Drew Pinsky Joins HLN Prime Time Lineup

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Dr. Drew Pinsky, the renowned doctor who has helped audiences across a spectrum of tv and radio programs for more than two decades, will be joining HLN’s prime time programming block. Announced today by Scot Safon, executive vice president in charge of HLN, the new program will launch in Spring 2011 and will be an opportunity for audiences to hear Dr. Drew’s insights on a broad range of subjects every night.
Dr. Drew, a practicing physician who is also board certified in internal and addiction medicine, specializes in topics that are core concerns for viewers throughout the United States -- creating healthy relationships, coping with addiction, and finding constructive ways to navigate common struggles facing parents and their children alike. The HLN program will give Dr. Drew a new, nightly platform to provide relevant observations and perspectives on the news stories and newsmakers HLN covers throughout the day.
“Dr. Drew informs and inspires audiences on subjects that matter most to them and their families, and he is an ideal fit for the HLN network,” said Safon. “Whether the topics are in the news or simply in the daily lives of our audience, Dr. Drew will shed light, provide crucial information and give viewers something to talk—and think--about.”
“I am thrilled to join HLN and I have no doubt that the natural fit I feel at the network will provide the opportunity to explore the stories behind the story and really explain the choices that people make,” said Pinsky.
Dr. Drew Pinsky is a practicing physician with a private practice and is on staff at Huntington Memorial Hospital. He is also Assistant Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at the Keck USC School of Medicine.
One of the most listened to doctors in America, Dr. Drew has been taking calls from listeners since 1984 as host of the radio show LOVELINE, which is nationally syndicated by Westwood One.
Dr. Drew and Vh1 teamed up for the first reality TV series to depict the process of overcoming addiction. Now in its fourth season, CELEBRITY REHAB with DR. DREW was critically acclaimed by the addiction community for pulling back the veil of secrecy about what goes on in rehabilitation programs. SOBER HOUSE chronicles the sober living process and SEX REHAB with DR. DREW looked at the struggles and treatment of those dealing with serious sex addictions.
Dr. Drew is the author of the New York Times bestseller The Mirror Effect: How Celebrity Narcissism is Seducing America (Harper-Collins) and Cracked: Putting Broken Lives Together Again (Harper-Collins). Dr. Drew co-authored with Dr. Mark Young the first academic study on celebrities and narcissism. The study was published in the Journal of Research in Personality (Elsevier) and received worldwide press coverage.
After receiving his undergraduate degree from Amherst College and his M.D. from the University of Southern California, School of Medicine, Dr. Drew continued with USC for his residency. He then became chief resident at Huntington Hospital in Pasadena. Dr. Drew is a member of the American College of Physicians, the American Medical Association, the American Society of Addiction Medicine, the California Medical Association and the American Society of Internal Medicine.
Dr. Drew lives with his wife and their teenage triplets in Pasadena.
“Dr. Drew informs and inspires audiences on subjects that matter most to them and their families, and he is an ideal fit for the HLN network,” said Safon. “Whether the topics are in the news or simply in the daily lives of our audience, Dr. Drew will shed light, provide crucial information and give viewers something to talk—and think--about.”
“I am thrilled to join HLN and I have no doubt that the natural fit I feel at the network will provide the opportunity to explore the stories behind the story and really explain the choices that people make,” said Pinsky.
Dr. Drew Pinsky is a practicing physician with a private practice and is on staff at Huntington Memorial Hospital. He is also Assistant Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at the Keck USC School of Medicine.
One of the most listened to doctors in America, Dr. Drew has been taking calls from listeners since 1984 as host of the radio show LOVELINE, which is nationally syndicated by Westwood One.
Dr. Drew and Vh1 teamed up for the first reality TV series to depict the process of overcoming addiction. Now in its fourth season, CELEBRITY REHAB with DR. DREW was critically acclaimed by the addiction community for pulling back the veil of secrecy about what goes on in rehabilitation programs. SOBER HOUSE chronicles the sober living process and SEX REHAB with DR. DREW looked at the struggles and treatment of those dealing with serious sex addictions.
Dr. Drew is the author of the New York Times bestseller The Mirror Effect: How Celebrity Narcissism is Seducing America (Harper-Collins) and Cracked: Putting Broken Lives Together Again (Harper-Collins). Dr. Drew co-authored with Dr. Mark Young the first academic study on celebrities and narcissism. The study was published in the Journal of Research in Personality (Elsevier) and received worldwide press coverage.
After receiving his undergraduate degree from Amherst College and his M.D. from the University of Southern California, School of Medicine, Dr. Drew continued with USC for his residency. He then became chief resident at Huntington Hospital in Pasadena. Dr. Drew is a member of the American College of Physicians, the American Medical Association, the American Society of Addiction Medicine, the California Medical Association and the American Society of Internal Medicine.
Dr. Drew lives with his wife and their teenage triplets in Pasadena.
Neither CNN or HLN is getting better shows in
prime time.It is clearly a race to the bottom for
both networks.
@ anonymous 2:25, I have to disagree. I will watch this show, Dr. Drew always has interesting insights on the human psyche. He also brings with him a younger following which is attractive to advertisers.
I prefer Dr Drew to Joy Behar. The million
dollar question is :what time will the show
be on HLN ? If they are trying to hold on to
Nancy's viewers, Dr Drew should be on at 9.
Joy is not the right fit for HLN.
