1 - Special programming was aired on one night during the week
Rating calculations are weekly averages based on nightly ratings provided by TVNewser with data by Nielsen Media Research. Numbers reflect Live and same day (DVR) data.
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Rating calculations are weekly averages based on nightly ratings provided by TVNewser with data by Nielsen Media Research. Numbers reflect Live and same day (DVR) data.
Posted by
10:44 PM
Labels: Ratings At A Glance
Rough week for CNN. On Monday, ITA &
PMT could not hold on to JK, USA viewers.
Not good for CNN. Yes people tuned in for
AC but Spitzer and Morgan did not perform
well. Later today the ratings are final. They
all will have their spin. My guess is that
some shows will be down and others will be
up. It will be interesting to see who suffered
the most with losses of viewers.I wonder if
CNN will say something about the weekends.
CNN should have let Tj anchor the 8 PM hour.
Tj is getting positive press buzz on his reports.
Why not have him do live anchoring from Joplin?
TJ, Reynolds, Fred and Don's ratings are not
bad. I am really looking forward to seeing the
difference between all 3 shows at 10 PM. I
think CNN will have to make changes to it's
prime time lineup. That difference is growing
between ITA & PMT. These 2 guys are falling
behind. Why can't you build on a major story
like a deadly tornado until the 3rd hour in
prime time ? Summer kicks of this weekend.
Unless there is a big breaking news story,
viewers will tune out until the 3rd week in
September. CNN should use the summer
months to test shows . Right now 360, TSR
and JK, USA along with weekend shows are
safe. Everything else needs to be on the
chopping block. What twas up with the
lighting and makeup for Piers Morgan last
night ? It looked awful.
It is easy to pick on the 8 and 9PM hours because they are crucial and not only are they up against BOR but you have the prime shows as well such as DWTS etc, which draws huge totals.
I do not like Piers Morgan, although I do approvve of Spitzer and would like to see his totals rise. However, if AC/360 has the largest command of the audience share, the only reasonable thing to do is to put AC opposite BOR and Hannity. HOWEVER, this will still not solve the problem. My prediction would be AC would get higher totals but would NEVER beat BOR..Maybe Hannity, but not Bill.
Which brings me to the nice spread AC had in USA Today about his fall talk show.
AC came in third on Tuesday in cable on the site. He didn't crack a million. He usually does on site, but ONLY when he is out in the field.
With Oprah's comment "Let Anderson and Katie have a go at it," leaves me to believe that ratings like Oprah's or even Ellen's is going to be a hard sell.
There is a void, but can either of them fill it??
Ed Shultz, AC's competitor on MSNBC, who has beaten him three nites in a row, should not have been suspended for calling Laura Ingram, a "talk slut." It was on THE RADIO.
Yes, it was inappropriate, but SHE is ALWAYS inappropriate about the POTUS, and Ed was overcome by her remarks.
He apologized and that should have been enough.
He will be back after Memorial Day, but again, what he says on the radio should not interfer with his TV presentations and he was defending the President of the United States in his remark.
I commend him for it.
Right now FNN, MSNBC & FNC are going over
the numbers. CNN will have to make changes.
For goodness sake, Piers Morgan was beaten
by Dr Drew in the demo. Both Spitzer & Morgan
seem to have trouble reaching are staying at
200,000 in the demo. The press releases should
be coming out soon. Let's see the final numbers.
Ed Shultz should be fired and watch his ratings
tank. Anderson has beaten him in the demo
all of this week and had more viewers on Monday.
I don't like Laura Inghram but there is no excuse
for that type of talk. Cable news needs to quit
being sexist. I will never watch Ed again and
I choose not to watch Eliot Spitzer as well.CNN
fired the female and kept the jerk and they are
the only network with 3 white males in prime time.
CNN also needs to clean up it's act.As far as CNN
is concerned a female can't have their own
prime time show at CNN. Campbell Brown had
better ratings and Eliot Spitzer gets a free pass.
Towards the end of her show Oprah couldn't get Oprah numbers. I don't think Abderson can or is trying to fill Oprah's void, however I do think he can have a successful program. I think he has a lot to offer and can connect with a audience.
I say Erin Burnett is in and In The Arena is out.
Mediate and others can't save Eliot Spitzer.
@1:47PM I sure hope you're not in a union since you want Ed Shultz to be FIRED.
He's the only one who was on LABORS side this past spring and he was the ONLY ANCHOR who had the guts to defend the TEACHERS and those who are collecting a pension and we all remember it.
And yes, in TOTALS, he beat AC across the board for three straight nites and in TOTALS HE is giving AC a run for his money.
And according to a recent survey in the NYTimes, more and more ADVERTISERS are catering to those who are 55 plus and make up the TOTALS!!!
Erin Burnett is trouble with a capital T.
I don't care what anybody says, she cannot be trusted.
She is Donald Trump's "friend" and has appeared on his show as a "judge" just like the Moron.
If CNN touches John King and slights him in anyway, I will no longer watch CNN.
John King is a first rate reporter who came from print media and has built up a reputation on CNN as being an excellent journalist.
I will boycott any show Erin Burnett is on....starting NOW.
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