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Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving

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Anonymous said...

Apparently J.R. Martinez will be working on
Heroes for CNN. That includes the Thanksgiving
Special as well as the December live show.

Anonymous said...

Great news. Heroes is 1 of the best things CNN
has ever done. I say kudos to Anderson Cooper
for what he did on his Thanksgiving episode for
his daytime show. The show was so beautiful.
Enjoy Thanksgiving. I hope to watch Heroes
tonight and next month.

Anonymous said...

Yes, Anderson should have JR Martinez on for a full hour on his day show along with all those injured in the Irag war and who have suffered severely, but who have gone on to do something of value with their lives.
Unfortunately AC and his producers will give him fifteen minutes, and then do another topic totally unrelated and inept, like what it is like to hail a cab in the rain.