Here's a little light reading to fill your weekend. All have to do with CNN's ratings woes and what can/should be done about it.
This first article is called CNN May Need ABC/CBS to Survive, by Phil Rosenthal
Here's a short sample:
For years, the potential of a partnership or merger with a broadcast network news division has been discussed. Between CNN's troubles and economic-driven cuts and concerns elsewhere, this might be the time to pull the trigger with either ABC or CBS.
Whichever broadcaster CNN married, the two would share resources and spread out costs the way NBC News does with MSNBC. Cable would provide a place to rerun broadcast reports and reuse network reporters over the course of the day. But it's more than just a time and money play.
The next article is from the New York Times: Can CNN Be Saved by Ross Douthat
Here's a snippet:
People at CNN see themselves as victims of a polarized political culture — and to some extent, they are. But high-minded self-pity only gets you so far. At a media event in Washington recently, I watched a CNN producer try to persuade a gaggle of skeptical right-wing journalists that the network’s hosts really are objective. (“You’d be surprised how some of them vote!”) Even if they were, it wouldn’t matter. The disinterested anchorman pose worked when TV news ran for 30 minutes every night at 6 p.m. It doesn’t work across hours and hours of prime time, with Campbell Brown blurring into John King blurring into Wolf Blitzzzzzz... .
What CNN Should Do With Itself in Primetime by Jay Rosen
In Rosen's opinion:
Maybe the View from Nowhere has failed, not because audiences want opinion rather than news but because the Voice of God isn’t as convincing as it once was. From this point of view, nothing will improve at CNN until the people running the news report consider that viewlessness may not be an advantage but ideology-in-command is not the only alternative.
And finally a two part series in Vanity Fair entitled To Save Itself CNN Needs to Get Smarter by Andrew Cohen
Here is a sample of Cohen's analysis:
The problem with CNN these days is that when there is no major breaking news it cannot consistently offer up compelling television. I see that as a virtue, not a vice—after all, screaming tabloid-y headlines aside, the world is not in a state of perpetual crisis and television journalists shouldn’t pretend it is. Unfortunately, however, television-news executives evidently think the world is still holding a gun to their heads requiring them to provide live programming at all costs, even when the news of the day does not warrant it. Watching CNN these days when nothing big is happening feels a lot like watching bad tap dancing.
And the VF follow up article that took a look at reaction to the original article.
The Future of CNN: Readers React
Friday, April 9, 2010
Your Views on the News, April 9, 2010
Posted by
3:00 PM
Labels: Andrew Cohen, Jay Rosen, New York Times, Phil Rosenthal, Ross Douthat, Vanity Fair, Your Views On The News
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The first sentence from Cohen's article: If there is no major breaking news, like Haiti, CNN fails miserably. FOX has learned HOW to have an audience every day, no matter what. It does NOT DEPEND on the NEWS, so therefore, Fox always has an audience. What part of this concept does CNN fail to understand? It's like asking a nine year old, what part of "NO," don't you get?
According to TVN, yesterday AC360 lost almost 300,000 viewers in total after LKL, because LARRY was LIVE... and he also had Doctor Laura PHD on. She really doesn't have a PHD, but I agreed with her on suicide and I bet if she were on longer Larry's ratings would have been higher. SHE WAS LIVE and he was LIVE and that just makes for good television.
The worst thing you could do to any NEWS SHOW IS TAPE THE INTRO!!!
If people don't believe that a LIVE show is important, just look at how many years SNL has been on. And what do they say as their INTRO: LIVE FROM NY!
Another example is DWTS. It was on top this week, above IDOL, which is also LIVE.
What part of LIVE doesn't CNN get?
I know FOX TAPES. But they can afford to tape. They already HAVE an audience.
The picture says it best CNN needs to go back
to school. Try adding more stories and video
and some positive news of the day. CNN seems
to have forgotten that television is a visual medium.
Too much talk is destroying CNN.
