Anderson Cooper and Kathy Griffin Co-Host CNN’s New Years Eve Celebration

Anderson Cooper and Kathy Griffin will again co-host CNN’s celebration of the New Year’s Eve celebration on Saturday, Dec. 31, from 11 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. (ET). The odd-couple will ring in the new year for CNN’s "New Year's Eve Live with Anderson Cooper and Kathy Griffin” live from NYC’s Time Square.
"Get ready, America. Pull up a chair and a box of your finest wine, because you've never seen a New Year's Eve show like this,” said Griffin. “By the time I'm done with him, Anderson's hair is going to be even more gray. In fact, the night is going to be so wild, his hair is actually going to turn brown again."
“Kathy Griffin scares me. I’ve said this often to CNN management directly and through my attorneys,” said Cooper “She continues to appear by my side on New Year’s Eve, so clearly no one is listening to me”
CNN correspondents will provide reports from celebrations across the country and around the world. Isha Sesay will join Cooper and Griffin from the crowds in Times Square and Gary Tuchman will report live from Central Park for the annual Midnight Run. Correspondent John Zarrella will be live in Key West, Florida and Brooke Baldwin from Nashville, Tennessee. The show will simulcast on CNN International. After Anderson and Griffin sign off from Times Square at 12:30a.m. (ET) CNN’s Brooke Baldwin and Marty Savidge will take over from Nashville and count down to midnight, central time.
Leading up to “New Year’s Eve Live with Anderson Cooper and Kathy Griffin” will be “Best and Worst of 2011,” an Anderson Cooper 360° special, which will air at 8 p.m. and 10 p.m.(ET). The special will count down to the new year by looking back at 2010, anchored by Tom Foreman, who will shine a spotlight on the highs and lows of the past twelve months in politics, pop culture, the economy, entertainment, and much more. A re-air of Piers Morgan Tonight will air at 9 p.m. (ET).
When will CNN stop placing all of their eggs in the basket of Anderson Cooper?
Cooper gained notority and credibility with his reporting and his polished program.
Things have certainly changed recently. He has to be amongst the few that thought he could successfully manage two shows, and several specials.
The ratings for AC360 have steadily declined in the past few months and rightfully so. The program has become dry and the material redundant.
It's obvious that both Cooper and CNN over-estimated his popularity. His daytime show is struggling and not surprising 360's own struggles have begun.
cAnon, your info is wrong. Anderson's daytime
show is not struggling. It has been renewed for
season 2. 360 is CNN's top rated show. TVN has
the show ratings for 2011. Like it or not 360 is
saving CNN in prime time.
360 is not the problem for CNN neither is
Anderson Cooper. Let's see there is John
King, USA. Out Front, PMT & AM.
4:32 PM:
Like it or not, reading CNN's press releases is not giving you sound information.
2:38pm got it exactly right.
BOTH shows are struggling.
I should know.
I'm the typical former Anderfan, who no longer admires him.
He is has become lame and made himself irrelevant. I do not know why.
But bravo to others who feel like I do and there are many out there.
Too bad and a waste of good talent.
Lady Gaga will surpass Anderson and Griffin ratings wise.
Ryan Seacrest is Anderson's competition and this year it is my prediction, Anderson's ratings will be down on New year's Eve.
And for good reason.
AC has become redundant and so has Ms Griffin unless of course they both work blue.
His daytime show was renewed, but that doesn't necessarily mean it's due to success. They could have renewed the show for another season in hopes it will find an audience.
And as far as 360, take a gander over to the TV Newser site and look at the ratings that are posted for each of the cable networks. His 360 ratings are certainly not what they use to be.
Can't wait to see Anderson and Kathy Griffin interacting on NYE, I think they are a great team and they obviously like each other and have a good time together. Ryan Seacrest may get the big NYE ratings because of Gaga, but you couldn't pay me to watch one second of his program.
@6:19, I wouldn't be so certain about the number of people who feel negatively about Anderson as you claim to, as I am sure it is far less than you imagine and not significant enough to have any impact on his already successful career.
CNN, FNC & MSNBC will all discover the lack of
interest in the GOP primary. 2008 was one for
the history books. Watching Romney,Gingrich
& Paul will be so so boring. 2011 is history now.
No one cares it is on to 2012. By next week it will
be all about the ratings for the 1st week of the
new year. By March 2012 we will find out if CNN
is getting better but there is only a difference of
80,000 viewers between CNN & MSNBC. In the
demo it is only 16,000 for an entire year. MSNBC
can't find the right replacement for Countdown
and CNN can't find the right replacement for
Larry King.
