This is the place and now is the time for you to tell us what you're thinking about CNN, Erin Burnett's OutFront or anything else on your mind.
Friday, October 7, 2011
Your Views on the News 10/7/11
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11:19 AM
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I can't ever remember there being such a
negative reaction to CNN. I don't see how
they recover from Erin Burnett.
Hire George Stroumboulopoulos.
Best news & interview show around.
Check him out at : CBC /Stombo.
Just have dude do a news show with
a live audience just like he does in
It looks like from the ratings that 360 is
propping up Outfront & PMT. I hope none
of the negative press brings down 360.
I don't understand why PMT is still on.
TV Newser has an article about some of the criticism Erin Burnett/OutFront has received for her coverage of OccupyWallStreet. The critics are right on target.
CNN just does not understand Occupy Wall St.
It is not anti-government or fits the narrative
for CNN. How can a network affiliated with the
tea party even be trusted covering politics when
the tea partiers are on their payroll. CNN keeps
trying to define the movement. CNN is a part
of the problem. They are trying to misinform
the public because they too are controlled by
money. The tea party bought influence at CNN
by advertising on the network. It is in CNN's
interest to attack Occupy Wall St. They don't
get ad dollars if they don't. CNN is a prime
example of corrupt media.
From the looks of the ratings on TVN, Ms Burnett with her cutsey mannerisms and smiley persona, isn't setting CNN's world on fire.
She's also, so far, not proven to be a great lead in for 360.
In both time slots this week, 360 came in third on Thursday, though higher ratings wise, than Ms Burnett.
When it comes to finance, viewers seem to want someone who is confident about what they are saying and Ms Burnett lacks this self assertiveness.
Some have asked can she "fly solo?"
So far, not on take off or landing,
and there's turbulance at all altitudes during crusing.
360 is completely stupid. Occupy Wall St is
not the tea party. Is Anderson Cooper to
good to talk to Occupy Wall. How in the
hell do you bring on the tea party to talk
about Occupy Wall St. Why cant he carry
his lazy a** down there and talk to the
protestors. Anderson Cooper is not being
genuine. So no Occupy Wall St protestors
are not permitted on 360.
Anderson "keeping it dishonest " Copper
just insulted Occupy Wall Street. The tea
party was formed out of hatred for Pres.
Obama. I am protesting 360 with the
remote and never again will I put it on
my DVR. Cooper is being dishonest.
While I was glad AC360 finally got around to covering Occupy Wall Street, I was disappointed that Anderson let that Tea Party rep go on and on with all her lies and rhetoric. Anderson appears to be incapable of accepting that YES, many in the Tea Party are racist and that it was one of the MAIN reasons the organization was formed. It is also NOT a grass roots organization as the MSM wants everyone to believe. The Koch Brothers and other shady dealers and corporations have always pulled the strings of the Tea Party. I don't believe Anderson looks upon liberals or liberal causes favorably (I do give him credit for asking why OWS is being maligned for protesting and the Tea Party wasn't), but I think he carries a lot of suspicion and cynicism when it comes to anything liberal or progressive and he's more sympathetic to right wing concerns. It's probably no accident that 360 waited a long time (and Friday no less) to cover OWS. If Anderson wants to prove himself a balanced reporter, he will go down to OWS and report on them FAIRLY and honestly and without the kind of dismissive and snide attitude that Burnett had. I was happy to see Cornell West on the show but he didn't get nearly enough time to counter that TP rep. No Anderson, it was not unfair to label most in the Tea Party racist, because that is a FACT. I do hope that 360 and other CNN programs will continue to cover OWS, but in a balanced manner. They can't ignore it because it's growing.
I too believe that Anderson does not look at liberal causes favorably.
He should and could interview a few intelligent students who are now demonstrating on Wallstreet, but that is not likely.
For the obvious reasons, he does not seem to want to communicate with people who are against the banking system.
He now has the opportunity to do interviews of real importance on his daytime program. With so many people out of work, I really can't see how he can want to "relate to the soccer mom mentality," as opposed to white collar unemployment.
