1 - Special programming was aired on one night during the week
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reflect Live and same day (DVR) data.
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10:55 PM
Labels: Ratings At A Glance
Poor Ms Boring Burnett only received 78,000 viewers in her demos.
on Friday.
But she shouldn't feel that bad, her colleague, Anderson Cooper, only got 104.
Not much to crow about for CNN.
That's a surprise that 360 finished 2nd at 8.
ED finished 4th. Maybe MSNBC should have
left TLW opposite 360. Wonder if Chris Hayes
might eventually get a promotion.
Who gets to replace Piers Morgan. CNN is about
to feel the heat for his testimony at the hacking
inquiry. ABC NEWS did a scathing report. CNN
better have a back up plan. Red flags should've
went up all over the place. He embarrassed CNN.
I don't like the graphics or the color scheme on
CNN. I don't like the white box around the CNN
logo. Why can't it just animate from the logo to
the show title.. Also, if you are not constantly
updating the crawl, just drop it. Go with a web
type grid of news stories. Video or pictures with
a simple sentence explaining what you're looking
at better yet. You can also have a video or pics to
the left with a story summary to the right or go
with superimposed words that change if you need
more than 1 sentence to explain a story. Any
aspiring graphic artist can to this by downloading
wallpapers or images from Google and the right
software. You can make posters about the news
with the right software and print it out on the
printer.. It doesn't have to be the same all day
long. Some times you can go with a title at the
top with just 3 sentences underneath. Also add
music. Do know how many people download the
Grouplove song Tongue Tied because of the
Ipad commercial. Viewers should be able to go
to CNN.dot.com to track down the name of a
song that aired during a certain CNN show.
CNN has to modernize. All day long we should
be able to see news trailers and see al of the
CNN people talking about the news. Gathering
stories for CNN all day long. TMZ does this
very effectively.Do it live as often as possible.
replace Piers Morgan. He has a news/interview show,
does docs and is likable. Strombo would make it
tough for Rachel and he gets the big names to sit
and talk with him. The combo of 360/Strombo is
a great prime time lineup for CNN. Just imagine
the killer demos and the totals would likely rise
as well. CNN needs a smart alternative up against
Rachel Maddow. Strombo matches her smarts &
wits and likable personality.
With the way the Republicans are behaving on
the payroll tax. The songs are endless for the
kick buts trailer opener for 360. Let's start with
Crazy by Gnarls Barkley, Splendora's Standing
On My Neck, AKA Daria theme song.. Lauryn
Hill's Repercussions. The words you need to
know the repercussions are so fitting because
some 160 million Americans will be affected.
He Got Game from Public Enemy. Also the song
in the Citi commercial with the lady standing
on the mountain. The song is InTo The Wild.
The words someone left the gate open, can't
save us a run away train. When the WSJ calls
out Republicans. You know it's trouble. The
idea is to have 2 different opens for 8 & 10
as well as something for viewers to see and
can't miss and download at CNN.
CNN should fire Piers Morgan now. He lied. There
is no other way to say it. Does Jim Walton and Ken
Jautz agree with his unethical practices ? This is a
failed experiment by CNN to turn a tabloid editor
into a journalist. CNN has no problems with hacking
or going through folks trash. We all know that CNN
lobbied to keep him form appearing live so they
would not look bad. Didn't work. PMT is not doing
any better against TRMS. Nobody would miss PMT.
Nancy Grace does better interviews. While CNN was
trying to fake out viewers with false claims about
the inquiry, The Today Show had the truth. At
least the Murdochs faced the music. He gets to
hide behind CNN. Everyone else who worked at
the tabloid while he was editor admits to hacking.
Who did not see this coming ? Sadly the answer
is CNN management.
Piers Morgan gave up his judging on America's Got Talent because he knew he had this coming.
Of course he was "hacking" and that denial upon denial during the summer is just unforgiveable.
Yes, he should be voted "off the island," but CNN Management is still in denial as well and will wait it out.
Just like the Titanic until the waters just swept the entire ship under.
No Piers Morgan did not embarrass CNN.
CNN embarrassed CNN by hiring HIM.
They checked his background and oops, forgot to ask if he was involved????
Fire Piers Morgan and bring Larry King back but have him do one show a week airing Saturday nights with a Sunday repeat. Why must there be a talk show weekdays at 9PM on a news channel?
Let's get this straight. CNN is laying off
personnel that have been with CNN for
several years but a fraud names Piers
Morgan stays. CNN is too scared of him.
Something is not right here.
He has a big mouth and management
knows he will expose how he punked
the suits into giving him a show on CNN.
Rachel Madow's ratings will climb and he
will eventually end up 4th or 5h behind
CNBC. Why would anyone want to do his
show after this has come out. CNN deserves
what it has coming. If you open the door
and let a poisonous snake in the house,
at some point it comes back to bite you.
CNN left the gate open. CNN is going to
be grilled by their press colleagues for this
one. Failing to act is going to be costly.
CNN does not need this foolishness.
We can conclude that CNN management is not
too bright. CNN is actually defending Piers Morgan.
We have a front row seat to a train wreck. Down
goes CNN. All of this for someone who really is
not that vital to CNN . Management just can't
admit that hiring Piers Morgan was one of the
worst decisions CNN ever made. Vote via remote.