@6:04 I am also a former AC admirer and no longer watch him. @2:38 is correct. His ratings have declined, his 360 show is dull, with too many pundits and to me at least it seems AC is not engaged in it. His daytime show offers a host who is ill at ease and grasping at straws for topics. There is no continuity between topics on the same show. Mr. Cooper doesn't care about my advice, but if he did I would tell him to stick to field reporting and writing. He is good at both, but not as an anchor or a daytime host.
Anon, 6:04 AM couldn't agree more. Of course,
Seacrest will get higher ratings it is on ABC. CNN
has to be compared to FNC,MSNBC MTV , BET,etc.
Anderson Cooper has a very successful career. TV
Newser has the ratings for Tuesday. 360 beat ED
TLW in the demo at 8 & 10. This is when they all
went back to regular programming. The demo at
10 for 360 even beat Rachel Maddow and CNN
had a 2nd place demo finish. It will be interesting
to see the ratings for Wednesday later today. ED
goes down in the demo from Hardball. That is not
good news for MSNBC.
I like 360 and Anderson. I refuse to watch Nancy
Grace, ED or BOR. You've got 2 angry men, NG
nor HLN has anything to do with news. Anderson
Cooper's daytime show is refreshing. It's a shame
for Maury or Jerry Springer to even be on daytime.
NO ! CNN came up with really bad names for
the new morning shows. EARLY START followed
by STARTING POINT. CNN is so bad at developing
shows or decent titles. Don't see them getting any
viewers away from Morning Joe. MJ has a big staff,
including a music director. 100 % sure CNN does
not have a music director. Who doesn't listen to
music and the news in the morning. CNN killed
the music from 360. Not smart at all. CNN bet
big on real news and enough with the obsession
with crime and celebrities. News is CNNs forte.
Boring infinity is what the Republican primaries
will be. I already had to turn from CNN to keep
from falling asleep, There is nothing CNN can
do to get ratings with this GOP field.
CNN misses too many stories that viewers really
connect with. All day long I never saw the Ben
Breedlove story on CNN but it was on NBC & CBS.
This kid had a heart condition and passed away
on Christmas Day. But he left us with memories
on his You Tube Channel. Even rapper Kid Cudi
expressed his admiratin, Ben said he was a fan.
CNN is a failure at getting the people stories that
connect with viewers. How do you miss Ben's story.
When you are CNN to consumed with pundits who
will never connect with viewers. Also, families
flocked to amusement parks in such mass that
the parks were too full. You get these stories by
having reporters who can dig and find news.
CNN sticks with Anderson and Cathy because it
gets ratings. The numbers right now might not
mean anything. Jan 2, 2012 might be a better
read. Spud at ICN has a good article on CNN
show names. He even mentions how CNN ruined
The Sit Room. Bring back the internet reporters
to make the content better. In many ways CNN
has some serious content issues. News, info,
story-telling, presentation, editing, writing .
CNN definitely needs better production. Better
camera movements. graphics, infographic,
maps. I am not a fan of the dancing background.
It is too distracting. Drop the banners after 7
seconds and let the CNN stand alone without
the white box around it.
360 is losing big time in totals even though there are those on this blog who continually say how well AC is doing in the demos.
If well means a 158, most nites, maybe, but ED and Larry O'Donnell beat him nitely in both time slots and his last, at the 8PM slot was a biggie: a 350. Which in translation means 350,000 people watched 360.
WE could get 350,000 people to watch us in any reality show, just from curiosity seekers.
If that doesn't prove 360 is struggling I don't know what does.
But as a once avid viewer, I've stopped watching in both time slots.
Every time I've attempted to watch, the show has been as dry as toast. Truthfully, unless there's really "breaking news," I rather watch paint dry.
Have to agree. Early Start and Starting Point had to be thought of by fifth graders.
In fact, grade school children could probably think of better names.
How stupid of CNN management.
Just like Erin Burnett's show: Outfront which I usually call Upfront.
And yes, names matter. If the name is stupid, the show is usually stupider.
Just look at the movie titles:"I Bought a Zoo"...and it tanked.
Who would want to spend $10 to see this picture??
Not even a child.
I DVR 360 so that I am able to skip the politics
and view the portions of the show I like. Cable
news overall is likely to have fewer viewers in
2012. The big 3 ABC<NBC & CBS are gaining in
popularity because it is the only source for real
reporting. CNN used to operate at that level.
Loyal CNN viewers don't want the network to be
FOX News or MSNBC. CNN is suppose to be your
window to the world with a variety of news stories.
Unfortunately, somewhere down the line CNN
decided to become pundit central. My view on
that : Shut Up. Don't like Erin Burneett or Piers
Morgan. Judging from the ratings I am in good
company. How many bad hires can you make ?
