1 - Special programming was aired on one night during the week
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Rating calculations are weekly averages based on nightly ratings provided by TVNewser with data by Nielsen Media Research. Numbers reflect Live and same day (DVR) data.
Posted by
8:58 PM
Labels: Ratings At A Glance
It is good to see that 360 was only off one hundred thousand viewers in its demo, 2'nd from Fox.
However, if they choose not to change their emphasis on Libya, they will lose a once interested audience.
Variety is the key and a good mix of stories is always available. It just takes a little "Digging Deeper." Sound familiar.
It is nice to see that people are going for the
news on CNN and not the other stuff. On
weekends CNN seems to be getting stronger,
they won the demo on Sunday and the numbers
seem to be getting stronger on the weekend.
All of a sudden it is shaping up as a battle
between CNN and MSNBC on weekends. Fox
is having some trouble.Thats good news for
TJ, Fredericka & Don. The CNN docs also seem
to be finding an audience,
CNN will have to make some real decisions
about In The Arena and Piers Morgan. 360
is okay for now but if the numbers keep
going south for In The Arena & Piers Morgan
CNN can't stay with this lineup. CNN needs
to let TSR and John King handle politics and
go with original reporting like Nightline at
8 & 9 PM. I am looking forward to the ratings
for Monday now that HLN has a new show.
CNN needs to add a show like Bloomberg
West. The show focuses on tech, social media,
etc. It is essential in this day and time. Emily
Chang who was formerly at CNN anchors
the show with Corey Johnson. CNN also could
learn a lot from Bloomberg when it comes to
business shows. CNN's business shows are
political and have very little to do with business.
It is all talking heads.
Dr. Drew has been all over television for years now and because of that I've feel like I've seen it all before and there's no reason to tune in, but he's fairly popular and may do well.
MSNBC may be forced to do actual news on the weekends if CNN continues to rise there.
It will be interesting to see if 360 brings in additional reports instead of focusing so heavily on Libya - they don't seem inclined to make any changes to their all Libya/Japan coverage and while they do get some noteworthy exclusives like last night, with the exception of the change in some of the pundits, they seem to do the same show every night and that's not going to hold viewer's attention.
Unemployment dropped to 8.8% last week and although we have a long way to go towards economic recovery, I still think that was worth a mention in the bulletin, but 360 ignored it on Friday. Those types of decisions by them are baffling.
It really isn't that "baffling" because the show has a lot of AC input right now.
It is from the anchor's perspective and unfortunately, or fortunately for him, unemployment or underemployment, has never been a problem.
He is from a unique background and his mother told him to "follow his bliss."
While this may have been good advice for HIM, it is totally unrealistic for the average person, blue collar or otherwise.
This is why in the end, The ED Show, will prevail.
ED is not handsome, he is not from a priveledged background, and he speaks to the middle class or what is left of the middle class and viewers relate.
Most viewers like to feel there is empathy towards their own particular situation.
AC is able to touch us with diverse stories, but when it comes to sympathizing with the plight of the "average viewer," he falls short and so will 360.
Katie Couric is next in line for a syndicated talk show according to TVN and I think she will do well.
She has the gift of gab and is able to show people for what they are, like Sarah Palin.
With one simple question, we were able to discern that here was a candidate who knew nothing about anything.
Others tried and failed, but Katie is excellent at establishing vulnerabilites.
She will be like Oprah, tough to beat.
AC, watch your back.
In a way I'm kind of relieved that AC360 isn't focusing on US politics right now because the way CNN goes about it is very frustrating. David Gergen was on In The Arena basically giving the Republicans a pass for their role in the budget talks stalemate. The public may see both parties at fault when it comes to CNN's pundits, President Obama is always the main culprit in any scenario. And it was disgusting to watch John King playing up Paul Ryan's cruel and extreme budget proposal as if it were the second coming. On the other hand I thought 360's segments with Eman al-Obeidy, her mom and AC were very powerful.
I think Anderson will do fine if Katie Couric steps into the daytime ring (it's still not certain). He's already locked in some good time slots and I'm sure he and his producers are working hard to make sure his show will stand apart from the ordinary, otherwise, why do it? Anderson has his own unique gifts as a reporter - he can be tough, but also very sympathetic and compassionate and viewers like that.
anon 7:02, I totally agree that the direction of the show has to be due to AC's increased input. He's keeping the focus on international news and while some of the reasons for him doing it may be what you stated, I do think it has always been his main interest since the beginning of his career. Now that Jon Klein and Doss are gone, he just might be doing exactly what he wants with the show. But the general public may be looking for something else.