Don't watch CNN at all. I choose not to have this
sleaze in my home.
CNN needs to do something about the worst
political team on television. All of the right
wing pundits were wrong about the pay roll
tax cut fiasco created by House Republicans.
They all tried to downplay it , like this is no
big deal at the same time the WH took to
Twitter with what would you do with $ 40 .
How did CNN miss that. How did CNN miss
this ? CNN can't even give decent political
analysis. CNN try reporting on what is going
on and not ideology. CNN gets it wrong.
This is a huge PR nightmare for CNN. There is no
way CNN can win with this situation. According to
TV BY THE NUMBERS, PMT finished 4th or 5th in
the demo a couple of times this week. Go Rachel.
She is killin' him in the demo by 100,000 plus
at times.Ha, ha. CNN is a joke.
Colbert is Canadian. The late Peter Jennings
had a long career at ABC. George just might
work for CNN. Watch him at work all of the
time. My boss is hooked and he is a 55 years
old but very tech oriented. Good television
brings in the masses. CBC has some great
talent. George does stuff that no one else
has and that is why he is popular.
MSNBC is killing CNN in all the time slots, period.
I don't care what their press release says about the 8 and 10PM slots. It is a bunch of made up nonsense.
Rachel is killing Piers, yes, and Ed is doing the same thing to Cooper, CNN's supposed money making machine.
O'Donnell is beating him at 10 most nites in the demos as well as the totals.
CNN could have had Rachel Maddow, but they chose NOT to hire her in '07! Klein did this and now they're paying the price.
Klein put ALL his eggs in one basket and we know that basket is leaking....viewership.
Clearly, one could put together a laundry list of
all of the troubles at CNN. The big question is
what is CNN prepared to do to resolve some very
serious issues for the network.
There is a lack of creativity,imagination,innovation,
presentation and delivery falls flat. The in studio
cameras shots don't have enough movement. I
get the feeling that CNN only has 1 camera that
is locked in 1 position. Video is obstructed and
gets lost too often. Give the staffs of all of the
shows the freedom to come up with a news
experience that is designed with viewers in mind.
CNN has to stop dissing viewers and produce
smart news shows.
The content and story selection on CNN has
some serious issues. CNN is too busy chasing
the noise and not the news.
CNN has to learn that journalism has changed.
A reporter,producer,writer,photographer, video
editor and others have different methods and
ways of story-telling. That should be embraced
and celebrated. One of the hottest positions at
the networks now is producer/editor. . For some
5 years now, all journalism schools make you
write,shoot and edit all of your material. How
you reach out to your community on Twitter &
Face Book. Audience connection matters. CNN
is still stuck in the 90's. Pundits have too much
power. Morning Joe shows you can do a political
show without the pundits. Pundits are not the
future and played out a while back.
CNN needs to stop bashing their viewers. How
they mishandled OWS is a blazing example. Try
real reporting rather than talking heads with
different POV. Boring. Yesterday CNN's coverage
on the payroll tax was offensive. Wolf Blitzer
called the people standing behind President
Obama props. Somehow CNN tried to make it
all about the President going to Hawaii. What the
hell is wrong with these people ? Can you say
out of touch. CNN is so disconnected .
There is a huge talent issue at CNN from 6-11
PM. John King is boring and Rev Al is entertaining.
Erin Burnett is too weak to be the lead in for 360.
360 needs a faster pace and more content. The
only ones who have personality are Anderson
Cooper and Isha Sesay. I get the feeling that Isha
might just be starting to outshine Erin Burnett.
CNN give Isha more time on 360. Piers Morgan
was the wrong choice. You have a problem CNN.
Would CNN ever go for a Strombo, Toure or
Isha Tyler ? I doubt it. CNN can't afford to
stick with PMT or Out Front too much longer.
It is like the American Morning fiasco. CNN
always waits too late to do something. At some
point CNN needs to get serious.
I could write a 75 page thesis.
Totals do not make shows profitable. It is about
the demo to advertisers. That is just the way the
TV biz works. CNN has the highest AD RATE,that
equals money. MSNBC was scared of the demos
for 360 that is why the moved ED. Only that is
not working too well. ED's demos are no better
against 360. 360 topped MSNBC at 10 PM in the
demo for all of 2011. You can have fewer viewers
but have an audience made up of 40 % of demo
viewers. 360 is having a huge impact at 8 & 10
PM. 360 gets CNN a split decision . MSNBC is
wishing and hoping that CNN keeps PMT. If
CNN ever wakes up and find the alternative for
TRMS they can beat MSNBC in the demo and
grow those viewership numbers.
"Totals do not make shows profitable."
So your saying that viewership doesn't count and whoever doesn't watch really doesn't matter.
It even sounds dumb.
Tell this nonsense to all the shows that are canceled and for the umpteenth time, anderson's demos ARE NOT STELLAR.
Unless, you're using an astrologer to do your calculations, instead of something steadfast and factual like TVN, what you're relying on and whoever you're relying on, in that age bracket, are not consuming products anymore.
Most young adults do not have a disposable income anymore, because many of them are unemployed or underemployed.
Please get up to date and stop relying on old data.
TOTALS MATTER because they are printed every week in USA Today, and 60 Minutes was the #2 show last week, because all the "older folks," watched....after the game.
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