what words to use
they would actually find out what is going
on. There is new media and no use for
CNN because they don't report the truth
Obama's surprise visit to Afghanistan has
forced CNN to do some real news. There are
some interesting facts coming out about the
Tea Party and I am betting that CNN will not
dare mention some facts that are starting to
come to light. They seem to overwhelmingly
be over 50 and unemployed and receiving
some government assistance. Also, they are
already support or lean towards Republicans
and voted for McCain. So do we have to see
Palin & Beck address their fans because that
is not news if they are preaching to the choir.
I thought something was wrong when they
have the time to take a bus trip across the
United States. You are working, going to
school, have families or are looking for
a job. Nobody has this much time for the
Tea Party nor could you get the time off
of work to do this.CNN should have had
a clue with it being touted by FNC. I
am wondering if that is why the numbers
for FNC are up as well since people 50
or older are finding the job market really
hard right now.
TVN has an interesting article about why cable news is failing and that includes FOX. All three are concentrating on politics and the political junkie while broadcast media is able to do more news in a half hour that is far more relevant to the average viewer. Broadcast news is also able to remain relevant without the crawl and still has ratings that cable news envies.
Big news on the ad front that is probably good
news for CNN. Apple has decided not to advertise
on FNC at all. I wonder how many other advertisers
will follow. That is why CNN needs to get away
from 24/7 politics and inflammatory language.
Not long ago CNN was considered to be on par
with the big 3.Of course those days are gone.
Let's hope CNN decides to return to it's roots.
I am wondering if AC and Team 360 have back
control of the show since there 360 seems to
be more focused these days. This week is his
biggest numbers since Haiti. Finally, there
is a news promo for 360 and there is a real
interesting mix of stories these days. The
Sinead O'Connor interview about the
Catholic church sex scandal was a very
interesting take on the matter. There was
no hyperbole and it was balanced out by
a interview with John Allen. Keep it up
360 I am watching again.
Anon 6:17 I could not agree more.I have been
saying it is time to ditch the crawl and concentrate
on content. The article is so true. With anchors
and reporters leaving, it was irresponsible for
CNN 's first hire to be a conservative blogger.
I agree with the article 1,000 %.. The advantage
for television is the picture quality that the web
can't even come close to matching.CNN has been
a disappointment lately for news junkies. Spud
is right about the difference between CNN &
CNN International.I really don't understand how
the great reporting on CNN I does not make it
to CNN domestic.It is not like it would cost
CNN a thing. Richard Lui just recently went
to Ghana and did some work for Inside Africa.
Funny thing it never showed up on CNN in
America. Lui did an amazing job and I learned
about the history of the beads and what they
mean. Your are telling me this can't run on
The Sit Room. Also, I really like the show
with Errol Barnett on CNN I. Heck it would
make a great replacement for Rick Sanchez.
The Twitter dumb fest should never have
made it to the air in the first place.
Also, what is with the fascination with
furniture. If I hear the whatever desk again
I will scream.. Let Josh Levs do this regular
internet stuff and stop wasting Levs time
with the stimulus desk. With the addition
of Ali CNN looks like very bad local news
for 4 hours instead of a professional news
operation. For some reason I don;t think
CNN has the backbone to pull the shows
anchored by Ali & Rick, they would be
admitting they really messed things up.
Let's hope Spud's plea works and CNN
drops the crawl, moves away from the
everything is political mindset and
gets back into the news game.I really
believe that if CNN International were
more widely distributed, it would be a
hit. I really don't understand why it is
not on DirectTV. Please just limit the
politics to Jon King,SOU and some of
the Sit Room. More news and less politics.
@8:31AM: "fascination with furniture," is soo true when it comes to Rick. I happened to catch him speaking his usual nonsense, and he said "I was sitting ON my desk." I thought he misspoke, but I guess he's said this stuff before. I can't believe he actually gets paid for "sitting on his desk!"
The ratings for Friday are in on TVN and things
were not too good for CNN. I say it is because
they devoted way too much time to Palin and
the Tea Party. I am willing to bet the numbers
will be low for Saturday as well. Has anyone
noticed they seem to have dropped the tweets.
Wolf Blitzer John King and Campbell took big
hits. Please give Anderson Cooper some help.
TV by the Numbers has an item about CNN's
March ratings and they are not good. The first
quarter of 2010 is not been so good for CNN.
Let's hope things get better for the 2nd quarter.
It will be interesting to see if Anderson cam
get back to 1 million viewers at some point.
I am thinking tonight's ratings will be bad.
Rick Sanchez was in for Campbell and I have
no idea what has happened to Larry. He did
an entire hour on the tea party. C'mon Larry.
I have a feeling Larry will retire in June, His
contract is up at that time and the show is
just not very good lately.
John KIng USA is being beaten badly by
Hardball. At some point CNN will get the
message: your viewers are tired of your
recent moves to opinion, Nobody wants
talk on CNN. John King is the latest of a
string of bad programming decisions for
CNN. They forgot to be the grownups and
now they just keep digging a deeper hole
that they are not going to get out for years
to come.360 is the only show on CNN that
is news and for awhile the panels dragged
down the ratings.In the last couple of weeks
when 360 got away from the panels the
numbers went up.CNN needs to do real
time news because Twitter is looking to
get into the news biz and CNN is just
not doing much news these days.
TVN is reporting that 60 Minutes came in fifth in the top ten with Steve Kroft's report, and Anderson Cooper's "bare shoulder tease," chasing the sharks.
360's ratings have seen an increase since they ditched the panels for a more one on one interview related show. Hopefully the interviews will be more timely.
Oh boy. CNN is in big trouble and the betting is
on Jon Klein getting the boot. I think Mediaite
said it best,will Jeff Bewkes & Jim Walton let
Klein run the ship in the ground before firing
him or will they react sooner. I agree about
360. I really think that is how MSNBC outsmarted
CNN. They went to solo interviews with Keith &
Rachel.MSNBC realized the left vs right interviews
in prime time needed to end.I find myself not
even watching when CNN does this.It is not worth
my time to see ideologues on tv everyday.All
they do is spout talking points and it is not
interesting at all watching people argue on
tv all of the time. That is time that could have
been better spent on more news.
Jon Stewart made a brilliant remark about Sarah Palin's rallying for John McCain. He said it was as though she found this "old guy wondering around the mall, and asked him what he's been up to lately." Jon is really the ONLY ANCHOR that can talk about politics and we hang on every word, fake or otherwise.
ICN has a post about Jon Klein and CNN.
Very interesting indeed but I think CNN
should replace Klein because he got so
many things wrong.I look at what someone
like Rome Hartman has done over at BBC
and how David Neuman showed how mini
docs and reporting you won't see anywhere
on the tv news landscape before Current TV
decided to go in another direction.I have a
problem with the intros at the beginning of
some of the CNN shows. Campbell says we
are watching it all so you don't have to.
That makes absolutely no sense for a news
show. Same thing with Ali Velshi. How is it
that watching him would help me make
important decisions. I don't think so.
CNN spends way too much time telling me
that they are this and that. Talk is cheap.
CNN needs to do original reporting and
bring us news from around the globe
everyday.On Monday, 360 gained 250
thousand viewers after LKL, that tells me
that people want news. You just have to
find the right mix to give each program
it's own identity.Clearly, 360 is now CNN's
most popular show.It is all of the other
hours that CNN needs to fix and it is
a very tall order.I can't help but wonder
if 360 would never have slumped if it
never had the stupid political promo
giving people the impression it was a
political and not a news show. Thank
goodness 360 now has a news promo.
goodness they now have a news promo.
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