Dr. Sanjay Gupta was guest on The Late Late Show With Craig Ferguson Tuesday night this week. Larry King was Craig's first guest and stuck around for Sanjay's segment, take a look:

Dr. Gupta is featured in the April 2011 Guideposts magazine.
I’m often in the midst of disaster, drawing on my years of training as a neurosurgeon. I hope my work gives people a context in which they can view medicine and health on a broader scale. Inevitably people ask: Which is more important to you? Are you a doctor or a reporter?
The best way to answer is to tell you how I got into this line of work. I grew up in Michigan, in the town of Novi outside of Detroit. My parents were immigrants from India, working for Ford Motor Company. My mother was the first female engineer ever hired by Ford, a fact that is presented with great pride in the Indian and engineering communities.
I was a bookish kid. I spent long hours in the library reading everything I could find, histories, biographies, science fiction, fantasy, mysteries. I was curious about the world and there’s no better way to find things out than through the pages of a book. Even today if some kid asks me what’s the first step to take to become a doctor, I answer, “Read, read, read.”
I was in my teens when our family faced a medical crisis. My grandfather, with whom I was very close, had a stroke and landed in the hospital. Sitting anxiously at his bedside, I watched nurses come and go, checking his vitals and looking at the monitors attached to his body. I remember sitting there wondering what could I do to make him feel better—to bring back the warm, thoughtful man I knew.
To read the rest of the article follow the link.
In addition to the cover story they have posted three video snippets with Sanjay on their website.
Patients bless his hands:
His mother's best advice:
Favorite books:
Very inteeresting article about Sanjay growing up in Michigan.
He mentions his mother a lot, but not his dad.
His mother gave him good advice.
So he probably finds reporting relaxing, by doing something perhaps less stressful and the pay isn't bad either.
Anderson has gone straight to the heart of the Eman al-Obeidy incident. Anynomity is the worst enemy of injustice. Those who are fogotten and nameless are always victims to opressors who have no accountability if the victim has no name.
Remember, the first thing the Nazis did when they rounded up German citizens was to remove their identiry--their names were replaced by numbers.
You do a fine profession job with dedication and authenticity.
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