1 - Special programming was aired on one night during the week.
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10:32 PM
Labels: Ratings At A Glance
Katie Couric is coming on strong and now has bookings from 80% of the stations for her new fall talkshow, according to TVN.
Yes, Anderson and Katie are going to be in a dead heat over subjects like 'basket weaving 101' and lampshade
design for the those that are lampshade challenged.
And if they're on at the same exact time in the afternoon, I'll be splitting hairs as to whom I shall watch.
I must get myself a DVR for all this must see talkfesting.
Probably the best numbers for 360 at 8 PM.
Will this continue ? Can 360 get some 250,000
in the demo on a consistent basis ? When it
comes to CNN prime time 360 is on it's own.
There is much talk here about the CNN look.
To make it easier on viewers eyes, CNN should
have the single line banner like MSNBC has at
the top only have it at the bottom of the screen
when it comes to CNN. Go on and lose the crawl
but overhaul it so it can be used with video and
pictures going in and out of commercials. The
CNN webpage look would work.
Unfortunately for CNN, this is the last week to
get ratings. By next week cable news will drop
off significantly. Thanksgiving is now going to
be early Christmas shopping season.
4 words CNN needs to keep in mind. Hire the
man and put him on live up against Rachel. A
celebrity interview format will never top MSNBC
for the hour. CNN needs someone who can take
on Rachel and win. Get those daily show viewers
a couple of hours earlier.Strombo does news,
docs, wide-ranging interviews. How can CNN
not be interested in this guy. You can only
imagine the bump that would give to 360 at
8 & 10 PM.
Lets see if 360 will cover OWS tonight.Some
reporters are telling NYT how scary it got
with the cops. Tay Zonday of Chocolate Rain
fame now has a video out called Mama Economy.
CNN is always the last to find out anything.
They are just getting around to the FB story.
If Time Warner can get Conan, they can get
Strombo for CNN along with former Cyrrent
employees. I don't think the current CNN
management would even hire these people.
They aren't pundits. No need to apply. You
are not welcome at CNN.
If Monday is any indication, CNN is about to
get a big dose of reality. 360 only had 507,000
viewers at 8. At some point they will understand
that the pundits drag down the demo for 360.
Who wants to watch Ari Fleischer and Paul Begula.
Bring back Raw Politics with Candy, Tom & Joe.
The pundit act has gotten old and nobody cares
but CNN about the left vs right stunt. Time to
retire Crossfire. It does not matter if you try to
fake it on 360, your viewers keep saying enough.
Erin Burnett is not helping at all.
I think 360 should give Isha Sesay more time.
Instead of Anderson just tossing questions to
the pundits, can we get more news ? CNN was
once on the level with NBC,ABc & CBS. The
story count is too low on 360. Just let it be
Anderson, Isha, fast paced news, more guests
who are from all walks of life, better content.
360 took a hit last nite from DWTS and the interview with the Giffords.
Expect more of the same whenever there is some must see television at 8&10.
Not that 360 doesn't usually come in third in totals...it does.
Even during regular programming on
prime stations.
Is it too much to ask that 360 not devote the entire three quarters of their show to the Penn State scandal.
And the big get here was the interview Sandusky did with Bob Costas.
And as Jon Stewart so knowingly pointed out, why was Sandusky's attorney sitting with Bob Costas and not Sandusky??
I could be wrong but I don't think that Larry King
was trailing Rachel Maddow by 100,000 demo
viewers. When you have Issues topping OutFront,
you know the show is in trouble. Critics jumped
on Outfront from the start. CNN has too many
shows that are unwatchable. You have AM, PMT
& Outfront.. Management has yet to come up
with a decent show that brings in viewers. CNN
should hire Aisha Tyler. Wait, Aisha is with
The Talk on CBS. If Rev Al can be on MSNBC,
why can't CNN hire Aisha Tyler. Not that they
could get her now. Sadly, Erin Burnett is nothing
but Campbell Brown and Paula Zahn all over again.
