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Posted by
10:27 PM
CNN find the right matchup against Rachel
Maddow. Rachel is starting to really pull
away from Piers. CNN is competitive in the
demo at 8 & 10 but with Out Front & PMT
CNN is losing ground.CNN can't blame
Larry King's age on this one. RM is topping
PMT by more than 100,000 in the demo.
Disaster is coming for CNN.
Out Front is starting to drag down 360. Not
working for CNN. If 2 hours of 360 can be
competitive why can't Out Front & PMT be
performing better. This is not AM. It is prime
time and CNN needs to do something before
it is too late.360 is on in the toughest hour
of cable news. Competitive in the demo but
those viewer numbers must improve. CNN
is losing viewers at 6 & 7. 360 has it's work
cut out for it at 8. How much longer can 360
remain competitive in the demo before it is
over and you get a collapse. CNN needs to
take action to keep this form happening.
360 shouldn't have to prop up Out Front &
PMT.CNN has drop those ratings repellent
shows. Find the right replacements. TLW &
ED's demos are not the good compared to
Rachel so it is obvious what CNN needs to
do.MSNBC is exposing CNN's weak point .
Hate to say it but it looks like viewers are
saying who cares when it comes to Erin
Burnett and Piers Morgan. CNN can't keep
going with the roller coaster.
CNN never learns. Why is that annoying trio on
CNN this morning ? Also, why is CNN constantly
running promos for Erin Burnett and Piers Morgan ?
Great remind me of why I'm watching CNN less and
less these days.
Ouch. John King had only 58,000 in the demo
on Monday. Ironically, all 3 seemed low for the
day. December will not be good for any of the
24/7 cable news channels. CNN is a real mess.
They have problems all over the place.
CNN missed a golden opportunity. Comcast is
going to start carrying the BCC 24/7 news
channel A real news channel. It is not just CNN
that is s mess. Look at the damage to HLN.
The BBC was right about CNN. They can't make
up their minds about sensationalism or substance.
Erin Burnett interviewing Dick Cheney is not going to help CNN's ratings, her numbers were terrible on Monday.
Out Front is not dragging down 360.
360 is dragging down 360 with lazy journalism, and segments that are repeated.
John King is doing poorly because of the time slot.
Wolf should be in that time slot and John should have stayed at the 7PM hour or left CNN altogether.
He's pushed around too much and can't find a loyal following, but he's talented and treated poorly.
Erin Burnett needs to leave.
She adds nothing to the prime line up and there was no reason for her to take John King's time slot.
She can be a financial contributor, but she should not be allowed to speak to people like Dick Cheney.
Allow John King to do this or Wolf. Someone with a reputation who isn't afraid to ask the tough questions and get answers.
The 360 blog has a poll for the best and worst
songs of 2011. Inquiring minds want to know
why was Pumped Up Kicks left off of the list.
Along with Party Rock Athem, you could not
escape the song or Foster The People. If 360
is booking musicians for New Years Eve how
about Foster The People and The Black Keys,
Trombone Shorty and a get mix of music for
New Years.
There is something that has always puzzled me
about CNN. The network is owned by the same
company as Time Magazine. I don't buy the mag
but I go to the website daily. Morning Joe always
has on people from Time but CNN goes with
Newsweek and the Daily Beast. Time Magazine is
way better than Newsweek/Daily Beast, which are
trash IMHO. I could easily put together a weekly
show for TIme Magazine that could air on CNN
on weekends. CNN does not use all of the TW
resources. I don't get the brick wall. Time, SI
CNN International CNN dot.com. The daily CNN
product could be so much better. There is no
shortage of content available. CNN just is not
going with the right content. Maybe the BBC
will drive CNN to do better journalism.
I would love to see Joe Klein on 360 each night
for politics. The pundits are such a bore. I turn
away from 360 for a good 15 minutes to make
sure I won't hear a single word from the mouths
of pundits.CNN has too much political noise, I
agree 100 % story selection is a major issue for
CNN. For goodness sake , America Morning had
Christine O'Donnell on this morning. WHy ?
I had no problem with 360 leading with FAMU
last night but there should have been a more
detailed segment on the Iraq War coming to
an end. There was no breaking news on the
payroll tax. I saw Wolf Blitaer mention this on
the Sit Room earlier in the day. Nothing new
happened so how was this breaking news.
It was good to see Niall Ferguson on CNN this
morning. What happened in 2007 was a mini
depression. There have been other reports
saying this.CNN needs to get it together with
content and substance. There is much concern
about Europe and nationalism. All you have to
do is look at Europe and some of the countries
austerity measures and see it's actually making
things worse. He pointed out that having Ben
Bernanke and Tim Geithner around greatly
benefited the U.S. CNN has to make some
decisions. Will the network commit to news
and content of substance , making informing
viewers with accurate information, a product
in which viewers can walk away with something ?
CNN's 1st obligation should be to CNN viewers.
CNN should be an independent news organization.
In the end news serves viewers a heck of a lot
more than ideology and useless information.
Why not have people on from Business Insider ?
Their stories are very popular on Face Book.
Daily Beast is tabloid.
When you look closely at the ratings for FNC
& MSNBC there are signs that viewers might
just be tiring of the left vs right news. Comcast
is responding to their customers who are sick
of paying for a 24/7 news channel that does
not exist. CNN blew it . CNN could have been
the window to the world for millions of Americans.
Instead they became talking heads. Television is
a visual medium. CNN could have been the
window to the world for real news, storytelling,
in depth/original reports. CNN failed to do the
right thing and invest in journalism.
Just curious how Out Front can drag down 360 when 360 is doing a good enough job dragging itself down. Yes, Out Front is a problem, but don't blame Out Front for the problems on 360.
CNN is out early with press releases regarding
the year 2011. It is sad that CNN feels they have
to take a shot at Larry King all in an effort to try
and build up Piers Morgan. Does CNN really need
to take cheap shots at Larry King. But then it just
shows how scared CNN really must be. Next year
they can't use Larry King as an excuse.
360 had a beautiful closer tonight on the Iraq
War ending. This is how you engage viewers.
You were driven to watch and listen to the
words. Kudos to those involved. i hope we
get more of this From Team 360.
You should read their latest press release.
CNN is still taking cheap shots at Larry King.
Piers Morgan is now doing so much better than Larry in the exact same time slot. really?
Maybe. At times. But it is not consistent and Larry was always consistent.
Larry was always nightly viewing.
Piers isn't. He isn't even half the person Larry was or is he as interesting.
Larry knew how to engage his viewers and he knew everyone he interviewed personally.
Judge Judy has said she would never go on Piers Morgan and to this date she has kept her word.
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