Lite fare is fine and dandy if you have a pension, and are in retirement, but if you happen to be one of the many facing foreclosure or shortsales and your homes are of little value, talking about "pets and the people that love them," is a complete waste of time for a journalist who has 3 whole hours to fill.
Forgive me.
I thought Erin Burnett was a business and finance show and I've yet to hear her discuss the market, trading, short sales, or anything relevant in regard to retirement, pensions, 401K's, Roth IRAs vs. Regular IRAs etc.
Why isn't she?
What exactly is this woman's purpose on CNN?
Tonite, for instance, she actually recapped the news and spent 5 minutes speaking about the protests and demonstrators on WS.
Why can't she be a younger version of Suzie Orman and give advice or have viewers call in about monetary issues and finance and why can't a producer at CNN speak up and find an actual PURPOSE for hiring this woman??
I hope that from now on when CNN does
any stories on OWS that talk with the people
who are involved in the protests from the
grass roots. As Jon Stewart said the other
day. They got game. Tj Holmes got it right.
I think that is the first positive thing that I
have seen when it comes to CNN.
OWS now is creating a free independent
people's media. This is the digital gen
and they have media smarts that CNN
can only dream about. As JS said they
got game.I really don't understand why
AC didn't have some of the protesters
live from Wall St. Does it seem odd to
anyone that he went with a protest in
LA and talked with prominent liberals.
Why did a banner say Occupy vs Tea.
It was bogus journalism. That has been
made up by people like him in the media.
I was impressed with the trio that TJ spoke with,
so I wrote down their names. Crystal Rutenberg,
Jim Nichols & John Reynolds. They were sharp
and had no problem grasping the situation. CNN
needs to hire that Reynolds kid. That is the journo
of the future. I liked the segment. It was like
bring it old man but a respectful/smart tone.
No yelling or trying to demonize anyone. That is
the route CNN should take, intelligent,informative
& smart conversation. These 3 clearly elevated the
i.Q. of CNN way beyond where it has been these
days.CNN has too many juvenile silliness these
days. You can make the news interesting and
fun but CNN looks gimmicky and is a turnoff.
Hire John Reynolds and others who know and
understand modern communication. Also,
how is it that CNN missed the story on the
96 yr old lady who can't get an ID to vote,
Despite the fact that she has been voting for
years. How can this not be a national story ?
She even has documents and is being shafted
by laws that are trying to keep people from
voting. CNN needs to be investigating why
this is going on to yet another person who
has played by t the rules for years. That is
what is driving Occupy Wall St.
CNN needs to keep in mind that they are CNN
and not FNC or MSNBC. Outfont is an insult to
college educated females. CNN is so demeaning
to women. As far as I am concerned they still
have a women's problem. The comparisons to
Kiran Chetry and Campbell Brown are right. It
is not going to work in CNN's favor. I hope the
men at CNN take time to ask their wives or
girlfriends and daughters why they don't like
Outfront. They would get an earful.
Seriously, having Erin Burnett milking a cow
and say "got milk". Stay classy CNN. Or should
I say trashy.
CNN needs to end the 15 minutes of fame for
the preacher knocking Mormons. Why is he on
CNN so much. Does anyone really care about
this guy. CNN needs to stop following noise
and follow some news. There is news going
on so why is CNN wasting so much time on
this guy. If you don't live in Texas or watch
evangelicals on tv , you have no idea who
the man is.He is not important.
TVN called "OutFront" both dismissive and condescending. I agree, but wasn't that true of Piers Moron and he's still here and TV Guide just quoted him as being one of the talk hosts that are "up and coming."
So in a nut shell, ya' think Erin Burnett will meet the same destiny as Parker/Spitzer or will she be given a talk show?
Ya' never know.
Look at Gloria what's her face.
She has a talk show. Nobody to talk to, but a show nevertheless.
