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Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Ratings For The Week Of April 19th

1 - Based on four nights of regular programming
2 - Based on three nights of regular programming

Rating calculations are weekly averages based on nightly ratings provided by TVNewser with data by Nielsen Media Research. Numbers reflect Live and same day (DVR) data.

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Anonymous said...

Okay, it is time to give those anchors on the weekends FULL time jobs. This particular anchor has a full time job already and is an MD, so I'm sure he's available full time but he should be. Sanjay Gupta is getting great ratings sitting in for AC. But Sanjay turned down the POTUS as Surgeon General so he might play "hard to get." That's too bad because I'd watch him ALL the time just as I'm doing now.

Anonymous said...

I really wish CNN would make a stronger
commitment to docs. Why are they running
on weekends? I agree about Sanjay Gupta
and the others on the weekend. I wonder if
the weekend morning show is bringing in
bigger ratings than AM. There are some
small pockets of good journalism and
storytelling that I've seen on CNN. First,
the reporting of Reynolds Wolf from the
Gulf coast. Deb Feyerick;s building America
feature on the indoor bike track. This
weekend Don Lemon did a story on a pot
hotel in California and also he aired a
piece on jazz preservation in NOLA that
was done by a producer.It will be interesting
to see the ratings for yesterday later today.
It was John Roberts, Larry King and Dr.
Gupta. Larry King needs better guests.
Did we really need an entire hour with
Donald Trump.I really don't understand
why CNN can't make everything sync up
on a banner. They are the only network
with this issue.It is not an issue with HLN,
FNC, MSNBC, CNBC or Bloomberg. I have
turned from AM already . I have had it
with all the monitors and not being able
to see video. Television is a visual medium.
I did not buy a 60 inch HD television for that
junk , it is just so annoying. Can someone
please tell Ali we are not children. I don't
understand why CNN insists on dumbing
down the news and insulting viewers
intelligence.It is clear that CNN has to
do something about the 8 pm hour.
At this point the question is why is it
taking so long. The thing I like about
Sanjay is that he listenss to the people
he is interviewing and asks relevant
questions.It is about the news and the
subject being discussed, not about
self-centered anchors.A good anchor
knows not to get in the way of the news.
It is about the news and sharp conversation.
CNN is really missing the ball on a lot
of international stories as well. Another
case of CNN calling itself the worldwide
news leader and not walking the walk.
Talk is cheap.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to Dr.Sanjay Gupta who keeps on delivering, ratings wise.
He has been a joy to watch! He is enthusiastic and he makes you believe he actually wants to be there. At times, "the permanent anchor" acts like he's "doing you a favor he lives and shows up for work."

Anonymous said...

CNN needs to be leading with the oil rig
disaster instead of immigration this is
the environmental disaster is a really
big story and has wide reaching problems.
Team 360 needs to be there on the scene.
Anon 6:07, I don't think that is true about
Anderson Cooper. I appreciate both Anderson
and Sanjay. They are 2 of the best in the news
biz and are both stellar journalists.

Anonymous said...

it will be interesting to see how CNN fares
tonight with the big new about the spill. I
hope one thing that CNN does is give all
of the crews covering the spill I-phones.
The reason being : all of the crews can
stream live video on their I-phones. Any
reporter can do a live shot with an I-phone.
That will help the crews not miss anything
breaking because in addition to having
the photographers getting great pics.
Anyone who stumbles across anything
newsworthy can stream it back live on
CNN and it is free.

Anonymous said...

@7:47pm: AC is a stellar journalist, when he's not busy promoting himself on twitter and R&K.
Sanjay never promotes himself. He doesn't need to. We need to see more of him.

Anonymous said...

The oil spill disaster is a prime example
of why CNN needs to do real time news.
I have yet to see anyone in places where
the oil can come ashore. This is going to
be a really big story and no one seems to
be close to the scene. Why aren't the crews
with the Coast Guard or close to the scene.
I am for live streaming as well. this is a big
ecological,environmental and economic
disaster across multiple states and affect
the nations food supply.360 needs to be
broadcasting live from Louisiana and
getting as close as possible.I want to
see events unfold with the military and
the Coast Guard.Is there anyway for the
reporters to be embedded. Is anyone
hanging out with the fishermen, who will
lose their way of making a living or the
wildlife people working to save species.
You have to be on this story 24/7.
Give us as many pictures as you can.

Anonymous said...

CNN should be live all hours of prime time
all through the weekend due to the oil spill.
No taped programs.Do we really need to see
the space alien story tonight on Larry King?
CNN show us you are committed to the news.

Anonymous said...

