Nielsen data for Minnesota/Colorado Caucuses and Missouri Non-Binding Primary – Tuesday, February 7, 2012
CNN tops MSNBC during CNN’s live coverage block (7pm-midnight) in target demo 25-54
CNN tops MSNBC in primetime (8-11pm) in key demo 25-54
CNN’s AC 360 tops MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell in both total viewers and the demo
During CNN’s live coverage (7pm-midnight) of the GOP Minnesota/Colorado caucuses and Missouri primary, CNN topped MSNBC’s regular programming in the target demo 25-54 (280k vs. 240k). During primetime (8-11pm) CNN also outperformed MSNBC in the demo (307k vs. 279k).
At 10pm AC 360 outperformed Lawrence O’Donnell in total viewers (932k vs. 919) and had a 54% advantage in the key demo (355k vs. 231k).
Compared to prior four non-event Tuesdays, CNN had the most growth increasing +51% in total viewers (857k vs. 568k) and +80% in the key demo (307k vs. 171k). MSNBC was up only 10% in total viewers (1.020m vs. 926k) and increased 41% (279k vs. 198k) in the demo; while FNC increased +14% (2.519m vs. 2.208m) and +20% (582k vs.487k) in the key target demo.
CNN has a huge pundit issue. I don't care if it
is Roland Martin, Ari Fleischer on 360 tonight,
Will Cain, Dana Loesch or Erik Erikson, hate is
hate. Bill Burton even had a look of disbelief on
his face tonight. Unlike Ari Fleischer Burton did
not engage in hate speech. Now there is a whole
other issue being raised as to how CNN deals
with minorities harshly but white conservatives
have never been punished by CNN. Rick Sanchez
was fired, Octavia Nasr was fired and Roland
Martin is suspended . This is going to blow up
in CNN's face. It looks like CNN is comfortable
with hate from white conservatives.
It's amazing that CNN doesn't realize how bad it looks for them to be so quick to let certain contributors go while at the same time allowing others to remain, even as they continue to make outrageously offensive statements off the air. If CNN really wanted to ensure that there were no bigoted, homophobic commentators on their network, Dana Loesch and Erick Erickson wouldn't be employed there. So happy that Bill Burton put the repulsive Ari Fleischer in check regarding how he addresses the President. Gloria Borger seems to believe she does not have to ever say "President Obama" and I think it comes down to this general lack of respect because of his race. Just because someone is a respected and intelligent commentator it doesn't mean they are free from bigotry. I couldn't believe my ears when David Gergen said during caucus coverage that Santorum's campaign strategy of putting it out there that President Obama "thinks he knows more than us" is a good idea. Sounds to me like it's the "uppity Negro" strategy and why Gergen would encourage that is beyond me.
AC360's report on how President Obama is supposedly "flip-flopping" on Super Pacs in the face of unprecedented campaign spending by Republicans was ludicrous, ridiculous and right wing nonsense. Does Anderson not see that because of rules made by conservatives, the President has NO CHOICE? CNN should stop trying to lean so far to the right, they are becoming illogical.
CNN is coming undone. Given what happened
with Iraq it's not smart to have Ari Fleishcer
in a KTH segment. What are pundits doing on
KTH anyway. Anderson has completely ruined
the segment. He could have done a solo intv
with Bill Burton. C|NN is so afraid of the right
wing that they are scared into bad journalism
or nothing that resembles news.
Obama Derangement Syndrome is alive and
well on CNN. When ever Fleischer is on 360
the ratings tank anyway. If Anderson reads
the comments on FB he will know why 360
having Bush administration officials come on
and trash the President is lame and dumb.
They have no credibility.
What is CNN ? What is the point of segments on
CNN ? What the heck was that on CNN ? CNN
has not point or relevance anymore. They did
it to themselves by turning the network over
to pundits. It is 2012. 21st century man.
You know you have a problem when Roland
Martin is the top Google search. CNN is being
criticized for what some see as a double standard.
Anderson Cooper should known better. he has a
responsibility to his viewers to not let that happen.
Has Sam Stein ever been on 360 ? In fairness to
Anderson he did keep trying to go back to Bill
Burton. The problem is that Fleischer made the
segment unwatchable. The look on Anderson's
face says it all. The Koch brothers just pledged
500 M to defeat Obama and Anderson has to
ask why. However, sometimes it comes across
at times like Anderson kinda tries to make a
big issue for Obama that is not really that big
of an issue. It is not going to cost him votes.