CNN & HLN is getting too heavy into personalities
and that is not always a good thing. People can
watch Dr. Drew on VH 1 but not on CNN. Younger
viewers are real media savvy and create their own
media. CNN has put it's journalistic credibility on
the chopping block.I am thinking real soon we will
see the complete collapse of CNN. The ratings are
plummeting and they keep going down the same
road. Talk & opinion is so boring and CNN has
failed to realize this is exactly what turns people
off about both CNN & HLN. Neither of them are
performing really well right now.CNN is getting
close to critical mass. At some point viewers
will give on hoping CNN will get it;s act
together. Personally, I think it is the baby
boomer management who does not understand
people 50 & under. CNN management if failing
to see the obvious. Viewers don't like CNN or
HLN much these days. CNN destroyed it's
brand name.
Evidently, Anderson Cooper doesn't agree that HLN has any sort of following day or nite. He prefers Fox....interesting??
And as far as Dr Drew is concerned, I agree with the first commenter. I really could care less what they do with him.
I think a shake up is coming to HLN.
After Morning Express HLN is downhill.
Neither HLN or CNN can bring in younger
viewers with talk.CNN could learn from
Nightline. Each night they have in depth
reports and beat Leno & Letterman in the
demo when it comes to 18-49 yr olds.
Younger people want the information,not
the talk.
Have you guys noticed that Kate Boldaun
is now anchoring with Ali Velshi.
The November ratings are leaking out and
Parker Spitzer is 4th. CNN has to consider
canceling the show. Somewhere Campbell
Brown is laughing. Hint to management don't
even let Piers Morgan make it to air. The new
shows are just not any good. How about a
rapid fire news show like Brooke Baldwin does
at 4. Nothing but the news and no commentary.
More news than you can handle in 1 hr coming
at you so fast if you blink you might miss
something. The 4pm hr on CNN rocks.Add
a couple more females and CNN could have
a hit. Get away from the ideology. It has
played out.No more Crossfire.
CNN & HLN are both in trouble. Keith has
tweeted that his show is the only one that
is not down at 8.CNN should go with a
women's show at 8. It would be a nice
alternative to the other shows on cable
news for the hour.No politics or pundits.
Just the ladies from CNN, CNN I, HLN &
CNN.com. I don't think CNN can afford to
stick with Parker Spitzer much longer.
I agree, Brooke Baldwin is doing a great job at the 4PM hour and I do believe this is being noticed. It seems to be faster paced and she does no commentary, just presents the facts in a pleasant productive way. We will see more of her, hopefully in primetime.
No comment news will explode in the next
decade.It usually does not have an anchor.
It is just packages and video with sound and
you have to really pay attention to the tv .It
is the type of format used by Euronews. If
CNN starts hiring journalists again, they
might want to take a look at the CBC's
Mark Kelley. The show is called connect with
Mark Kelley.CNN should only have the pundits
on TSR, SOU & JK USA. Hiring reality show
people will not work for CNN as well.Do
some news.
Oh boy, according to the NY Post , CNN
wants to stick with Parker Sptizer.Neither
of these 2 should have a show on cable
news. They are horrible on television.
Apparently, CNN management thinks it
is ok for Parker Spitzer to have basically
no one watching. Can Ted Turner buy
back CNN.
I can't believe that nobody has a back up plan.
Do they really think that Parker Spitzer will find
viewers. No way. If Countdown starts beating the
show by a million viewers maybe then they will
wake up. Something is terribly wrong at CNN
when Campbell was let go for low ratings. Her
show performed better than Parker Spitzer &
Rick;s List. They messed up , now fix it before
it is too late. It is not going to get any better
once Larry King leaves.
I don't think anyone would miss Elliot
Spitzer or Kathleen Parker.
The NYPost reported that Kathryn Parker was dissatisfied with the way in which she was being treated on the set, letting Spitzer get all the attention. He is an attention grabber and that could be why he was the former Govenor of NY, Katie.
Did we read the same article, to the prior commentor?
Yes, CNN defended the show and is surprised about Spitzer's knowledge and appeal.
CNN is standing by their girl, Kathleen Parker, in a press release to combat the NYPost article....which means she will "probably be gone tomorrow."
I know there are those who say Fox has nothing to do with Anderson Cooper's new talk show, but THEY DO.
They BOUGHT the show. They might not distribute the SHOW, but they OWN IT. So yes, they do have something to do with THE SHOW.
Time Warner is the NEGOTIATOR IN THE DEAL.
Let's get our facts straight.
@anonymous 7:40,
Anderson’s new talk show is syndicated, which means the rights are sold to individual stations, syndicated programs are not sold to broadcast networks. Networks, like Fox, produce their own programs (Glee, So You Think You Can Dance and Idol are Fox produced programs.) Fox does not own Anderson Cooper's new talk show, nor does Time Warner. Warner Brothers is the distributer and several (4 at this point) local Fox channels are going to carry it. Even if every Fox channel in the US signed on Fox would still not own the show. They do not produce the show, they do not own it, they bought the RIGHTS to broadcast AC’s new talk show.
Fox does not own Anderson's daytime talk
show. These stations carry FOX's prime time
shows and are not owned by FOX. They are
affiliates. FOX is getting zero dollars. The
distributor Warner Bros is being paid a
syndication subscription fee. Warner Bros
is making money for Time Warner not FOX.
Television is a very very complex business
and TW is a large media company on
multiple platforms. Would you believe Two
and a Half Men is also distributed by
Warner Bros but airs on CBS. Some local
FOX stations are also CNN affiliates, they
subscribe to CNN's news services.
cmon anon - seriously? "a race to the bottom"? any attempt we make to return to health can not be negative in any way. look into your own heart, why is it hardened against those who look for and need help?
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