Another thing is that Gergen doesn't acknowledge that the President and the Democrats have compromised and given the Republicans the cuts they initially asked for, but they keep moving the bar and are being led around by the Tea Party to make MORE unreasonable cuts that will cause more job losses and perhaps even slow down the recovery, but somehow it's the Dems fault that there may be a government shut down. The Tea Party specifically stated that they'd like to see a shut down if they didn't get what they wanted.
I did appreciate 360 airing a few minutes of President Obama's budget remarks in the bulletin tonight without tacking on a dissenting conservative voice. That's kind of a rarity for 360.
I don't like Ed because he is too negative.
I am so over angry people on cable news.
360 got it right on Tuesday. The conversation
with the Libyan rape victim & her mother was
heartbreaking. It was right to let viewers hear
the voices and have the translation in words on
the screen. That should be the norm for CNN.
Sometimes that extra voice is annoying. I don't
know, maybe 360 is being given creative freedom
these days. You have to hand it to all involved on
360 for being innovative. The people involved in
360 has to do what works for 360. There should
be no one size fits all in cable news. Each show
on CNN must find a way to stand out and not
do the same things over and over again.
I can understand why Ed and his viewers might be angry. There are a lot of things going on across the country that are infuriating, frightening and unjust
The month of April is shaping up to be a bad
one for CNN. In The Arena & Piers Morgan are
starting to fall back badly, 360 was 3rd in the
demo last night and Wolf is beating Spitzer &
Morgan. HLN is in worse shape than CNN and
they think this can continue. CNN needs shows
that people will watch before 360.
They can't figure out how to get people to tune in when there aren't any big disasters happening and they've never been able to figure that out.
CNN has never been able to figure out how to hold viewers when there was no big disaster happening. MSNBC and Fox have a point of view and CNN doesn't.
@12:50AM: "Sympathetic and compassionate," are two words that AC/360 has NOT shown for those who are struggling blue collar workers and yet these are the SAME viewers he expects to watch his show during the day?
Sorry, but these people have not one thing in common with him and his elitism is beginning to show.
Like CNN is not trying opinion. What do you
call Elliot Spitzer and all of the pundits on
CNN daily. CNN viewers don't like the pundits
on a daily basis. All 3 are down in the ratings.
the question is who will suffer the biggest
losses for the month. FNC is really starting to
have some cracks.
John King and all of the people at CNN who
are applauding the Ryan budget plan must
have all failed math. The numbers are a joke.
Only CNN would take the bait of unemployment
being 2.8 % . Never happened before in the
United States. Like we are not suppose to get
that Ryan is trying to dismantle Medicare. CNN
is so misinformed and trying to mislead the
public. That is exactly why the have the worst
political team. They are too caught up in the
game and can't tell the difference between
fact and fiction.CNN failed to do their research
and it was way off.
I don't believe, for one minute that John King thinks unemployment is 2.8%, and you shouldn't make that assumption.
The point John King was making, is that Ryan had a PLAN. As opposed to our POTUS who seemingly, has no budgetary plan and is allowing both sides of Congress to have a go at eachother and "make one up."
Is he a leader of the free world or isn't he?
President Obama, and I supported him in 2008, made a much better candidate than a President and that is the sad truth of the matter.
HE alone allowed the Tea Party to become a forceful power by showing no leadership and a total lack of conviction. While the Repubs may have it all wrong, at least they have a good portion of the country convinced that "all wrong," is right, no pun intended....although.
So Matt Lauer is leaving, Katie Couric is leaving, and now Glenn Beck from FOX.
Where will all these people go?
Are they ALL going to have talk shows?
They'll be so many anchors with talk shows they'll be no one to talk to.
Matt says at the end of 2012 he will spend more time with family.
Translation, he either wants more money or yes, a syndicated talk show, all his own.
Does everyone want to be Oprah?
anon 7:37, I tend to think that CNN is so invested in the conservative/Tea Party cause that they don't allow much reporting and certainly not sympathetic reporting on the labor issue. They are more inclined to be sympathetic to the Tea Party, you can even see it in how the Tea Party articles on CNN.com are written which portray the TPers as the only voices of reason and the only ones that count. I still think Anderson can be sympathetic and compassionate, he's shown that during Katrina, the Sago mine accident, etc., and he's shown himself to be very warmhearted and humane when dealing with people who have suffered a loss (like the parents of kids who've been bullied). I think when he shows that side of himself, people can relate to him. I recall him saying that his mom and dad abhorred elitism, but I do think Anderson's own political views lean right (he says he doesn't have any political views, but that's impossible). He's no fan of the Dems and the President, that I know for certain - there was so much contempt and disdain in Anderson's voice when he mentioned what Obama said about politicians behaving like grown ups on the show tonight.