This is the same day when a poll shows that
Congress has a 10 % approval rating and a
day after Romney getting rick-rolled. In the
future Anderson needs to stop going with
stories from conservative blogs. You know it
was fake when Ari Fleischer had notes. So he
knew in advance what the questions would be.
Anderson Copper is losing out to Rachel Maddow.
That opening segment has to blow viewers minds.
That's sad being Anderson is as equally a gifted
writer. When CNN management decided that the
talking heads should be on 360. They forgot 360
was unique and different and that is what made
the show popular in the 1st place. MSNBC gives
Rachel the freedom to be creative. Not sure if it
is the same way for Anderson. Where is the 360
we know and love. Anderson Cooper has to be
more original with the open of 360. Not for 1
second do I believe that Anderson can't come
up with a great story that converses with viewers.
Certainly he could find an amusing way to present
the facts. Setting it up for 2 guests to back and
forth is boring. I turned from 360 after 5 mins
into the segment. I couldn't take it anymore.
For the life of me I can't understand why no one
put together a rick-rolled video for Mitt Romney.
It would be better than the pundits.
I too refuse to watch 360 when the former press
secretary is on. There is no excuse for that and
that is a great point about why Ari Fleischer is
the last person Anderson Cooper needs to have
involved in KTH. Why does Anderson seem to
be afraid of solo interviews. TRMS is better than
360 right now and she does solo interviews. It is
much better than a fake debate. Besides Danny
from Syria would be a better lead. anderson was
the first to have him on.
Gallup says President Obamas approval rating
is 49 %. I think it is like Chris Hayes said last
night with Rachel. There is a disconnect with
cable news and the rest of us. They were talking
about the so called contraceptive controversy
and how the public sides with the President
but you would never know that from cable news.
It is suppose to hurt Obama. The public has
already made up their minds about the GOP
circus. They are tuning it out. Anderson can
bring on Ari Fleishcer every night if he wants
to. He won't tear down Obama but he will end
up bringing down 360.
That's one of the main problems with AC360, EVERYTHING has to be a debate with them. We only need to hear from each side separately, you get a clearer picture of their perspective if you go that route. Having people arguing and interrupting or letting someone like Ari Fleischer blather on and on with his talking points does not make for enlightening television. If they're going to continue with pundits, I wish 360 would bring on Hilary Rosen more often, she does not shrink away and allow Ari to talk all over her without getting in some strong, factual points of her own.
I'm not sure that all the problems with 360 is just because CNN corporate causes them. The show is called Anderson Cooper 360. If he wants his name on the show, maybe he had better have his voice heard in the decision making. Otherwise, some of us will continue to believe that he has a hand in the horrible pundits and segments. Or maybe he just doesn't care anymore. Or maybe someone can help me understand why the show I just loved 5 years ago is so bad today.
At all of the networks management has a big
role in the shows. The problem for CNN is that
Ken Jautz only hired pundits instead of people
who actually do something to increase ratings
for CNN. if these people are on the payroll at
CNN, management will demand they are on
CNN too many times. Brian Williams and Scot
Pelley have editorial control. Not sure if AC
has that kind of power at CNN. We all agree
that 360 should/could be so much better.
Then maybe he could get ratings like Rachel.
She talks to you . 360 has the pundits go at
each other leaving the viewers out. Anderson
please keep us in mind.
@4:32PM: The show you loved 5 years ago, had a different anchor.
They look like the same person, but the person back then, had different priorities.
This AC loves celebrities, prays to pundits, and then denounces them on Letterman.
This AC is more concerned with his day show and who his guests are, then what the content is about.
Nor does he care about the disadvantaged, like he did in 05...a very different Anderson, indeed.
This is stay at home, Anderson, rather than field, go everywhere Anderson.
A total 360.
Not 1 show on CNN gets a million viewers
or comes close. That makes the network at
a level below FOX & MSNBC. If this Strombo
guy can do it by all means hire him but do
something. Don't just let CNN go down.
You guys really should keep in mind that the
8 PM has been a problem for CNN for years.
It is not anything that 360 can change anytime
soon. It is going to take time. 8 PM is the most
difficult hour in cable news. CNN does need
continuity from 7-11 PM. Rachel Maddow is
on fire and that is going to benefit ED.
Less Obama-bashing and less pundits may not change the ratings on 360, but it would certainly please some long term viewers such as myself who is sick to death of it all. They don't have to "cheerlead" for the President, but it seems to me that they go out of their way to find only negative reports about him and they also seem to go out of their way to keep from reporting anything positive about President Obama, this has become a pattern with 360 and it's very frustrating. I'd like to think they aren't biased, but I haven't seen any evidence to the contrary.