Recently it was announced that CNN is laying off
some 50 employees . Editors and photographers
are among those being let go. So much for more
video and news gathering. If you think CNN is bad
with lack of video, it is about to get worse. TV is
a visual medium and CNN thinks they can become
the talking head channel and video does not mater.
Why do I get the feeling that CNN is becoming HLN.
CNN is missing too many stories. Nothing about
bullets being shot at the White House, embassies
being burned in Syria, Gingrich and Fannie Mac,
the GOP classifying pizza as a vegetable. I was
really hoping that CNN would try to be real time.
No way they can do that by cutting positions.
Out Front is the wrong show to be on CNN right
before 360. My dream team would be Isha Sesay,
Nicole Lapin, Jason Silva, Max Lugavere & Angela
Sun. CNN needs energy and likable personalities.
A hipster news show can't hurt.
The hiring of Ari Fleishcer is another huge
mistake for CNN. George W. Bush, his ex boss
caused the problems we are now having in this
country. CNN gives him a free pass to try and
rewrite history. The Bush tax cuts caused our
deficit & debt to blow up. CNN is pathetic. Like
viewers are so stupid. And you guys wonder why
CNN has zero credibility when it comes to politics.
Also, the Tea Party fiasco. CNN just doesn't get it.
TVN is reporting that Katie Couric's producers are asking for $50,000 for a 30 second spot for advertising.
She is able to command this because presumably she is far more
bankable than "other newbees" and her show is being compared to R&K and Ellen.
While Katie does have a following, I not sure she's worth 50 grand first year in the running.
I would think advertisers would take a more "wait and see," approach.
I do know, Katie isn't going to stoop to shows entitled "Teens Trapped in the Wrong Body."
If you stoop to the lowest common element of mentality, that's the following you eventually acquire,
and the loyalty is dubious at best.
360 improved on Tuesday but I have to agree
that 15 minutes is enough on Penn State. There
were so many stories 360 should've had segments
on for the hour. The WH shooting deserved more
coverage, the Benetton Unhate campaign that has
pics of world leaders kissing. They had to remove
the ad featuring the Pope. Benetton is known for
provocative ad campaigns but is this too far, AC
completely ignored Syria as well. Military deserters
are turning on Assad. There is some talk of his
days being numbered when you throw in the
reaction from the Arab League. I didn't see any
of these stories on 360. You have 60 freaking
minutes. There is no excuse for this. Stewart
did the pizza story last night. So the Daily Show
is a much better news content source than CNN.
Last night's 360 should have had way more
content. Did we really need John Walsh ?
Where is the passion for the news on 360 or
CNN for that matter. CNN needs to hire people
to keep them current because they will soon
be history at the rate they are going.
It bothered me that Mark Gerados attacked the
mother of 1 of the Sandusky victims. That was
wrong. Do you really need a defense attorney ?
2nd Mile is for disadvantaged youth. The mom
is likely not college educated or even knows how
to take on a top dog like Penn State. It just was
not right. Yes, Sunny & Jeff jumped on Geragos
but it should not have happened.360 is not
Nancy Grace. Don't go there.
Bad hires is how CNN has destroyed the reps of
their real political reporters. The pundits define
CNN's politics. Not too smart. Anderson fails
to mention that he is the former press sec'y
for George W. Bush. Huh, wonder why ? CNN
needs to fix this before 2012.. Drop the pundits
and go with your own reporters. Have you all
noticed that he never answers Anderson's
question and always tries to change the topic.
So much for Keeping Them Honest.
The original OWS already occurred during the
2000 presidential election. Rage Against The
Machine truly occupied Wall St to shot the video
for Sleep Now In The Fire. It was all captured on
video. The music video is on You Tube. We have
al heard the phrase history repeats itself. Rage
actually occupied Wall St and shut it down. The
parallels are amazing. The income disparity is
the whole theme of the video. Protestors can't
get anywhere near Wall St.. I'm wonder if CNN
would ever talk to Tom or Zac for their take.
