Piers Morgan to Host Prime Time Interview Program on CNN
Global media personality and veteran newspaper editor Piers Morgan will host a candid, in-depth newsmaker interview program on CNN beginning in January, it was announced today by Jon Klein, president of CNN/U.S. The new program will air weeknights on CNN/U.S. at 9 pm ET/PT and will air worldwide on CNN International in more than 200 countries.
Known to United States viewers primarily for his role as a judge on NBC’s No.1-rated America’s Got Talent and as the winner of Celebrity Apprentice, Morgan has had a long career in journalism in the United Kingdom as a newspaper editor and, more recently, as the host of the popular television interview program Piers Morgan’s Life Stories. He will now bring his penetrating interview style and gift for unearthing the surprising detail to American television and to CNN viewers around the globe.
“Piers has made his name posing tough questions to public figures, holding them accountable for their words and deeds,” said Klein. “He is able to look at all aspects of the news with style and humor with an occasional good laugh in the process. He is a natural fit with Anderson Cooper, Eliot Spitzer and Kathleen Parker in our prime time line up, and the ideal choice to update the storied tradition of newsmaker talk on CNN.”
Morgan began his career as a reporter for The Wimbledon News and then as a columnist at The Sun. In 1994, when Morgan was 28 years old, Rupert Murdoch appointed him the youngest ever editor of the News of the World, and the youngest national newspaper editor in Britain for 50 years. Two years later he moved to the Daily Mirror, where he served as editor-in-chief from 1995 until 2004. The paper won numerous journalistic awards including Newspaper of the Year at the prestigious British Press Awards in 2002 for its coverage of the 9/11 terrorist atrocity in New York. After his controversial departure from the Mirror, Morgan went on to become a best-selling author, a regular media columnist, and host of his own interview programs on the BBC and ITV, as well as appear as a judge alongside Simon Cowell on the No.1-rated show Britain’s Got Talent.
“I am thrilled to be joining CNN, and very much looking forward to bringing my own style of interviewing to the world’s biggest, and best, TV news organization,” said Morgan. “As a young journalist in Britain, I watched CNN’s astonishing live coverage of the 1991 Gulf War, and felt enthralled by the courage and brilliance of the journalists involved in that coverage. Years later, I watched Anderson Cooper’s visceral reports from New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina, and felt equally enthralled by his passionate and relentless search for the truth. Perhaps most pertinently, I have watched Larry King Live for much of the last 25 years, and dreamed of one day filling the legendary suspenders of the man I consider to be the greatest TV interviewer of them all. To now have the chance to work with Larry and Anderson, and to try and continue the outstanding journalistic legacy created by them, and so many others at CNN, is both a great honor, and a great challenge.”
After leaving the Daily Mirror, Morgan began writing a monthly interview column for GQ magazine where he interviewed some of the biggest names in global entertainment and politics. In 2004, he moved into television, co-hosting a Channel 4 current affairs show, Morgan & Platell, and two BBC interview shows, Tabloid Tales and You Can’t Fire Me I’m Famous. In 2008, Morgan joined ITV, where he hosted a documentary travelogue show called Piers On…, reporting from cities including Shanghai, Las Vegas and Dubai. He also developed a new talk show, Piers Morgan’s Life Stories, where he conducts one-on-one intimate and lengthy sit-down interviews with celebrities, business and political leaders, including Prime Minister Gordon Brown. It has been consistently the No. 1-rated talk show in Britain for the last two years.
Morgan will continue to write his two regular columns for the Mail on Sunday newspaper – one on sports, the other a weekly diary of his life, and he will also provide regular columns to CNN.com.
Morgan is an accomplished author, writing eight books including three best-selling volumes of diaries: The Insider, Don’t You Know Who I Am, and the recently published God Bless America.
He is also co-founder and editorial director of First News, Britain’s first ever national newspaper for children.
Morgan re-married in June, to Celia Walden, and has three sons from his first marriage – Spencer, Stanley and Bertie.
He will be based in New York, and also work from Los Angeles and London.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Piers Morgan Live
Posted by
11:33 AM
Labels: Larry King, Larry King Live, Piers Morgan
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This is insane.FNC & MSNBC are celebrating
right now because CNN is no long a player.
CNN is history and they did it to themselves.
I can tell you this there is a huge backlash
mounting against CNN and they are going
to have a hard time getting advertisers.
Anderson Copper leave now because CNN
just ruined your career . Real journalists
at CNN quit now. Here's the thinking Jon
Klein will be fired. Both new shows will
be canceled within a 6 month time period.
Now we know the truth Time Warner
does not value CNN.
Have you read Jon Klein's ridiculous statement.
He thinks these shows are a great fit for 360.
Not.360 will now be following scandal and trash.
Why would you tie 360 to these shows.360 is
supposed to be a news show and I doubt very
seriously that news will be a part of the 2 hrs
of programming that 360 will follow.Is it me
or has Jim Walton been silent lately.
CNN is really taking a beating in social media.