CNN failed to report that the tea party wants
a government shutdown. CNN needs to stop
giving the tea party a free pass. Last night.
360 was completely wrong on information
last night. Nancy Pelosi did pass a budget
it was held up by Republicans in the Senate.
Just watch how CNN will continue to tank.
Luke Russert puts John King to shame. Luke is
actually is reporting that the hold up is over
social issues and policy not spending. Planned
Parenthood and the EPA have nothing to do
with spending cuts. On matters like this the
big 3 networks do reporting. CNN does talking
points and there is not reporting about what
is actually in the budget. I am so thrilled that
Google is going to turn Youtube into a major
tv network. Now we have a clear alternative
to cable news ignorance. I am going with
Bloomberg today for news. It is amateur time
on CNN.
President Obama leads, tries to compromise and the conservatives obstruct. This has happened time and time again throughout his presidency, but the media wants us all to believe that he's "weak" and never brings anything to the table. I'm not buying in to that game. I realize AC360/CNN live in fear of being considered the slightest bit liberal these days, but they overdo it with the Obama bashing and allowing the Tea Party/Boehner to get off scott free or with only a negligible amount of analysis and scrutiny for the role they're playing in the government shutdown threat.
CNN has the worse political team on television.
They follow rhetoric and not reality. CNN would
rather focus on their opinions about who is
winning or losing according to them. What is
left out ? The news .
I have say I like the commenting on ATC.
Not that I agree with you all about everything because I don't.
But we all share our views and there is no indignation and no one of us likes to portray themselves as better than anyone else.
It is a pleasure to come HERE and just write.
If ONLY other blogs were like this.
CNN will have to drop Eliot Spitzer & Piers
Morgan. Yet again CNN is waiting too long
to act. The window has closed on Spitzer
& Morgan. It is starting to affect 360. 360
is now clearly the highest rated show on
CNN but it can't overcome the fact that
CNN is so far behind at 8 & 9. Nothing is
going right for CNN or HLN. It is time for
CNN to turn HLN back into it's original
form. Every half hour you can get real news,
sports & weather. It is not just one network
falling apart for CNN because of bad program
decisions. It is 2 and that is a train wreck.
CNN listen to your viewers.
Piers Morgan continues to do poorly.
He is inept from start to finish and cannot relate to viewers, no less his guests.
He actually appears to be "above it all," even contemptuous at times and I find him totally "unwatchable."
From the ratings, it isn't me.
CNN needs to stop giving so much time to
Donald Trump, Charlie Sheen and the tea
party. Who cares ? Judging from the numbers
from TV by the Numbers, OReilly is the only
show at 8 that people watch. Fox is down at
9 & 10 PM in the demo and MSNBC is starting
to solidify as second. Bring on the women's
show at 8. All of the female journalists at CNN.
If Campbell Brown was forced out, why is Eliot
Spitzer still around. Piers Morgan almost lost
to Dr Drew in the demo and he is getting
hammered by Rachel 2 : 1 . Clearly people did
not appreciate CNN's coverage.
@2:10AM: You are correct about the distain and contempt in Anderson's tone when speaking about Obama.
What is particularly disturbing, is the fact that HE is the POTUS
and I've never seen such disrespect shown a President by so many in the media.
I can't help but feel that it goes beyond the Tea Party and their agenda.
The fact that he is a black man and the first to hold office seems to be the one common denominator.
No one ever treated Bush with such a lack of distain and contempt and we all know his IQ wasn't the highest or that he was even running the country.
He was Dick Cheney's puppet, but the media treated him with "kid gloves" compared to President Obama, who was called a "liar" on national television last year, during a State of the Union Address.
Whoever heard of such a thing? Never!
Does CNN think the possible government
shutdown is a game ? Real lives are going
to be affected. This is not a sporting event.
Not watching CNN anymore.
The problem for CNN is that they have embraced
the extremist : aka tea party. 360 has 1 on tonight
and I turned to Ed. CNN is a part of the problem.
CNN plays up the ideology and act like it is an
outrage what is going on . Stop hiring the folks
who feed the beast and stop giving them your
network as a platform.
Anderson Cooper owes his viewers an apology.
When someone is laughing about a government
shutdown and is not called out for such ridiculous
behavior something is terribly wrong. I hope he
reads what we had to say on Facebook.
What happened with the pundits tonight is what
turns people off about politics and cable news.
Does 360 have to stoop that low. Is this Ken
Jautz's idea of what he wants on CNN. If so CNN
will have bigger ratings losses.