In 24 hours you get very little news. That is just
not CNN. Viewers should be able to turn to CNN
at anytime and get some news. There is a lack
of imagination or creativity. Where is the visionary
who can revolutionize cable news. I have no issue
with stories form a wide spectrum. POV is not
journalism. Shut Up.
Right now I support 360 & Rachel Maddow. Al
Gore has destroyed Current TV by hiring MSNBC
rejects Keith & Cenk. It is no longer an alternative
to bad cable news channels. I really don't get why
cable news is so bad. Can't someone create good
news programs.
Anon 1:27 AM, if you don't like 360 don't
watch it. Demos are how all networks make
money. That's just the way the biz works.
Sure 360 had 350,000 but got 164,000 in
the demo to beat ED. That's embarrassing
for MSNBC. That kinda signals that all 360
has to do is show up and it gets a higher
demo. 360 didn't top The Last Word with
regards to totals . Is it still on at 8 ?
CNN should go for Alison Stewart, Toure, George
Stroumboulopoulos and even Aisha Tyler. CNN
needs some new shows.
Put Alison Stewart opposite Rev Al at 6 PM. John
King,USA is not working. Too boring. King is a
rock solid reporter but anchoring is not his thing.
Alison Stewart was at MSNBC and she has a news
and interview background. She will be on 60
minutes this weekend.
Go for Aisha Tyler. Just like HLN gave Joy Behar
her own show CNN needs to do the same. Her
talent is being wasted on The Talk. Tyler is
getting some good press. Let her replace Erin
Burnett. Cancel OutFront before it is too late.
Aisha Tyler has the persona to pull of a show.
Erin Burnet needs a business assignment at CNN.
Keep 360 at 8 & 10 PM. It appears to be working
so far. However, re-edit the show by just simply
adding the cool bump music and selecting the
songs to set up the segments. Congrats to Team
360. Anderson & Company did a great job.
At 9 PM go with George. Just pay the CBC to have
George do an American version of George
Stroumboulopoulos. A news/ interivew show
with a live studio audience 2 hours before the
Daily Show & Cobert. The man can has the
ability to make anything interesting.
Toure would be a great replacement for TJ on
the weekends. He can also make appearances
during the week.
Anderson Cooper, Alison Stewart, Aisha Tyler,
George Stroumboulopoulos & Toure all have
different styles. I am not a fan of the 1 size fits
all news approach at CNN. You have to go with
a lineup that attracts viewers not turn them off.
This would clearly be the hippest , coolest line
up ever on cable news. CNN does nothing to be
an alternative to FNC or MSNBC. Just imagine
how awesome CNN's political coverage would
be with these people rather than the ideologues.
CNN needs continuity from 6 PM - Midnight.
CNN should try to put together a lineup that
can bring in at least 1 million viewers Mon-Fri.
I will reserve judgement on Early Start & Starting
Point. It depends on the content, show flow,anchors
and guests on the show. ABC,NBC & CBS are making
the right decisions about news. Ben Breedlove
shows why you need internet and social media
reporters. You Tube Face Book and Twitter have now
become great news sources. I stopped watching
CNN in the morning with the annoying trio. Has
anyone seen a promo ? So people will wake up on
Monday morning not even knowing about 2 new
shows on CNN.
It is simple 360 fans don't care for pundits. We all
remember when 360 never went down that route.
Judging from the ratings, there doesn't seem to be
much interest in the Iowa Caucus. It's overkill. How
many times do we have to hear about polls and
hear from talking heads. Bring back Raw Politics
with Tom Foreman, Joe Johns and Candy.
@9:35AM: "demos are how the networks make money."
For the upteenth time, and I will not repeat this again, because it is beginning to bore me, 360's demos only look good because all the other shows are so bad.
AC's demos are as low as Campbell Brown's at 8PM, but his salary is so high that CNN MUST promote HIM.
The entire prime line up is pure boredom.
And at this time next year, Erin Burnett will and should, be gone.
Leave it to Huffpost to have the best headline ever: "The Lost Year."
Isn't that the truth?
There was such gridlock in Congress, it was almost as though we had a country without a government and the Fourth Estate didn't help much.
Every media outlet, whether it was CNN or faux Fox, fed into it.
Punditry was abundant on both networks, even though CNN's own Anderson Cooper told David Letterman, just last Thursday, that quote:"Pundits don't know anything."
Well, why feature them on your show every nite??
Have you NO say or you just don't care and it fills air time?
Whatever the case, the American people are left with this empty shell of a Congress and an Administration who literally gets absolutely nothing accomplished. We are left to ask ourselves just who is running the government or is it just bleakly running itself until it runs out of steam altogether.
That's what I'll remember about 2011, and it's not a very pretty picture of what's to come.
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