It's going to be a busy news weekend at CNN with Irene battering the East Coast. Let us know who you're watching, what you like and don't like..... and above all stay safe.
Friday, August 26, 2011
Your Views on the News 8/26/11
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11:20 PM
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Lately I've been waking up really early and I have been watching CNN AM: Wake-Up Call. I see Carol Costello anchoring it. She looks great in the morning and it reminds me of her CNN Daybreak days years ago. Hope she will continue in the mornings. I'm wondering though why Ali Velshi isn't anchoring it anymore? I thought he was the host.
CNN's Hurricane coverage graphics are very cluttered. It should be very simple and bigger to read. I see the same over-information graphics during holiday travel and during elections. Should be more simplified and not so scientific.
According to the interview with Google executives, AC called the people he works with in the News division at CNN "unhealthy and grizzled," in comparison to the youth oriented Google employees that came to hear him speak.
If he's so dissatified with doing News, he can always join Google's youth oriented team, but then he'd have "a real job," and not be in television.
He might also have to develop technologies, instead of consuming them.
He might want to "rethink" his priorities just a bit.
And the knowledgeable but "grizzled" Wolf Blitzer is doing a great job reporting on Irene at age, 65.
Jason Caroll, who is doing an absolutely splendid job reporting from the Jersey shore on hurricane Irene, must learn the difference between "the elderly, and Senior citizens."
He told Kyra Phillips that 92 seniors refused to leave Atlantic City because it was just too much trouble and they were uncertain as to the alternative.
He then went on to say, that when you're that old, at least sixty or seventy, you become "set in your ways."
Jason, today people in their sixties do kickboxing, and if you don't want to be kicked right into the ocean you're reporting on, you'll learn not to think of them as "the elderly."
Those Seniors in Atlantic City were in their eighties and I wouldn't want to hassle them. You called them "feisty."
Personally they looked as though they could weather the storm.
I like the double anchoring, can't say much more and remain complimentary.
I wish CNN had decided against 24/7 hurricane coverage. I'd prefer to see hurricane updates every 15 minutes and the time in between filled with coverage of other news stories, such as Syria and Libya. It's not the like the rest of the world is on hold because we're having a big storm.
Brooke and Fredricka are doing a fine job anchoring the special about Irene and the aftermath.
Might be a good pair in the morning.
Something to think about.
Any female pairing would be better than what they have now.
The impressive billboard display of Anderson Cooper in Times Square is just that, impressive.
The fact remains that those who plan to watch him in daytime, will watch, and those who plan not to watch, will stay on the sidelines.
The two Coasts are aware of Cooper's new time.
It is the areas that are rural and in the mid-section of the country, who related to Oprah and a female brand talk show host, that will find this transition hard.
Ali Velshi and Carol Costello are 2 reasons
I can no longer watch CNN in the morning.
Can you say overacting ? Considering the
terrible ratings for the morning show,
there is no way that CNN can leave them on
in the morning.It is not a good sign when
you first show on CNN can't get 300,000
viewers even with breaking news. That can
only mean 1 thing. No matter what, viewers
are making the decision to skip AM. It is
because of the hosts.AM is not watchable.
Whatever CNN does in the morning can't
involve any of the people currently on the
show. New people,new concept and new
show in the morning is the only thing that
will get CNN in the game in the morning.
Act like your viewers are in the room CNN.
The anchors interests are not necessarily
those of viewers. Quit trying to control the
narrative and find likable anchors who the
viewers can relate to. Knock it off with the
whining,complaining and being obnoxious.
I hate to sound mean but CNN has too many
Now that Irene proved to be a storm that caused much damage, but wasn't the monster that Chad Myers and his friends made it out to be, will there be anything else to scare the living daylights out of us all?
Yes, we needed to be warned but it seems that Chad and his buddies warned the WRONG STATES, because Vermont and the rest of New England seemed to have gotten the brunt of the beating and had little or NO evacuation plan!
How do you explain this inconsistency in your radar scanners and detectors??
They just go UP so far and NO FURTHER??
And then there was the earthquake, that wasn't or that WAS, but only in certain places and if you happened to miss it, (it only lasted ten seconds) but its spread was a "fault line so huge it went from Montreal all the way to Virgina and beyond! 0MG!
CNN and the rest of the Cablers, I know Congress was on vacation but please keep the weather in prospective and "stop making stuff up!"
There's plenty of REAL stuff out there to be afraid of and stop OVER-REACTING!
Dayside on CNN Suzanne Malveaux & Brooke
Baldwin are the best. The Carol Costello segment
needs to go. It is out of place.CNN needs to
understand social media. Most of the people on
social media are focusing on other things than
politics. Blogs, FB & Twitter are not the same.
Doe CNN even know how people use FB and
Twitter in the morning or when people actually
are using the in the morning. Most people are on
social media on the weekends. Old media needs
to understand that you can't turn FB or Twitter
into them.It is the new media not old media.
The same rules don't apply.
For goodness sake. CNN is still into e-mail.
Employers can't even get their people to read
e-mails anymore. Even fewer people talk on
mobile phones.CNN needs to set up a live
streaming account so that viewers can give
you live reports in real time and take you
were they are with out having to upload their
content. Ever hear of crowdsourcing.
Old media is not evolving with society and you
end up with disconnect like CNN. While politics
once dominated old media, it can't be the same
with new media. The people drive the conversation. CNN is missing a golden opportunity
when it comes to news. The mobile society wants
news from traditional sources not blogs like
HuffPo.CNN needs to bring back those internet
news anchors and create original shows for the
web now that they are live- streaming.CNN has
to drop the pundits and find a way to revolutionize
the news.CNN is so last century. Television is
already beyond the home.CNN has to be real
time,current and offer hundreds of stories daily.
Every hour has to be fresh and new. There is no
excuse for the lack of material featured on CNN
especially with all of the properties owned by
Time Warner.
I hear you guys. To be fair CNN is now live
streaming the network. It is puzzling why
CNN actually took TSR backwards and not
forward. This is the perfect show to bring
together old/new media. News orgs have
to be content creators in this day and time.
The era of people just sitting behind the
desk and reading the news is coming to
an end. I posted something about 2 months
ago about how the News Room is lame. For
some 8 hours CNN has people just reading
the scripts. Nothing original at all, I talked
of CNN bringing us the news in real time
by having cameras all over the news room
and having the reporters and others talk
to us about their stories.It is not about CNN.
It is the content, video and viewers. You have
really got to let your staff get out and find
original stories. The pundits show just how
lazy CNN has become. I agree 100 % about
the stupid questions. They are not what
people are talking about on Facebook &
Twitter. Which are now job requirements
but maybe not at CNN. Who is actually
engaging with viewers or really monitoring
Facebbok & Twitter for CNN.IMHO CNN still
has a very long way to go. Where is the News
Room that uses only the internet for news
and is a digital journalist show. Also, where
is the daily hourlong tech news show. All
versions of the News Room have to be
different in title and content. Not that CNN
CNN had better not be joking about a new
morning show. There has been speculation
that Morning Express is moving to CNN from
HLN. CNN has not made any recent hires. I
get the feeling that it will be the same boring
AM trio.I stared watching GMA in the morning
and only watch 360 and CNN on the weekend.
I do watch the live stream when there is big
news going on that CNN has to cover for hours.
CNN is losing out to Yahoo and Google when it
comes to news. CNN has never been good at
content or aggregation. The material from could easily be a show along
with content from CNN I. Mobile is the future
of television and ti is already here. HBO GO is
the best. Where is the 9/11 archive on CNN ?
The 10th anniversary is coming up.
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