I forgot to mention the positive story of the
kid who is homeless and is not headed to
West point. How come he is not on CNN.
We're not out of the starting gate and according to TVN, one of AC's live programs on Thursday, was canceled. Do we even know why?
CNN needs to go with real time news. If CNN
would drop the banners along with the white
banner at the bottom, it forces me to watch.
Simply put if I see a title on a banner I don't
like I turn the channel. Case at point was with
Campbell Brown tonight with a banner that
said radical president.We all know that is the
rhetoric that is out there, so why was it on a
CNN banner giving credence to propaganda.
CNN has to act responsibly. Right now 360
and the weekend show are the only ones
I can tolerate on CNN these days.I like
Wolf Blitzer but they have ruined TSR.
I agree with you about Wolf. He HAD a following, small but loyal, and look at his ratings now, just awful and Wolf was good. And they ruined John King with that itsy bitsy show. What is that??
That photo was wrong. AC and Dana Bash and crew, don't need to go back to school. It should have shown a bread line with Jon Klein standing in it.
The best article about CNN is from Michael
Hirschorn.He nailed it. Currently there is no
cable news channel.CNN abandoned it's core
principles. Once upon a time CNN went to
reporters for facts who were actually on the
ground covering news. Now they rely on talking
heads.CNN is not letting it's journalists be
real journalists abandoning it's founding
principles in the process.CNN is pretending
to be serious news They have added lightweights
to do shows that are totally worthless
who interview talking heads with no actual
reporting. The news is suppose to flow like
water and CNN is slowing things way down
with too much talk.CNN can't be FNC or
MSNBC. That is leading to their complete
collapse, but there is something CNN
can do to get back in the game. People
want tv news but it is not available with
the 4 channels for choices;CNN can
actually change the game by hiring more
news people and stop using he talking
heads for news stories. This should never
have happened in the first place.I will
know CNN is serious when I hear and
see that they are hiring real journalists.
That includes reporters,producers,
writers, and photographers and other
people to run a solid reliable news
organizations. News is CNN's forte.
Not news shows about nothing. This
article is basically a memo to Time
Warner management to get back to
the core principles of CNN and quit
lowering standards.CNN has a huge
opportunity and it is being lost.Is
there really anyone in management
who understands that CNN needs to
be a rock solid news organization?
Why do you keep lowering your standards?
CNN needs to to find a way for the news
and information to flow like water.
The chatter is what is slowing things
down big time and you just can't watch.
It is time for a divorce. News organizations
must split from the pundits.It is amazing
how I came across this article. With the
breaking news from Poland, CNN is
in the top searches on Google twice.
CNN please become America's only
24/7 news source. Focus on the facts
and don't sell your journalistic soul.
Why in the world were pundits elevated
to the level of journalists. it makes no
absolute sense and could end badly
for CNN. New Rule : no pundits on
news shows unless they are the
political ones.
CNN's extensive coverage of the Tea Party
is what is leading to their drop in ratings.
People are sick of it and have had enough.
Do some news that really matters. CNN
get therapy please before it is too late.
CNN does need to increase the hours it is
live and look fresh each hour.So often the
info is outdated and no new stories are
added .If you are live there is no excuse for
that.CNN needs to go back to school to
study modern day journalism.CNN needs
to start something called 5 things you should
know about a topic. Take for example the
Stevens retirement from the SCOTUS.
Start with point 1, the year he started by
whoever is president and the years
served concluding with point 5. Did
you notice anything I gave you a ton
of info in point 1, in one sentence
but your eyes have to be on the screen
to catch it. That is a technique that
makes me watch. Let's not forget
television is a visual medium.
Of course pick the song to go along,
so far the song I have chosen is young
folks since it has a long whistle intro
and has a line about if you knew all
of my history... would you go along
with someone like me. Music & Info
are powerful and effective tools.My
goal is to keep you watching not
turn away but stick with me for an
hour. Also, stop teasing stories,
make me watch by not telling me
what is going to happen.