They know what it is like to occupy Wall St.
Too bad 360 is no longer cutting edge.
I have been watching CNN for the last 30 minutes.
Suzanne Malveaux interviewed a photojournalist
on the scene in LA. They are journalists who tell
stories with video. Without them you get no TV.
I see nothing wrong with collective journalism
done with I-Reports or hiring digital journalists
who recently graduated university that can do
what Anderson Cooper did earlier in his career.
You have to have photojournalists or else you
won't have much of a product. Reporters are
nothing without photojournalists. Video, video,
video. That is a bonehead move by CNN. it
decreases CNN's ability to cover news. Video is
the only thing separating CNN from print,
radio . Both are fading fast. I don't know anyone
who has a TV just to watch talking heads. TV
is a visual medium and CNN should never forget
about that. Technology is not a reason for a
global news organization to layoff workers.
Technology should be used to make CNN better.
Okay. CNN needs to hire the Strombo guy.
Go to CBC and see a segment he called
Herman's Head. He would easily be the
Jon Stewart of CNN. Hey he even had on
Lang Lang . I am impressed. 360 could
use a boost from another show maybe
it can get closer to 1 million viewers.
Anderson is obviously too busy working on his daytime show to be bothered with 360, the show that actually bought him credibility.
Anderson Cooper likes to say each night he
is on FB, Twitter & Google + so why the ancient
history pundit types. They are not representatives
of viewers. They are there to protect the status
quo., which is news controlled by politics &
ideological talking points. It is so predictable you
can see it a century away.
Soon CNN will be forced to change prime time.
360 is lifting CNN up in prime time and PMT
wipes out anything it does. HLN just canned
Joy Behar. Anyone who is pulling for CNN can
only hope that CNN will cancel PMT. Nothing
is going to make CNN viewers like PMT. CNN
will destroy any momentum they have unless
they find the right show to follow 360 at 8 PM.
@2:26PM: You are absolutely right as rain about "buying him credibility."
And now look at what he's doing?
As the saying goes:
"You lay down with dogs, you get up with fleas."
Is Isha Sesay becoming too popular for the CNN
brass ? On Tuesday, she disappeared until the end
of 360. She was not on 360 at all last night. I hope
that she is not about to be banned to Siberia and
not be on 360 anymore.
Isha should have her own show and I think she's getting antsy.
Why appear if all you do is read the bulletin and then hopefully, if HE allows it, banter a bit with the anchor.
She's over that and she's too good for it, and AC knows it.
Make her co-anchor and give the viewers a break. We need diversity.
Anderson is a fine field journalist, but a boring anchor.
Anderson Cooper does not need a co-anchor.
Isha will be on 360. The chemistry between
Anderson & Isha is good for 360 and you can't
fake that. Isha should get to anchor the show
when Anderson Cooper is on vacation or not
able to anchor.Isha is still anchoring BackStory
& Inside Africa. So she has a full plate.
Isha outshines Erin Burnett and that is not what
CNN wants. Isha should be anchoring a women's
news show right before 360. Have Isha be the
permanent anchor for a women's news show.
Women talking the news , each with their own
sense of style. NO pundits or politics. The reason
why there is so much politics dominating cable
news is because men run the networks. It would
be great to see Nicole Lapin on CNN again. Just
hire her as a contributor if you can't get her
back full time. A diverse group of women is a
can't miss show these days. Kareen Wynter &
Amber Lyon are been on CNN this week; Also,
all of the wonderful female journalists at CNN.
You can always have guests with them for the
hour. Women consume news and are some of
the most loyal viewers. We all know that CNN
has a women's issue.
I can see George Strombo on CNN. His show
has been on for 8 years in Canada. All CNN
needs to do is to purchase the rights to air
his show in America. Just have Strombo do
a live 9PM U.S. version. The show would be
ready to go right away. You won't have to
build a set or hire a staff. You just pay CBC,
Strombo and his staff. The show is back to
being on for an hour. There has never been
a more perfect fit for CNN. Let's face it, he
is cute and smart. Anderson Cooper followed
by Strombo would easily attract females.