Rachel Maddow has been doing reports on conservative's attempts to make it as difficult as possible for minorities, the elderly and students to vote. This is going on across the country. The 96 year old woman who wasn't able to vote is an example of this. CNN went on and on about ACORN and its so-called and later disproven "voter fraud" but they have said nearly nothing about the tactics that Republicans are taking to give their party an election advantage in 2012. If the Tea Party's not whining about something, I guess CNN doesn't think its news. They're just barely into OWS, but treating it like problem or a joke. Republicans know that the country's changing demographics don't favor them, so they are trying to suppress the votes of people who would likely vote for a Democrat. CNN needs to cover this, but they won't for fear of offending the Tea Party and the GOP.
What CNN fails to understand is that Erin Burnett
was not just mocking protesters, she was mocking
us. Ordinary Americans who are invisible to CNN.
As far as CNN is concerned, we don't exist since
Wall St is scared, we don't matter. They live in an
ivory tower called Time Warner, make millions and
are paid to not talk with regular people, let alone
to have to actually come in contact with us. The
only people that they come in contact with talk
money & politics 24/7. Know shy ? It is just them
pundits and rich pals. No dose of reality at all. So
that only means one thing :CNN is deeply out of
touch and totally disconnected from the public.
CNN what have you done for viewers lately or
in recent memory ?
So you ignore millions of customers and expect
to stay in business.If you don't have customers,
you will eventually lose advertisers. Just add
real news to the list of things that are no longer
available that you are paying for but you get
games with pundits,opinion not facts, tea party
questions.CNN does not understand Occupy
Wall Street; they don't have any idea about what
is going on in the real world. Besides that CNN
is too close to the tea party to be objective and
have painted themselves into a corner. They
are on the wrong side. So here comes the
great media coverup from CNN. Make up
fake issues like they don't know what they
want, there is no leader. No way could this
be real they are not disrupting town halls or
hate the government. CNN only looks at news
via an ideological prism and they have no idea
of real news since they have not done their
jobs for years, The gig is up for CNN. They
would never hire dude because he spoke
truth to power and told them they can;t be
trusted because of they way they handle news.
As far as I'm concerned, he needs to be
running the place. What has CNN done for
viewers lately ? Absolutely nothing.
CNN talks about politicians and who benefits
politically for all of the news. What ? So what
does that do for viewers. Nothing about the
millions of Americans who deal with the jobs
& economics daily, CNN has decided people
don't matter.CNN is way off base with it's
depiction/portrayal of Americans. CNN has
no idea about what is on my mind. Don't tell
me what I am talking about.It is a real shame
what they have done to CNN. Their arrogance
will kill the network. How badly CNN behaved
with their coverage of Occupy Wall Street will
be another failure for CNN. This is what
happens when you hire pundits and not real
journalists, you have no contact with the news
or the millions who are the news. Why would
anyone insult the very people you need. While
Erin Burnett, Alison Kosik & others at CNN
were mocking protesters, they are organizing
to not give their money to anything Time
Warner. Who is laughing now ? See if you
have any hit movies this fall. Also, if CNN
disses us we diss back. No CNN on tv or
the internet. CNN is nothing without our
money or support. Next up : don't support
any who advertise on Outfront.
CNN is not changing with the times either.
Cable news in prime time is all white. NO
diversity is a huge problem for cable news.
Products have to grow and reflect the times.
Culture, music, fashion. electronics all evolve
with the times. CNN is stuck in a time warp
big time. Viewers don't watch the news for
pundits. they watch the news for the news.
We are a decade plus into the 21st century
and CNN still has the crawl. I'm certain that
there are people out there who can make
the news reflect the times but CNN is too
afraid of the future to hire them or listen.
Occupy Wall St is like what is going on in
Israel to bring about change. It has nothing
in common with the Tea Party. Occupy wants
everything to work for the good of the people.
The movement is not about hate. CNN needs
to go to the Huffington Post to read the harsh
article on OUtfront to get the big picture.CNN
was duped by the Tea Party and is corrupt.
Now they are trying to malign Occupy Wall St.
Read the comments and maybe they will get
it but I am not hopeful. CNN is in denial.CNN
missed a big news story. They don't have
credibility with Occupy Wall St. They have
shown their true colors.