The suits at CNN signed Ari Fleischer and likely
gave him a contract saying he would appear on
360. Anderson Cooper is not a different person.
360 is the least of CNN worries. It still is CNN's
most popular show and that's because of AC .
I am not a fan of the pundits on 360. I just
turn the channel for 15 minutes or if I DVR the
show I skip the pundit segments. Never was
a fan of Crossfire and don't care for stuff like
that or even bother to watch talking points.
So on a day when President Obama holds
mortgage companies accountable for the
financial crisis, 360 thinks he is soft on
Wall St. So why was that omitted from the
montage of video that Anderson used as
the intro to the segment so today's press
conference totally didn't happen. Wow, it
was a big enough story to lead the big 3
evening newscasts. Content more than
anything will determine if the ratings rise
for 360. Solo interviews are more focused,
engaging and conversational.
Ironically, there are some Catholic hospitals
& universities that do provide contraceptives
in their health coverage. Yet this is another
example of the media being whipped into
a frenzy over a misinformation campaign
by conservatives. Viewers are hip, we know
that most of cable news is not about news.
CNN needs to get a spine with conservatives.
MSNBC is not afraid and look at their ratings.
If you look like you stand for something,
viewers respect that.
The minute I hear Anderson saying "coming up, two sides square off", I turn the channel.
The problem for CNN is that they have accepted
the fictional Obama that the GOP has come up
with and most people know it's not true. CNN
looks just like the crazies. CNN was once smart,
you could believe what you saw and heard. CNN
alienates viewers and give them no reason to
watch a once prestigious network.
360 has to present itself as the clear alternative
to BOR, ED & Nancy Grace. That is exactly what
Rachel Maddow does each night and her ratings
reflect that. 360 does need to end the fake
debate model.please do somrthing about the
guests on 360. We all know that Anderson can
book better guests. You guys are right, he is an
excellent writer & interviewer. By all means 360
needs to have some stories you won't see on the
Here is how to make 360 hip/newsy again.
1. Bring back the theme song Floods. Have it
blasting right from the start. As you hear
Floods, you see 360 animation. That will
catch viewers attention right away. Right
now, lets be honest, 360 has a boring
introduction. Too bland .
2. At the same time there is a 3rd element in
the open it is Anderson's voice which comes
in at 5 seconds. He just says tonight on 360
___________. Have loads of video/sound. Tell
viewers what/who is on 360 from the top. We
don't have to see Anderson's face right away.
3. Next Anderson says we begin to night with
_________. The blank can be the last element
of the open or he can go to something totally
different with a transition that says but we
start the show tonight with ______. This is
when we will first see Anderson's face. He
can be standing next a monitor with video,
walking to the chair narrating with video
running in the monitor that is visible as he
walks to the chair, or he can be sitting but
most nights let that be the last option.
4. Talk to us viewers Anderson with a sentence
to setup all of the segments. Please show us
some creativity and innovation.
5. From now on 360 all of the bumps are
pre-produced with appropriate music
for the topic. Say Raw Politics is coming
up. Say which topics and say we will
get into that with _____________________.
Start with video of the topic with names.
End with their pictures so that we know
who is coming up after the break. For
example, GOP cadidates whatever, we
will get into that with Cornell Belcher
and Ari Fleischer. Keep these segments
more focused. Stay on topic period. No
longer than 7 minutes. Keep it moving.
6. For the full hour of 360 for continuity
sake all bumps will be pre-produced
with music/video just like you would
kick off the show. These can be voiced
by Anderson, Isha or anyone on Team
360 . Sometimes the crew can be a
part of the segment, producers and all.
7. Have the 360 Bulletin segment right
before the 1st commercial break. Pick
a different song for Isha but change it
every week. Make sure it is appropriate.
Let us see the chemistry with those 2.
It is genuine and real.
8. For the 2nd 360 Bulletin . Hit is right
out of the break. You only need AC to
say here's Isha with the 360 Bulletin
just once. The 1st time she appears.
9. End 360 with the Ridiculist. It works
fine for Anderson Cooper to show a
lighter side of the news.
10. Another example, say the topic is
Syria. You could use the song Are
You Sure by the Staple Singers. The
UN, Arab League and others need to
be asked that question. With children
and others being killed. If you will
listen to the song just once. You will
get the message.
