1 - Special programming was aired one night during the week
Rating calculations are weekly averages based on nightly ratings provided by TVNewser with data by Nielsen Media Research. Numbers reflect Live and same day (DVR) data.
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Rating calculations are weekly averages based on nightly ratings provided by TVNewser with data by Nielsen Media Research. Numbers reflect Live and same day (DVR) data.
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10:43 PM
Labels: Ratings At A Glance
We will not know the effects of Keith Olbermann's departure for a while.
While I doubt if it will change the demos,the ED Show may prove to be hard for 360 to beat in totals.
As for Piers, only time will tell if he can keep up the ratings.
We do know this: He's not one to bring in a million plus every nite.
In fact, except for the first nite, he's demonstrated that his ratings, although higher than his own lead-ins, he's still no Larry King.
I think 360 is the big winner at 10 if they play
their cards right. Why was Ben Wedeman on
Connect With Mark Kelley on CBC and 360
had Dr Phil ? I s not the Egypt and North Africa
protests worthy of a 360 dispatch. The Last Word
is an excellent show. Piers Morgan is trashy.
Why would you ask women if their breasts are
real. Parker Spitzer should have been canned
long time ago. I am wondering if Parker Spitzer
was 5th last week. Piers Morgan is not giving
them a bump. That seems odd. That can only
mean a couple of things. 1] Parker Spitzer's
ratings have hit rock bottom . 2] Viewers
watch Piers Morgan after watching FNC &
MSNBC first.. Piers Morgan was 4th on Monday.
The problem for CNN is that he is a tabloid
journalists and not a good interviewer at all.
I expect for CNN's ratings to take a huge
dive as people learn that CNN is the puppet
of the tea party.CNN continues marching to
the right. They are not an independent news
organization and it shows as they are doing
tea party stories each day. Something is not
right with this picture and the truth will come
out and it will be yet another pr blunder for
CNN. CNN has no business being this close
to the tea party because that means CNN is
too afraid to ask them hard questions. CNN
is too easy on the tea party and now we
know why. It is in CNN's financial interest
to promote the tea party. CNN is not being
honest here and will be exposed for the
fraud the network has become.
CNN needs a social media news team. So much
news is happening in social media. Take what
is happening in Egypt.CNN really needs to think
about going with a social media news show to
replace Parker Spitzer. Let viewers pick some of
the news stories but no politics so that the show
is not hijacked by people with agendas but goes
for people who consume news. Just set it up for
CNN viewers to submit news items and mix it
with CNN reports.In other words connect with
the viewers.I bet you right now CNN could
set it up for viewers to vote on news stories
and it would get more responses than the
items the post on CNN.It is time for CNN to
have a viewer contributed news show.No
politics just the news that people care about
and would like to see covered by CNN and
maybe discover what viewers think CNN is
ignoring that should be on the news. CNN
has to reach out to the human network that
is on Face Book, You Tube, Twitter, Vimeo,
Reddit, Mixx, Digg, etc.I have no problem
registering so I can submit stories to CNN.
Here's an example : the Ohio mom who
was jailed for wanting her kids to go to
a better school. I know CNN has some
affiliates who did this story. Make the
connection between the viewer who submits
the story and air like a mini doc that runs
for about a minute on the story. I really
don't understand why Josh Levs and some
CNN reporters can't do a show like this.
By the way where is Josh Levs ?
CNN is old media and doesn't understand
the internet and it shows. Have you seen
CNN.com lately. It is going downhill.The
Last Word shows how lame Parker Spitzer
really is and yes it is time for CNN to say
game over for Parker Spitzer. It looks like
the ratings for FNC & CNN will be down
for January 2011. Not sure about MSNBC.
360 has to make most of the opportunity.
Greta has been struggling too.
CNN needs to really work on facts and content.
Christine Romans said the Obama administration
help cause the financial meltdown. That is
impossible. A real tv network Bloomberg said it
was the Bush & Clinton administrations. What
is wrong with CNN. Thank goodness for PBS
& Bloomberg. CNN spreads misinformation and
ignorance. Turn the channel.
All this talk about Parker/Spitzer and guess what?
They happen to be doing better in totals and sometimes even demos than AC360.
In totals Parker/Spitezer got a 549
and AC360 got a 507 this past Wednesday. Parker and Spitzer also beat AC in the demos!
Yes, it was just one nite so far, but if they're doing better than 360, who's to blame??
360 has been boring lately and it's because of the content.
AC's lead in was the 9/11 liberty coin fraud. Well, there happens to have been rioting in Egypt that is spreading and all this even got was a mention from the lovely Isha
SeSay, in her banter/bulletin.