Click.360 is now unwatchable again.
There was no need for the segment
with the talking heads. 360 was fine
with a sensible discussion at the
beginning of the show. I really don't
understand what was the need for
360 to go back with the silliness from
Dana Loesh. She is why I deleted 360
from my dvr. Time to do that again.
If 360 does that again their ratings
will go as low as ITA & PMT. I turned
the channel.
anon 6:22, no one likes to talk about racism in terms of how it informs the sort of criticism, scrutiny and general disrespect that is frequently shown President Obama, but I, like you, believe it's a HUGE factor. I'm not saying that the President actions should not be analyzed and critiqued, of course they should, but I can't help but feel that racism and plays a large role in the manner that President Obama is treated. There is that "let's put the uppity black man in his place" mentality that is probably prevalent even in sophisticated media circles. I noticed a few subtle, snide digs at the President on 360 tonight. Yes, there are some people with legitimate concerns and questions about what the President has achieved so far, but his race continues to be an underlying issue that many have not gotten past - the idea of a black President still throws some folks.
I'd like to also say that Dana Loesch is simply an ATROCIOUS addition to CNN/360. She was at her obnoxious worst tonight. I can't imagine why they want her on the show, she is an embarrassment.
@103AM: I couldn't agree more and Dana Loesch is one of "those people who would just like to put that "uppity black man" our POTUS, in his place.
She doesn't have to say it. It's written everytime that woman opens her smug racist mouth.
Speaking of a person who can't relate, she's worse than Piers Moron.
Anderson's an intelligent man. How is it possible that he doesn't see how damaging it is to his program to have someone like Dana Loesch on behaving in the most unprofessional and immature manner (what's with all the "no,no,no,no's", the cackling, eye rolling and constant interrupting?) Gergen and Begala looked like they were sparring with a 10 year old child. And I think a 10 year old child could offer more convincing arguments than she did.
360 never had the pundits before Jon Klein.
The problem is these pundits are on the
payroll. That was what made the original
360 unique. There were a wide range of
topics and interesting news that made it
standout. I don't think the staff at 360
have a choice. The other shows in prime
time are not even close and the pressure
is mounting for CNN to do something.
Just check out today's NYT. Going with
people like Dana Loesh only will make
matter worse for CNN. One of the top
searches on Google is CSpan. I wonder
how many of them were 360 viewers last
night who sour on the show. It was a
huge turnoff.
Let's see if CNN will be bold enough to use a
line from a Gil Scott Heron song H2O Blues.
I only came across this song after someone
was trying to explain government failures to
us younger people. There is a line in the song
that says " the government you elected is
inoperative . " That really sums up the situation
in Washington today. I am not political but the
guy's music struck a cord. First of all I could
not believe this was around in 1973. I had not
even heard of some of the people.Of course,
I knew about Nixon. The point is it could easily
be about America today. I thought Lil Wayne
and Drake were real rappers.
I guess I shouldn't admit this, but I'm old enough to remember Gil Scott-Heron. He was very influential and highly regarded by those of us who were into R&B back in the day. But this has got to be the LAST place I ever expected to see his name mentioned!
The news is helping 360 in the ratings but there
are other factors as well. Friday 360 was much
better they had people who behaved themselves.
360 is the major reason for CNN's growth right
now. You can't reach any conclusions from just
one day. The weekly,monthly and quarterly
numbers mean more. It all comes down to content
and presentation. CNN could use writing, music,
vdeo,infographics, editing effects to make any
topic interesting. It boils down to being innovative.
Instead of asking questions how about more
clips of news stories from CNN.com. I think
the Choose The News segment could work more
if you got short video clips of the stories to
text for, giving me a story slug means little.
The multiple choice questions and other
questions like the most happy states are
cool. I find myself always trying to guess
the answers.
Dana Loesch was supposed to appear on 360 Friday night, but fortunately we were spared that horror. Instead we got a smart conversation with rational people. Having said that though, David Gergen's unrelenting need to portray President Obama as a failed weakling who is bringing "shame" to this country is tiresome. He was on In The Arena the other night talking about how he's never seen such poor leadership. Really? George Bush anyone? I'm not always pleased with the President, but to continuously put out this idea that he's somehow ruining the country's reputation in a way that's unprecedented is absurd. And I didn't appreciate how Anderson kept bringing up the subject in order to get Gergen to rehash his mantra of "Obama is bad for the country" over and over last night.
Anonymous @ 6:22 PM on 4/7/11
Quote: " No one ever treated Bush with such a lack of disdain and contempt and we all know his IQ wasn't the highest or that he was even running the country. "
You just did !!!!
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