Nielsen Fast National data for Florida primary – Tuesday, January 31
CNN tops MSNBC in primetime (8-11p) and during key coverage block (7-11p)
CNN has a +64% advantage over MSNBC in primetime among target demo (25-54)
CNN showed the most primetime growth
CNN’s AC 360 tops MSNBC at 10p
During last night’s coverage of the Florida GOP primary, CNN topped MSNBC in primetime (8-11p) in both total viewers and in the key demographic adults 25-54. In total viewers CNN averaged 1.091 million, +11% more than MSNBC’s 984k and in the target demo posted 402k, an impressive +64% lead over MSNBC’s 245k. (FNC 2.504m/641k.)
CNN showed the most growth during primetime, increasing +92% among total viewers, FNC’s was up only +13% and MSNBC had a slight bump, +6% compared to the prior four non-event Tuesday averages. In the key demo, CNN increased triple digits, up +135%.
At 10p Anderson Cooper 360 also topped MSNBC in total viewers (865k vs. 841k) and had a 54% advantage over MSNBC (319k vs. 207k) in the demo 25-54.
From 7-11p, CNN also topped MSNBC in total viewers (1.041m vs. 966k) and had a +56% advantage in the demo 25-54 (377k vs. 241k). (FNC 2.442m/607k.)
Really CNN ? Spend more time actually trying to
fix your network. Those ratings are nothing to
write home about.
Erin Burnett should never be anchoring on CNN.
She just dud something so unprofessional. Word
came out today about Israel possibly talking some
type of military action against Israel. She was
laughing after a clip from Hillary Clinton. Nothing
is funny about Iran. It's bad enough to watch her
attempting to anchor but this is ridiculous.
I think you mean Israel is considering military
actions against Iran. Cenk did a huge takedown
on Erin Burnett. The segment was called S***
Erin Says. He called her out for distortions.
CNN needs a better hiring process. You call
what she does anchoring ?
Erin Burnett is another problem for CNN.
She is the # 1 defender of Wall St and she
always distorts information or stacks the
deck to make things seem opposite of
what they really are. Where are the adults
and grown ups at CNN ? Iran is no laughing
matter. Sure we trust her with breaking news,
yeah right. 360 is the only show I watch on
CNN .I can't take the pundits. It is just lazy
and don;t call it journalism.
The critics are right. She is no different than
Paula Zahn and Campbell Brown. 3 strike &
you are out. That is why the show has zero
traction. We have all seen this before.
I also have this question : is CNN going with
pundits because CNN can't book qualified
or well informed guests ?
CNN has to start covering the Komen Foundation
& Planned Parenthood story. Komen reversed. For
the 1st time in history majority of the voters will
be women. There was crazy organization in social
media and it was a backlash. Now women's health
care is an issue. 360 can't ignore this story.
Will Anderson Cooper admit tonight that the
economy is getting better ? Last night he said
President Obama can't get re-elected because
the economy was getting worse. Now today it
is a jobs report that says the opposite. Nate
Silver ran some stats and he says the rate of
unemployment has very little to do with an
re-election of a president. How many times
have we heard that line on CNN. He always
tries to attack Obama with a bogus story.
Anderson does not talk about anything that the
President does on the same day as the GOP
candidates. Is Obama invisible.
I agree with all those posts above that question Burnett's journalistic cred. She is notorious for distortions and manipulating statements by her guests to fit the message she wants to peddle. Her lead ins to stories frequently distort positions. I remember when she had Bill Gross on her show to discuss republican candidates. She kept saying that Gross supported Ron Paul's economic plan and that Gross that he was the best candidate. Nothing was further from the truth. Gross got on the show and corrected her - saying he supported Obama completely and he liked Paul of the Republican candidates but thought some of his economic ideas were kinda off the wall. He went on the explain that he liked Ron Paul because he challanged the establishment and had a lot of support from young people. She completely distorted everything Bill Gross said. She did the same thing to a business owner on her show. She clearly wanted this businessman to say the debt debate was causing him not to hire. He clearly stated the problem was a lack of demand for his product and that is why he was leary to hire. Burnett didn't want to hear it. She pulls that crap all the time.
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