Now something like rioting in Egypt should have gotten more than a mere blip on the radar screen and not the liberty coin.
Sorry, there is a major problem with the CONTENT featured on 360.
This WAS CNN's top show and Parker/Spitzer is beating them???
Not a good sign folks.
Here's another sign that is a big negative for 360. The Ed Show beat AC in the demos and the totals.
Just check it out on TVN.
Ed is a jock, but he also knows politics and can pull a show together to make viewers want to watch.
And Rachel Maddow hit over a million plus.
Something is very wrong with 360.
If Anderson wants a daytime show to succeed, he better start hitting the numbers at nite.
If Soledad O'Brien is going to replace Anderson now and then, please tell her to remember that she has two ears and one mouth. Interrupting a guest time and again shows a lack of balance. She can be obnoxious. She does not discuss, she rants against someone with a different opinion. Her viewpoint is the right one and the guest is a too often regarded by her as a simpleton. For example, the guest that said he thought the President was a socialist, has every right to state what he believes. Soledad does not think that the President is a socialist. Fine. They disagree, but neither can prove the other wrong. Just because you are a socialist does not mean that there is something wrong with you, as Soledad implied. Sweden is basically a socialist country and is doing quite well, thank you, as is Finland. Soledad should read up on socialism before suggesting that it is a negative political philosophy. It is fine that she is a strong OBama supporter and a democrat which is clear from her comments, but she must learn that her background is not all encompassing, and in fact, her stand on socialism indicates a serious flaw in her political education.
@10:44PM: You make a good point about socialism, but Soledad is far from obnoxious. Actually, I find her refreshing.
Yes, she is an Obama supporter and she did interrupt her guests several times, but Anderson does the same thing when he doesn't agree with them.
You are correct about your theory on Socialsim. We need to be reminded that both Medicare and Social Security are socialistic ideas that work very well.
But if the GOP has their way, they will try their very best to limit what they like to call "entitlement" programs.
Social Security is NOT an entitlement program. Workers PAID into it for years and they are entitled only to the share of the monies that are theirs to begin with.
Let me remind you also that it is NOT people like Soledad O'Brien who is giving Socialism a bad name, but ALL the Republicans that like to call out Obama as a Socialist.
CNN must realize the news is being twitterized,
facebookized & youtubized.360 needs to be in
Egypt period.CNN needs to fundamentally
understand that it is time to provide live streaming
of CNN I & CNN all day long on CNN.com. People
are following this story all over the world. Give
us easy access to the big news events on multiple
Will the real 360 please stand up. Sarah
Palin & a tweet about Obama being a
socialist is really getting old.It is not
news. CNN does not have one news show
in prime time, not a smart move for CNN.
Why do the suits think it is right to get
rid of the news on 360 and only spotlight
the crazies is beyond me. 2 words why 360
performed poorly on Wednesday : Dr Phil.
Why would anyone waste their time watching
180 minutes of nothing on CNN. Opinion
celebs and crazies. Who is the audience for
this crap? I'm protesting with my remote.
At this point I am sick of CNN.
Now CNN thinks Charlie Sheen is just as
important as the protests of Egypt and
concerns about Nelson Mandela. Who
cares about Charlie Sheen ? Ted Turner
please start a rival news network. We
need you CNN is a failure. Are there
any journalistic standards at CNN ?
Of course not, they think their talent
needs to promote the Kardasians.
CNN is no longer a player in cable news.
Ben Wedeman rocks. He and his team in
Cairo are doing some amazing reporting.
Ben Wedeman is making CNN standout
right now. I don't know how they pulled
it off but it just goes to show CNN can
arise to the occasion. Good to hear they
hired Mark Whitaker. If Jim Walton is
being honest, CNN will be doing something
about content. I am glad they went with
someone like Whitaker, who has stellar
credentials.Whitaker has a lot or work to
do to reshape CNN. Egypt needs to be
the top story on 360 tonight and in
depth coverage with no pundits. We need
people like Ben Wedeman, Nic Robertson
& Peter Bergen.
I agree with you all about 360 and how it has really gone down hill.
The Old Anderson Cooper would have been the first one on the plane to report about the uprising.
But now he too is too busy speaking to Lady GAGA.
Glad to hear Anderson Cooper is on his way to Egypt....finally.
Very disappointed that this had to develop into such a trumatic uprising to get his attention.
It should have been one of the lead stories all last week instead of being relegated to the bulletin.
Poor Nic Robertson can't handle the entire upheavel himself.
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