photo from 8/29/10 Washington PostYesterday's event staged by Glenn Beck received live coverage, and lots of it, on CNN. According to a tweet by CNN's Sam Feist Fox and MSNBC were 'largely ignoring' the rally. We weren't keeping track but we'll bet some of you were. Opinions?
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Your Views on the News, August 29, 2010
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10:59 AM
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I am willing to bet MSNBC did the right thing.
CNN thinks this was a news event. At least
the BBC and other news organizations realized
it was a rally for conservatives. It was not of
any importance. What is wrong with CNN ?
Maybe CNN should look at Canada as a replacement
for Larry King. They have a cool show called The
Disconnect with Mark Kelley. Take a look at it on
CBC on the web. It is good stuff. He did an awesome
segment on the F-word because of the Cee-Lo
viral video that is on Youtube and has more than
3- million hits. Think out of the box CNN.
I'm sorry the name of the show is Connect With
Mark Kelley. Disconnect is a segment on the show.
I say put Kelley up against Countdown &
go with a women's show opposite Rachel
Maddow. For some reason Rachel;s ratings
took a hit last week. Which says to me if CNN
had some decent shows people would not
think about turning to MSNBC. Canada does
have some really good news and docs. I like
that the National does not leave banners over
an entire story. They let you see the video.
Can CNN make viral videos a daily segment
instead of just running it on weekends.CNN
could learn a lot from CBC, BBC and even
CCTV. People are globally connected now.
If CNN ignores international news and other
interesting things that are out there and rely
on just plain old talk they will suffer the
consequences. There was huge story about
a cyber attack on the Pentagon. I don't recall
seeing it on CNN or I-dosing.I see there are
different elements that CNN is trying to work
in the SNCC feature on Youtube is amazing
as well as the I-Reports on Katrina then and
now.If the internet can be 24/7, how come
it's impossible for CNN given their resources.
Glen Beck is his very own "Brand of
Crazy." He has mastered marketing
101, and can sell nonsense to tens of thousands who actually think what he is saying is "rational."
He uses old fashioned chalkboards when everyone else is using smart boards to draw analogies that are so ridiculous and outrageous, when you actually listen to it, that even Jon Stewart did a short parody of it not to long ago.
If the ATC team could find it, it would be appreciated and quite fitting for its humor.
That is why CNN should hire Conor Knighton.
You need a show with someone pointing out
the craziness that is in the media on a daily
basis. Unfortunately, CNN is heavily invested
in left vs right and poll,poll an speculation
overload.ESPN would never scale back covering
sports so why would CNN scale back covering
the news and just I think this and I think that.
You don't see regular people who are out doing
things and making the news anymore. Unless
you make outrageous statements which CNN
tries to make into news or say something
that is absolutely false, CNN is not interested.
CNN : it's the news stupid.
The problem for CNN is that the are a part of
a huge media empire and management is in
no hurry to do anything about CNN. 2010 has
been a big year for Time Warner, the parent
company for CNN. Let's face it CNN is not
losing money and the latest data shows
revenue is up for Turner Broadcasting which
includes CNN, HLN.TBS.TNT, Cartoon and on
on on. Plus remember Coco is coming soon
and Time Warner distributes dozens of network
shows like Modern Family. I must say this...I
think if this were happening at HBO it would
have been management changes long ago.
At some point somebody has to fix CNN.
Say goodbye to CNN. If they think Piers Morgan
will get ratings they are in need of rehab,
I don't know if the CNN brass takes a look at
this blog but they definitely should. There were
people who said Rick Sanchez would not work.
Now people are saying they won't be watching
Elliot Spitzer or Piers Morgan and people who
are actually watching CNN are expressing their
dislike. All I can say is look for MSNBC to see
a huge increase in viewers for Countdown &
TRMS. This lineup will cause 360 to take a huge
hit. I can't see either of them getting better
numbers than Campbell Brown or Larry King.
Their ratings might actually be lower than
John King. I can say I won't be watching
CNN. You don't diss your viewers like that
since you need viewers a lot more than
viewers need you. What does it take for you
to get what your viewers are saying. They
don't like what CNN is doing with pundit
patrol and topics that no one cares about
and should not be on for more than 1 day.
How is that people with no serious news
experience end of the shows on CNN in
prime time. We are not stupid CNN we
know news when we see it and CNN is not
a cable news channel and we can see that
rather clearly miles away.
Something is clearly going on with the cable
news ratings. Friday's numbers are down for
all of them. Perhaps it has something to do
with the summer coming to and end but if
this continues CNN will not be the only one
seeing double digit losses.So far CNN has
taken the steepest hits with FNC * MSNBC
have less than a 10% decline in ratings.. I
think viewers might be reaching that point
when it comes to cable news.
FOX News can afford to take the "summer hit." They may have lower totals, in these dog days of August, but EVERY one of their shows hit over a million or more. CNN can't afford the hit. They can barely maintain an average of 500,000.
CNN's content is very poor. Their shows are poorly paced and they spend way too much time analyzing things to the President's speech tomorrow nite.
We know he's going to speak about Iraq and why we're leaving. We also know we can no longer afford to be there financially. Our country is no longer fiscally capable of supporting two wars. See if anyone of the PUNDITS mentions this. See if the POTUS is honest enough to mention this. But don't ANALYZE IT too death as though nothing else happened!!