I am not a fan of the crawl either.
I think it makes news too lazy.
Find a way to make it look like
a news item is being typed live
right before my eyes instead of
a dull crawl that is inappropriate at times
and needs to be lost during breaking
news and what's with the blog and
twitter notes during the news.
This is a technique that can be used
effectively before or after stories.
It beats all of the talk. The university
run by former senator Bob Kerry is
right in CNN's backyard. Maybe it
is time the suits to go learn something.
Using the same old formula that never
dies on cable news won't work. I am
with Spud the news is aimed at political
junkies and not news junkies. What is
up with that. Finally, stop it with the
cheesy shows. Sorry for venting but
this is not brain surgery.
Ted Turner was very good at limiting the politics
to just the political shows. Good journalism meant
something to Turner. Breaking news happened
again today with a plane crash taking the life of
the Polish president, his wife and several govern-
ment officials.CNN is needed but the network
must return to it's roots and make news it's sense
of purpose and not politics.I am really surprised
that Jim Walton who has been with CNN since
the beginning is letting Jon Klein destroy CNN
You would think CNN means something to
Jim Walton because he is quite aware of
CNN's history.
CNN has to fix the dayside anchor problem.
The lightweights are now affecting Wolf and
is leading to the very real possibility that CNN
will start losing to MSNBC in daytime viewers
as well.It is pretty obvious that viewers are not
interested in another political show at 7.CNN
seems to be losing viewers during the day and
prime time. CNN definitely has some serious
content issues. Look at the difference of the
production of shows on MSNBC & CNN. It is
different as night and day. You don't need
anchors going I have this document in my
hand and then going over to the board.
CNN can't find the right camera angles
to make the graphic appear on the screen
in the background with the anchor in the
chair. The production/photography for RM
and Morning Joe is just amazing. Morning
Joe is now using still photos of the anchors
as well.So much of the shows on CNN look
as though they are thrown together without
much thought or aesthetics.CNN needs
to have a modern digital look. Again MSNBC
is better with strategically placing the banners
and graphics so they don't interfere with
video or quotes. You don't need a banner
when you are showing a graphic or quote.
I would like to see 4 people on the morning
show TJ,Alina,Zain & Michael Ware.I think
John Roberts & Don Lemon should be on
before Wolf. they are real journalists and
ask the right questions and grasp the facts.
I think prime time will be built around
Anderson simply because Larry is older
and will likely retire soon.So someone has
to come up with new shows. in prime time.
Let's hope it is not an opinion show. I
think it would make things worse for CNN.
Personally, I think the John King show is
a test for possibly replacing Larry King,
it is just not working. People's major grip
with CNN these days is lack of news and
the perception that they are trying to
imitate Fox and it is costing them viewers.
Someone needs to send a signal that CNN
does not want to be FNC or MSNBC.
MSNBC made a brilliant move by going
with Maddow. She is in her 30 's and
brings in younger viewers to watch news
because she is smart.CNN needs to find
some 30 & 20 somethings for their
prime time shows. Perhaps CNN could
be anchor free at 8 and run a show sort
of like their Youtube channel, it has great
content. It would be the top stories of the
day unfiltered brought to you by all
of the fine journalists at CNN. Unfiltered
and raw if you will with no commentary
about what you are seeing just at the
end of each piece have a still photo of
the people behind the story with about
5 seconds of music to let me know the
people behind the work. Look in this
day and time even 4 year olds know how
to shoot video with a cell phone camera.
Before Larry King retires start using your
reporters,photojournalists and all platform
people for a brand new serious featuring
original content. This program could be
the first news show based on web content
and original reporting you will not see
anywhere else. Maybe have Errol Barnett
hosts the show since he does a similar
gig on CNN I and I agree, hire some of
the people from Current/Vanguard. The
network has some great talent that could
work for ABC,NBC,CBS or CNN,I like the
fact the Current has these 3 person teams
that they dispatch : reporter/shooter,
producer and photographer.CNN should
develop similar teams for the purpose
of gathering news from around the globe.