@9:26AM: You make a good point. Was thinking the same thing. Who cares about aliens now?? Rerun old tapes of the Exxon Valdez spill and do comparisons. Do news, not guessing games. Do something that matters!

Anonymous said...

@7:49PM: You are right about Sanjay, "Listening to the people he interviews and asks what is relevant." So many journo/anchors, don't listen and go on to the NEXT QUESTION without HEARING whatever has been said.
I did like hearing what Trump had to say about economic issues, even though he was there to promote his wife's jewelry. I think he is relevant, even if you don't care for him. Celebrity Apprentice is appealing on many levels, and he's done a wonderful job parenting. He's doing it the old fashioned way, having children repeat things over and over until it sinks in. It shows HE CARES.

Anonymous said...

I now know that CNN is taking the Gulf oil
disaster seriously.Do they really need to
have Rick Sanchez on tonight ? Think CNN
management , think. John Roberts has been
on all week and now we get an amateur.
I expect for Countdown's ratings to be
through the ceiling.

Anonymous said...

CNN is losing it's news cred. NBC, ABC &
CBS devoted extensive coverage on the oil
spill, yet CNN is devoting more coverage to
the Arizona law.I can only hope that 360 will
devote an entire hour on this very important
news story. Save all of the other stories for
the second hour.I am wondering if AC will be
live all next week from the gulf coast. The
whole region is facing a huge crisis. Let's
see Anderson, Sanjay and the 360 crew.
Already birds are being found that have
come in contact with the spill. This will
probably be the biggest news story of
the year hands down.

Anonymous said...

@9:35PM: You are right...but don't count on AC's being there.

Anonymous said...

Does Rick Sanchez know where the Gulf Is? Someone get this guy a map, and what happened to "Betty Boop," this week? My reference to Campbell.

Anonymous said...

I am not sure CNN gets the significance of the
Louisiana oil spill just yet. We are not getting
a lot of on sight reporting from the Gulf coast.
Where is the news and video of what is actually
going on. Television is a visual medium.I am
assuming they have teams in place all along
the coast. So far the only person I have seen
is Reynolds Wolf. Where are the rest of the
correspondents. Maybe they should send Don
Lemon he is from Louisiana and likely knows
a lot about the areas that will be affected
the most from the disaster.

Anonymous said...

Reynolds was there long before the other
networks and now CNN is being beaten by
MSNBC. They have several reporters and
Lester Holt is there as well.It is as different
as day and night. MSNBC gets it and CNN
sadly does not.

Anonymous said...

CNN has already lost credibility on this story.
They have been reporting all week long about
the USCG efforts, even a controlled burn and
yet CNN is comparing this to Katrina, why in
the world would they even go there. Too often
CNN just takes the right wing narrative and
just doesn't do research. Hey CNN ever heard
of Google. They have all of the articles and
tv news reports of how events unfolded.
That is exactly why the media can't be trusted.
The Obama administration responded promptly
and all they have to do is do some research.
There was no slow response and CNN knows
this.Oh yeah, this is the same media saying
Obama is overreaching and interfering on
personal rights. Louisiana's governor has
to invite the federal government in and
since it is one of the Southern states talking
about states rights, if Obama used the
federal government to take control of the
crisis he would be accused of being a
dictator. Yes, compare the disasters and
the impact of both but stop trying to make
this all about politics. This is not Obama's
Katrina, oh yeah that's right where have
I heard that on CNN before.CNN had
outstanding coverage all during Katrina
because they relied on the reporters
who are actually witnessing the events
unfold. Let's do the same with the oil
spill that could be the nation's worse.
Real reporting here folks .

Anonymous said...

It seems CNN has devoted it's resources to
May day instead of the Gulf of Mexico oil
spill. Fox is beating them on coverage.

Anonymous said...

Let's get the facts straight.
CNN practically ignored the oil spill and didn't lead with it first and Prsident Obama didn't call it a disaster until it had proven to be one. BOTH WERE LATE.
President Obama has been ignoring the border crisis until it smacked him and his Democratic Congress in the face. Now maybe they'll do "something," but nothing to satisfy either side completely. O treads very carefully so as not to offend anyone and therefore, nothing gets done.

Anonymous said...

Have you guys received any word on CNN
plans for coverage of the Gulf oil spill?

Anonymous said...

Since the only posts that seem to be posted now are posts "totally unrelated to the Michael Ware fiasco, I will focus on Don Lemon's wonderful tribute to President Obama at the Correspondents dinner. He happened to be a whole lot funnier than Jay Leno and Leno should not have been asked to speak because of the spectacle he made out of "Taking Back the Tonite Show." He also said "The audience was tough." Maybe because the focus of their sympathies lie with Conan, as well they should.