The most common : CNN has 3 white males in
prime time. I can't wait for Keith's response
tonight and the promos on MSNBC. This is the
day the news died on CNN. This is low.
I only know Piers Morgan from the "Got Talent" shows. He calls it like he sees it, and I like him as far as it goes. (Hey, I like Simon Cowell, too. What can I say?)
But boy, he should not let his PR company write his quotes. This reeks of hack writers stuffing the thesaurus in a blender and trying to out-praise the new boss with every successive paragraph. It doesn't sound like him in the slightest. (And don't you love the way the bio slides right over his "controversial exit from The Mirror"? Yeesh.)
One thing is for sure... the folks who have in the past come to LKL for a softball interview had best duck this guy. He's not going to be the least impressed by a boo-hoo-I-was-wronged sob story. Whether to hold people accountable for their deeds or just to stir up controversy and grab some headlines, he's going to be a tough interviewer. He'll lose a lot of Larry's old base; hopefully he can pull in a new one. As long ad he doesn't take cheap shots, I think this could be a good thing for CNN. It's a shake-up of the primetime slot, at the very least.
Leave it to CNN to pick someone from the
lowest rated major network. There is a big
reason why they have other people on the
show to not keep the focus on Piers Morgan.
Morgan is not liked in Britain or by NBC
viewers. In the last two days CNN has made
the announcement of lame shows.CNN is
forgetting something. These two guys are
not likable and have lousy personalities.
I won;t invite either of them into my living
room. I would rather watch color bars.
CNN needs to hire a woman to replace
Jon Klein and get some new thoughts
for improving CNN. TVN has a great
story about what ABC should do and
here was one theory that stood out.
News needs to constantly bring in new
bosses to keep fresh ideas coming, I
think he said only give the news bosses
5 years. This is the problem for CNN in
a nutshell no fresh thinking.
The big winner here is Rachel Maddow. Morgan
will not be able to get good guests. I think a
a Fareed Zakaria show called What in the World
would do better. Zakaria is sharp and can give
Rachel a run for her money when it comes to
being well informed. You notice you will not
see American reporters on the BBC. Brits are
not too fond of American news. They don't
think it is news. The moment it appears that
Piers Morgan is look down his nose at Americans
it will not go down to well. This will be a
problem for CNN.We need global news not
show biz.
Oh Joy.... :(
This guy was run out of British journalism
and that is why he is doing entertainment
shows. Piers Morgan will do nothing to help
CNN. Can you say Chelsea Handler. She
always talks about having a show on CNN.
I don't think he will find a receptive audience.
He comes across as rude and a jerk. Cyn
you are right CNN can't ignore his tabloid
past and I think that will turn viewers off.
He will not bring in any new viewers. I think
I would watch Joy Behar before I would watch
Piers Morgan and I don't like the show. I
will be spending the hour with Rachel &
Keith. If I watch CNN for the 1st 2 hrs of
prime time I would fall asleep and miss
360. A couple of times last week 360
gained 100,00 viewers out of Larry King.
CNN has no room for error and the got
it wrong twice in the last 24 hrs. Boring.
Boy the comedians will have a field day
with this.
This is worse than the AOL merger that
Time Warner thought was a good idea.
This blunder is a whopper.
How dare Jon Klein equate Anderson Cooper with Piers Morgan and Eliot Spitzer. He actually doesn't know the difference between a journalist, politician, and an entertainer! And he's running CNN into the ground!
Last nite 360 got one of their lowest ratings EVER! SOMETHING ISN'T WORKING MR KELIN.
Anon 7:09 I agree with you 100 %. The ratings
were low because it was filled with the pundits.
That is what is dragging CNN down. It is a huge
mistake to even mention Anderson Cooper in
the same sentence as Spitzer and Morgan.CNN
messed 360 up with a political promo that left
the impression that the show was a political
show.Is Cooper the face of news or not.Is CNN
a place where journalism matters or not. CNN
is sending mixed messages.I know for a fact
that 360 ratings took a dive when they went
to the panels. CNN is in trouble because they
are trying to fool people into believing that
this is real news.Stevie Wonder can see this
is not true.CNN your viewers are not fools.
Give us the news and not the talk.CNN's
management is clueless.In this day and time
having people read from a teleprompter
and sit and talk with no video or news is
not good television.CNN televsion is a visual
medium like movies. You don't spend 10
bucks for 2 hours of talk. It is the same
way with television.
Anderson Cooper is a real journalist.360 is the
only thing CNN has going for it right now. Let
360 be a news show and not an opinion show.
CNN must keep their real journalists off of
these shows. Don't tie 360 to crappy shows.
It does not fit in with this cheesy lineup.
What are they thinking.
Now Americans can not even get real news.
There is a huge demand for news and info
but you sure can't get it from cable news.
The news and viewers don't matter.
CNN try hiring journalists and investing in
you news gathering operation and hitting
the streets and doing your job. Which is to
tell me what is going on and nothing else.
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