It is also a way to get tons of stories for
all of the CNN shows.
I say move John King to 6 because I think
his show might do better at that hour.
Come up with a news show for women
at 7. Limit the politics to John King, USA.
Reboot TSR with more news, international
news and less politics that drags it down.
CNN needs to diversify it's shows and
stop letting everything look the same.
I would like to see CNN do 2 hours of international
news each day. Maybe have 3 solo anchors for
the 9 am- noon hours followed by 2 hours of
CNN International.If only CNN domestic was as
good as CNN International. FNC & MSNBC can't
touch CNN when it come to global news. The
plane crash in Poland proves that. The world is
such a small place now thanks to the internet.
I was very disappointed with 360 in how
it handled the Virginia confederate celebration
story. Why not have someone like Jon Meacham,
who has written about this extensively or Life
magazine people who have just posted pictures
from the Civil War and has tons of data on the
Civil War and an historian. Instead 360 chose the
low road and it was not worth watching. Anderson
please respect your viewers and don't resort
to theatrics. Elevate the conversion rather
than dumbing things down. Your viewers are
a lot smarter than that and deserve better.
Another example was on Friday when Anderson
ran a clip with Gingrich calling Obama radical
for an interview with a guy who has just
written a book about Obama. The guy was
shaking his head after the clip because it
was not relevant to the conversation. Does
CNN realize how may 18-34 , 18-49 year
olds view Anderson as their news man but
he keeps letting them down and they are
turning to Rachel an hour earlier because
she will not dumb down her show. Rachel
will not dis her viewers. She respects their
intelligence and knows they deserve better.
On the other hand Anderson keeps letting
us down. Sorry, but CNN is just plain stupid
the days. Unless you yell, say crazy things
just to get on tv or happen to be in the
media you will not be on CNN. The network
is too easily manipulated and takes whatever
narrative the right says and incorporates it
into the story.It ends up with fiction topping
facts and that is exactly why no one trusts
CNN these days.CNN is a part of the huge
misinformation campaign that is out there.
CNN viewers are at the point where they are
mad and will not take it anymore.
Now we know why the Tea Party is getting
so much coverage on CNN. The Tea Party
Express has ties to Dick Armey, who was
once a part of Crossfire. Can you say conflict
of interest ? All he has to do is call his friends
at CNN.
@3:16PM Thank you for being objective about 360 and its anchor. It is unfortunate that even when we give constructive critical analysis of the program and perhaps its anchor as well, many find it objectionable.
360, the last time I checked, was part of the CNN line up, and until recently, was no better at what it was doing than the rest of the programming on CNN.
Case in point for CNNI, this was a big global story this weekend. It happened to a large segment of the population here in the US, who are Common Sense would be to switch over to a Polish station and get a direct feed.
CNN is the one cable network with the capability to do this and they kept it Domestic. Nonsense. CNN is better than that, Use your resources.
No, what do they show us, Brooklyn or Crown Heights or some such place.
It is hit or miss with 360 these days. There
is no consistency. That said it is the only
thing that CNN has going for it now. I
think they really need to shorten the interview
segments. Unless it is a huge breaking story
why are they sticking with it after the 1st
break. CNN suits need to actually spend
an entire day watching all of their shows and
take stock, list the pros and cons of each show
and fix it. Too often these days CNN is not
following the real news of the day.i want to
know if management could sit through all
of the shows they expect for viewers to watch.
CNN definitely has more talk than news and
it ends up looking empty and bad.I think
it is time for new blood in management.
John King could do better at 6, but that
is just another bad show that does not work.
CNN looks like a bad local 24 hr channel.
How is that with all of the resources.It is like
they are just trying to fill time.I think from
noon to Wolf CNN should go with rotating
anchors. CNN can not expect for it's
viewers to sit through Ali Velshi and Rick
Sanchez. Those 2 have the worst shows
and there is no need for them, Does CNN
really think that I need advise from Ali.