CNN should try the viewer contributed news
show at 11 PM. Max Lugavere & Jason Silva
would be great choices. Still Up was a good
show. CNN has the final say on content. Only
legit news items. It can also be CNN stories as
well. Hire Conor Knighton do a weekend show
for CNN. 2 different shows no repeats.
You guys might be big on Strombo but Mark
Kelley is just as good at CBC. It surprises me
that CNN never looks to Canada for talent.
Canada is our largest trading partner. Mark
was actually in NYC for Occupy. He did his
show Connect live for the hour. The show
could easily be on American TV. Most of his
guests are Americans and Kelley focuses on
news in this country. Last night he had a
professor who has written about protests,
an Iraq war vet who is 1 of the protestors and
the 84 yr old lady who was peppered sprayed
in Seattle. The late Peter Jennings had a long
and impressive career at ABC. It is a shame
that more Americans are not able to see CBC
in America. If BBC is available across a huge
segment of America, why can't CBC be more
widely available. It would be great to see
Mark Kelley and George on CNN. I just don't
think it will ever happen. Either would make
CNN more watchable.
The only person you would see anchoring a show
with female journalists on CNN would be Erin. It
might be a way for CNN to try and save the show.
CNN needs to revamp Out Front before it is too
late. The critics were right. The show is nothing
new. What is different from Campbell Brown or
Paula Zahn. 3 strikes, you are out. Erin is doing
worst than Campbell Brown and Paula Zahn.
The women shows are popular because they
are so much fun. You can have Erin Burnett,
Isha Sesay and 2 or 3 others.
I am for anything that helps 360. A women's
show could mean ad money for CNN. Women
are 52 % of the population. CNN can't continue
to ignore women. Do you see commercials for
Macy's, JCP, hair & beauty products. There would
be no shortage of companies ready to advertise.
The Talk was awesome today with Mario Lopez
& the ladies. I have noticed that neither The
Talk or The View have ever had a Latino in the
group. The lack of diversity in prime time news
needs to be fixed. An ethnically diverse group
of women would be a huge hit. A group of
women talking about Natalie Wood would go
way different with women than men. Women
know all of the songs from West Side Story.
Men won't admit that. Cable news is from a
male's viewpoint. Natalie Wood has to be the
lead story on 360 tonight.Is there a brick wall
between 360 and Sports Illustrated. The cover
this week is incredible. It is on Penn St. I
would much rather see people on like this
balking about Penn St.If 360 morphs into
Nancy Grace , they lose me. I am so over the
lawyers bashing possible victims.
Ed is fast paced. 360 moves at a snails pace.
360 does not know when to end segments and
has too many talking head segments that waste
your time. Anderson owes viewers an apology
for the Peter King silliness. it was nothing more
than a rant with talking points from Fox News.
Why can't Anderson book better guests that are
capable of intelligent conversation ? I decided
to DVR a network news show each day and
I see how lame 360 has become.
You are absolutely right.
360 does move at a snails pace and you'd think that after all this time, Anderson would know this.
And he drags out interviews for the longest time, interviews that only he is interested in.
Are there anymore young boys molested in the shower?
Soon it will be the entire community of young boys and Anderson will believe everyone of them because that's what "Keeping Them Honest" is all about.
And I really liked Natalie Wood, 30years ago.
Has the news cycle been so slow or slower than 360, that we have to dig up trash from the past to fill air time?
Thirty years ago Bob Wagner was suspect. So how is todays news different and WHY should 360 be covering it?
Yes, CNN and HLN need to merge because it's gotten so, you really can't tell the difference between either one of them.
Their content is exactly the same, except for Dr.Drew and Joy Behar.
One thing is for sure. If CNN ever decides to do
a women's news show, you can't have Christine
Romans or Carol Costello. American Morning is
having a really bad week.
There is nothing that says CNN still can't hire
Aisha Tyler. She still works on Archer.
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