Finally, stop having Anderson waste time
teasing what is coming up on PMT, Out
Front or Starting Point. Hello, isn't that
what commercials are for. I say this as
a fan of 360 and others who I have talked
with about what we think might be wrong
with 360. There is nothing wrong that can't
be fixed. Anderson cares about 360.
Are they lazy on the 360 staff, is it Anderson who doesn't want to dig deeper and get better guests, do better, in depth, insightful interviews instead allowing boring pundits to come on the show spewing out their talking points and agendas? Who needs that? CNN WAS a more trustworthy network when I began watching in the 90's, they were SO much better then and can still show flashes of greatness when covering a big story (like Egypt, Japan earthquake, etc). But their primetime shows are becoming more and more of a joke.
Why would CNN want Soledad O'Brien interviewing Rep. Allen West or having Andrew Breitbart on her show? These are nothing but extremists who shouldn't be given a platform at all.
If you guys get a chance, take the time to visit
the website MEDIATE METRICS. Thanks to ICN
I know about this. They are tracking the media
bias in the news. Every single CNN show from
5-11 PM is seen as bias towards Republicans
The only exception is John King but his metrics
are small. You guys are right CNN became FNC
light. 360 is biased towards Republicans. Frankly,
I am not surprised. Now there is metrics to back
it up. The problem for 360 is that Anderson is
no longer regarded as fair. In fairness, it is going
on with most CNN shows. CNN took a hard turn
to the right.
Oh-Oh ! Anderson Cooper blew it. Having
Ari Fleischer come on each night to just
bash President Obama is driving down the
ratings for 360. On Thursday, 360 couldn't
even get 500,000 viewers at 8.. Anon 7:12
PM you are so right. 360 will suffer the hard
consequences. Do the right thing. Drop the
bickering and the pundits. Obviously, 360
viewers don't like it. I have this complaint
as well. How is the Mississippi pardons a
lead story unless there is significant news ?
It looks like Anderson is exploiting grief.
Just cancel Starting Point now !
Anon 5:45pm, what an excellent post and I also concur.
I have been saying all along that CNN was ruining
360 by dumping the pundits on the show.MSNBC
is great at pointing out the absurdity of statements
from the GOP candidates. Even Joe . Meanwhile on
CNN Anderson Cooper just repeats the comments
and tries to make them a legit news story. It is AC's
job to keep his show honest. He is failing to do so.
He is doing a disservice to 360 viewers.
Also, why are the pundits the only guests on 360.
Sure the pundits are popular and get viewers. On
what planet. Pundits wont' save CNN. CNN is so
obsessed with having Crossfire. It doesn't matter
if it is Anderson Cooper it won't work. it is a very
different place and time. This is not the 1st time
CNN has done this. Whenever the ratings go up
for 360, the pundits are given a huge chunk of
time. Just go with your own reporters with a 90
second or 3 minute recap. Have a media bar with
the time that has passed to the left on the right
the time remaining. The pundits make it slow.
There is no adult conversation. Revamp Raw
Politics. Use your own reporters for goodness
sakes. Stop being controlled by conservatives.
He is freakin' Anderson Cooper . A wide range
of guests will come on the show. 360 does not
have to be Punditville.
At the rate 360 is going they will eventually
end up like Starting Point. CNN decided to
put the pundits on first thing in the morning.
Basically their own show with Soledad. CNN is
sadly mistaken if they think viewers won't turn
from 360.
It pains me to write this. What's up with 360 ?
Anderson Cooper owes his viewers an apology.
Start respecting viewers more . The back and
forth is not a pleasant experience for viewers.
Anderson Cooper please fix this. I've loved 360
since the premiere episode. I am at a breaking
point with the show. It's time for him to talk to
viewers about the show. What is 360 about ? I
don't know anymore but tonight was not fair to
me as a viewer. Anderson, I have great respect
for you as a journalist. Anderson, each night
I invite you into my home. As a courtesy to a
viewer could you please not subject me to this
type of show each night. I watch you and not
your competitors for this reason.
I miss the old days of Anderson Cooper 360º. Do you all remember hearing the announcer say "Across the country and around the world, this is Anderson Cooper 360º. Reporting tonight from Istanbul, Turkey, here's Anderson Cooper". Those days are really missed. I used to look forward to his show so much. Not anymore. Honestly, he doesn't even seem interested in doing it anymore sadly.
360 should now be renamed: 360 Lite.
It is nothing like it was originally and viewers are tuning out in droves.
Is it the pundits? Yes, but it is also the anchor who decided, might as well "phone it in. Get the same amt. of money. All I need to do is show up."
End of story.
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