Isn't he one of those business reporters
who once cozied up to Wall Street and
is never right about anything.A financial
guy anchoring the news, like that will
get CNN viewers. I think this was a knee
jerk reaction to Dylan at MSNBC.So why
is he on parading like he understands
the news, he missed the collapse and you
think I trust him to tell me the news.
When it comes to Rick Sanchez I just
go why ? I know that there were industry
insiders saying this the moment CNN hired
Sanchez: they were done. They are proven
right and CNN is one big mess. The same
question was asked about Campbell. What
is the difference between she and Paula
Zahn. Absolutely nothing. After all of this
time I am not sure what is the point of
her show. It chances every week like they
are trying to throw something against a
wall and make it stick. Campbell has the
worst interview segments and CNN is
simply trying to get sparks flying by
setting up fake debates and it is a collective
big yawn.It is old and outdated. Same
thing applies to Lisa Bloom why is she
even anchoring the cut ins. Bloom does
not have a news background.CNN viewers
know this.So someone think it is a good
idea to have an opinionated talking legal
head anchor the news. Can you say credibility
issues.CNN management is not thinking.
Lisa Bloom is not even a journalist. They
just keep damaging the brand. Let's see
if CNN will cover the big news of the day.
The largest gathering of world leaders
since the forming of the UN with the nuclear
talks and Chinese president Hu meeting with
Obama. Or will they be talking about the
GOP in 2012. The news is about here and
now, not about speculating who will be
running in 2012. Unless you are a political
partisan junkie , who cares.CNN looks like
a parody of a 24/7 news channel and is
now a laughing stock. The entire network
has forsaken it's principles.
According to TVN, Jesse Ventura, who guest hosted for LKL, Friday, had stronger totals, than AC360. It is because of this inconsistency that people decide not to watch. They never know what to expect. NO PROGRAM on CNN is must see TV. Really Sad.
Yes, I agree CNN is one gigantic, mess.
Anon 6:27 Our post is a plea for CNN to give
us back the original 360 and things we see
that are wrong with the show.We don't share
you sentiments against Anderson Cooper. He
does good solid journalism, but sometimes
360 looses it's way. We remember when AC
did not let people shout or argue on his show.
Our point is : let's keep things above the fray
Anderson. We want you to keep it real and
drop it with the noise/nonsense. Heck we even
want the cool music back.360 is the best
show on CNN hands down.We will say when
we think 360 is excellent, good, average or
bad. We just thought things could have been
so much more with the program last week.
Instead of labeling things debate how about
conversation or discussion. I get the feeling
you just don't like Anderson Cooper that
is not what this is all about.AC is not the
reason CNN is falling apart. Things are a
lot more complicated and widespread.
We want the smart & smooth 360 back.
There was a time when 360 had more
news and was on par with the big 3 and
Anderson would say we don't tell you
what to think and it was an intelligent
show. Now everything is left vs right
or pro or con. That just puts everything
into a mold that sometimes does not
work and is all too predictable. Our point is
we want the old Anderson back.We miss
him terribly and would very much like
to see him each night. Could we even
get back the nth degree?
Okay CNN Rachel is leading with a story right
out of Time magazine. Last time I checked Time
is in the same building as CNN. I really don't get
why CNN never uses Time magazine. I have this
suggestion for a couple of shows that CNN could
air on the weekends. Video/digital versions of
Time and Sports Illustrated.
Now that Jeff Bewkes has managed to get
Conan O'brien to join the TIme Warner family
let's hope he focuses his sights on CNN. The
network needs some attention.
Finally, something from Jim Walton. TV Newser
has a memo from Walton;he says that news will
be the norm for CNN and that he will uphold
values and standards at CNN. Also, that CNN
will not be driven by partisanship or ideology.