I agree the analysis on CNN goes on and on
and ;you get bored. Content, content, content
CNN. The main problem for CNN is they get
bogged down in the media narrative of the day
and just repeat the talking points of the day.
Enough already. If the suits actually watched
CNN for 10 minutes they would know the lousy
shows they are asking viewers to watch. It would
be crystal clear because they would say : I can't
watch this stuff,CNN, television is a visual medium.
That means you need more video and very little
talk. Drop the crawl and do more news during
the bump and interesting headlines and news
questions coming in and out of commercials.
For example, today you could ask when was
they day the Iraq War started going into the
break. When they come back from the break
show the answer via infographic. Give us full
screen video and quit it with monitors. I feel
cheated and like I am missing the full impact
of the video. Your video is getting lost and
we don't need to see the anchor with video
all of the time. Same thing goes for
on television. Play as few seconds of the
clip from CNNcom and have a single line
banner to describe what you are seeing..
You can do the same thing with the Newspulse.
CNN stop it with video I can't see. You can't
hold my attention with boring talk.
CNN needs to be fixed from the beginning to
the end. AM is getting down into the 200,000's.
Did things ever get that bad with Soledad &
Miles. You have to look like you enjoy the news
and information and learning something.CNN
has too many talking heads. By the time you
get an opinion from all of the people the facts
have already gotten lost. You are not finding out
what is going on or what is happening as the day
progresses and AM does too many repeats from
360. Where is the fresh news in the morning
CNN is being lazy and needs to hit the streets
and read the real news to find out what is
going on.HLN is the big winner in the am
because it is news in the fast lane. I
can't relate to CNN these days. Hearing
people say I think this and I think that is
not worth watching. Besides I don't want
to throw something at the tv.
Let's hope that CNN's coverage about the Iraq
War will be about the war and not an opinion
show. There is so much ground to cover. This
war has lasted 7 years, more than 4,000 have
made the ultimate sacrifice and more than 30
thousand have been wounded.CNN needs to
elevate the conversation and get out of the
left vs right mindset that is dumbing down the
news on CNN. We really don't need the silliness
tonight. This is a pivotal moment in US history
and more lives were lost today in Afghanistan.
It will be interesting to see the role Fareed
Zakaria will have tonight. I love GPS it
does not insult your intelligence.
Why is CNN using political music for a
speech about the Iraq war that has been going
on for 7 years & and as President Obama is
gong to increase troops in Afghanistan. It is
totally inappropriate. It's not right .
@5:29PM: You hit on a very good word: ENJOY: Yes, you are right. No one seems to enjoy what they are doing at CNN and that includes John Roberts in the morning and Anderson Cooper at nite. In fact, Anderson appeared so somber last nite you'd think he was at a funeral.
I know things are tough around there and morale is low, but please act as though the news excites you and you're not hanging in there to full fill your contract. Cooper goes from one extreme to the other. When he was with Erica, he was sooo light-hearted and now he condemns everyone before they begin to utter a word....and John Roberts actually forgot Ali Velchi's name on American Morning. His co-host had to remind him it was Ali, not his brother Alan!! Wake Up. I Know it's early, but start the day right. Thousands are watching....well hundreds anyway.
The problem with CNN is the needs to
focus on hard news, in depth reports,
original reports and better storytelling.
CNN is no longer factually based. I am
not sure if that is true about 360. The
segments need to be tightened up and
Aysa is bringing some fresh air.I think
360 would have been fine with Fareed
Zakaria & David Gergen. They seem to
have some very deep informative back
& forth but it is on an intelligent level
and Peter Bergen seemed to be getting
a kick out of it as well.360 should have
dropped the pundits and just gone with
Zakaria, Gergen and Bergen. They are
not petty and acting like a bunch of 2
year olds.
Good grief CNN, there is a hostage situation at
the Discovery building in Maryland and CNN has
it's big hair graphics obstructing the view, Turned
the channel. Why are the graphics and banners so
big. I am watching HLN and MSNBC.
What does it take for CNN to realize that viewers
are so over the pundits and don't like all of the
chatter. Anyone can have an opinion about
whatever.It is so yesterday. CNN had way too
much analysis. CNN truly is old media. People
consumer news different these days. You must
let me experience the news and take me on a
journey not bore me.If you are not going to do
news don't expect me to watch talk.
We live in a time when viewers have access to
other media outlets from around the world.If
you watch the BBC and others you see just how
bad and lame the cable news channels are and
how little news they offer. That is the number
1 complaint you will hear about CNN. Polls are
used for useless segments of speculation. The
media is so full of itself.MJ is not doing that
great and John Roberts & Kyra Phillips should
be doing AM.CNN is to steeped in the politics
of ideology and they can't seem to come up
with anything else. It is follow the noise and
forget the news. You can't trust it and you
feel left out with back in forth misleading.
Reading e-mails and tweets is just lame
and lazy. The story selection is just awful
and shows just how clueless CNN is these
days. Let's see if we get the lead of Hurr
Earl followed by the hostage situation at
Discovery. Maybe CNN needs to develop
an aggregated news format and ditch
the talking heads. Each time they come
on I say who cares and turn the channel.
@2:30PM Yes, isn't that ridiculous. They did that the other nite on 360, when they were playing a tape and used subcaptions.
No one could read them, the graphics covered them up!!
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