Hey CNN stop protecting Mitt Romney and air
the clip of him saying he is not concerned about
Occupy Wall Street.He wants to occupy the WH.
That guy is a jerk. Of course this was on ABC
News who are not trying to make this about the
tea party.CNN is stuck on stupid. Occupy is not
funded by the Koch brothers or former CNN
colleagues like Dick Armey.
The Occupy movement is huge. It is now
in more than 250 cities in the US & it is
going global. Occupy protests are on tap
on every continent except Antarctica.
There is a legendary rap song called
" The Message". CNN will regret mocking
Occupy Wall St. It has spawned worldwide
protests.CNN will never understand the
message. You can't understand what you
can't comprehend. The protesters have
set a way for people to get their very
own newspaper on Kickstarte. They are
using FB, Twitter, YouTube & live streams.
They really don't need CNN.
They blew their horns and the walls came
down, they'd all been warned and the walls
came down, they stood there laughing, they
aren't laughing anymore and the walls came
down. I would never have guessed that The
Call had CNN in mind but than again music
is always way ahead of the news. In the words
of Public Enemy : you can't trust it and shut
em down. Jesus Jones got it right too : the
revolution has already passed by CNN. But
nobody saw this coming better than the
late Gil Scott Heron with " The Revolution
Will Not Be Televised'". Know why because
it will be on the streets live.
With Ken Jautz now running CNN, does it really
surprise anyone about the state of TEaNN. He
was the 1st to hire Glen Beck and destroyed
HLN, which needs to be reclassified as an
entertainment channel and not news. Ironically,
CNN promoted him to CNN when there was a
big drop in ratings for HLN. Jautz is Jon Klein
the sequel.
Oh snap. Did you guys see what Tavis Smiley
did on CNN. He called the network out for
falling for the banana it the tailpipe when it
comes go news. Al day long CNN asks dumb
question that mean nothing. The Daily Show,
their press peers and people who are live on
CNN are telling this to CNN right in the face.
CNN is still dull. Forget about being out of
ideas. They are out of their minds.
Another oops for CNN. They did a story on
how incomes are down and tossed to their
reporter on Wall St. CNN clearly has some
leadership issues.
2:23PM: You make a valid point.
Erin Burnett is too cutesey and plays cutesey badly.
Her promos were terrible so I knew ahead of time that the show would do poorly.
While she may very well have financial expertise, CNN never hired her for her knowledge.
They hired her because she was cute and obeyed orders and they could MOLD her, like clay.
With CNN there is always a motive and the motive is either money or ratings, not expertise.
Erin Burnett is a sham. I initially did not believe all of the negative reviews, I thought they were being unfair. Now I realize how wrong I was. I watched your show today and was embarrassed. The little giggles and smiles, it does not make you look cute, it makes you look silly. What's new and out front about your show? Nothing.
From the looks of things. CNN has 3 shows
that won't be around 6 months from now
and they have nowhere to go.
Eventually, John King or Erin Burnett will
drop below 300,000. They are going down
from TSR.
The other problem is Piers Morgan and he
is likely to be the first to go,CNN has to
find the right lead in and 9 PM show for
360. If you let the shows stick around,it
will be a deeper hole.
Please do not put John King in the same sentence as Erin Burnett or Piers Moron.
John King will not be going anywhere. He knows politics and statistics better than anyone on television and he will, more than likely, be here for the next election.
He has been at CNN for many years and has proven himself.
He is sharp, personable, and has both strength and wisdom, and if management left his time slot alone, or gave him State of the Union back, he would excell like he did before.
Burnett and Morgan must leave, but at least Piers can multi-task, with two shows under his egotistical belt. Erin Burnett needs note cards just to begin a thought.
I think relatively speaking, most of the ATA posters are disappointed with Anderson's daytime show.
They are disappointed that Anderson has the chance to elevate the discussion and doesn't.
Most people expected more from him because he always elevated the discussions in the past, or at least he tried.
Now it seems he is just emulating shows that are out there.
This could be the fault of the producers he has hired or it could be that he's become increasingly disinterested in topics of an intellectual nature.
I certainly hope it is not the later.
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