I hope he means what he says. Apparently there
is some sort of event with journalists and he
will have something to say at this event. I am
holding judgement until I see the changes he
will make. I wonder if this means he is taking
over the ship. IMHO, Walton is saying he is
committed to the news and keep CNN's
journalistic principles. Let's hope this means
letting the reporters have bigger roles than
the pundits and less face time for the pundits.
@8:19pm: I get the feeling you answered a post that was not written by 3:16pm but was a "plea to have the "old AC360 back." This was my point. I never said or meant to imply I didn't like or dislike the "anchor." But the anchor is part of the show and I never said HE was the reason CNN was having major problems. But HE is part of a show that is failing.
Just last Friday, Jesse Ventura's totals were higher than his and the reason has to be in part, the program, the producer, and the anchor. If Jesse Ventura, a guest host for LKL, can command a higher rating than Anderson Cooper, there is a reason. So YOU must take off your ATA hat and accept the "possibility" that perhaps, some small portion of the blame of the failure of this show, is the fault of the anchor. If this were not true HE wouldn't be creating an entirely new format with the hopes of appealing to a wider variety of viewers.
Rachel Maddow will be a guest on Jon Stewart Tuesday nite. This is not her first appearance and I get the feeling Jon likes her because she is not "afraid to be herself," and is a new brand of anchor who is successful by being Objective with those she interviews but is interesting enough to hold the viewers attention, without yelling and screaming. She has a platform, but it is subtle and she is pleasant and has a delicate means of conveying her opinion, without being abrasive.
CNN could use someone like her right this minute.
The ratings are done in 15 minute intervals.
It could be that 360 gave a boost to Ventura.
Unless you see all of the date it is hard to say.
360 had a higher demo but was down about
30,000 in viewers iin television that is not much.
It is likely that the first 15 minutes were higher
but the numbers went down about 30 minutes
into 360.It is hard to say with just one piece of
data. Ratings are tricky with just looking at
viewers/demo. They also break down all age
groups,gender and income among other things.
Last night I thought 360 missed an opportunity
with the nuclear summit. You did not learn
anything about the point of the summit or
the efforts to secure nuclear weapons.At
went with comparison to Reagan and what
Sarah Palin thinks. What happened to the
details. This is definitely not one for the
pundits. How about David Albright. I know
it is the political season but use you pundits
wisely and when they are actually needed.
Maybe David David Gergen could talk about
this topic but not the others. There are
times when CNN needs to think out of
the political realm. You did not get any
facts or details and nuclear weapons are
a really big deal. Later this year Nielsen
will be making huge changes with regards
to ratings. Spud had something about this.
Nielsen is admitting the system they use
is ancient. So things are about to get
interesting.In a nation of more than 300
million, 10 thousand is just to small of
a sample and there are many types of
media these days. Things are moving
at lightning speed and no one knows
were this is all going. Not even to mention
the FCC plans on broadband.
Rachel Maddow is a hit because she uses
conversational writing and each story is
presented in short essay form, Anderson
Cooper is an exceptional writer, why not do a
reporters notebook type intro at the beginning
of 360. A short essay on what you will see for
the hour accompanied by video or stills.
Ending with the lead story. You are not going
to hold my attention for an hour with talking
heads.Or perhaps do this at the end of 2.
Find a way to put more stories in the mix and
make things interesting. Give me a reason
to watch and listen.So much more could
have been done with the nuclear summit.
How come there was not a piece about
the words from Presidents Kennedy to
Obama. The was once this song out
called I am glad I am not a Kennedy and
the ending of the song is JFK talking about
nuclear war. The words and pictures are
used to tell the story and it does not
matter what Sarah Palin thinks. She is not
relevant to the story.360 needs to be
more innovative and creative. All you
need is a producer and editor to work
together to make it things like this happen
each night.360 needs to get back to
being original and groundbreaking.
Sorry. I'm not a Conaon O'Brien fan. Never got his humor and don't care where he landed. All I know is he walked away with MILLIONS he didn't deserve. NONE of them deserve that kind of money.
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