TVNewser is reporting that CNN has cut Reynolds Wolf and Jacqui Jeras from its staff of meteorologists. That leaves Chad Myers and Rob Marciano to cover the weather. Here's a link to the full read.
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Reynolds Wolf and Jacqui Jeras Cut
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6:21 PM
Labels: Jacqui Jeras, Reynolds Wolf
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spurce 24
This is so wrong. 2 meteorologist are let go while
Erin Burnett and Piers Morgan still have jobs at CNN.
You have to wonder if CNN understands that
people don't like Starting Point, Out Front or
PMT. Once people were pulling for CNN now
no one cares. Now we know why the writing
and content on CNN is so bad. Apparently,
CNN thinks hiring FOX producers will help
them. Yesterday, a huge problem developed
for Fox & Friends. They aired a political ad
that was anti- Obama. Of course the network
blamed an associate producer. The worst
thing is that CNN is hiring the producer. CNN
is just going to become more of a right
wing crazies media outlet and no one will
still watch. Say goodbye to CNN. After all of
this, CNN management still wants to be FOX.
FOX made sure to embarrass CNN as the
criticism mounts. CNN still wants to pick a
fight with viewers and they will always lose.
Reynolds was on CNN this morning. Is this
really true ?
Hiring more right wingers from Fox will drive away whatever remaining viewers CNN has, how could they be so out of touch? It's difficult enough to watch CNN programs now with their obvious right wing slant and favoritism. Jauch or whoever is causing this change needs to GO.
You guys have got to read the Phil Kent interview
on TVN. If you read it you know why nothing is
really being done to fix CNN. Phil Kent thinks he
can make people watch Erin Burnett and Piers
Morgan but he is wrong. Piers Morgan has been
around more than a year and lacks interview skills,
is boring and not likable. Erin Burnett is not a good
get, she is a bad hire. CNN is about to inflict more
damage upon itself by keeping Out Front & PMT.
The shows are horrible. Oh sure, viewers will just
start magically watching both shows. Not.
Many industry publications don't think CNN will
stick with Piers Morgan or Erin Burnett. Phil Kent
had qualifiers with his statements. John King has
more viewers than Erin Burnett and the demos are
just alike. So how can you justify dropping John
King and going with Erin Burnett. Morgan is doing
worst than Larry King. 360 can get better ratings
by producing better shows, content booking better
guests. Definitely pick up the pace. I have always
argued there should be 2 different version of 360
the 10 PM hour should be re-edited with a cool
open,music ,pre-produced bumps with music
and video and the voice of Anderson or Isha.
They have 2 hours and you can do real time
editing to put together a decent upgraded show.
CNN has to keep 360 on at 8 & 10 because of 1
startling fact. CNN has a 100 % failure rate with
new shows. The 360 staff needs to step up and
that includes Anderson Cooper.
In The Arena, John King, PMT, Out Front, Early
Start and Starting Point. CNN has a lousy track
record when it comes to new shows. Finding the
right shows at 7 & 9 . There are some personality
issues with Erin Burnett and Piers Morgan. How
can you get viewers to watch shows with hosts
they clearly don't like. CNN has not had a new
successful show in a very long time.
Dude is basically admitting that CNN is poorly
managed when has uses the words self inflicted.
Code for bad decisions. Starting Point needs to
drop the pundits. Just this morning Soledad did
a segment on the NYT article about how United
States and Israel engaged in cyber warfare to
attack Iran's nuclear program. This new story
was on social media yesterday. So CNN was a
day late. Rightly, Soledad had on Barbara Starr
but where was the cyber warfare expert. She
bought pundits in on the conversation.. One
thing CNN needs to do is to drop the Crossfire
mindset. CNN keeps trying to make the pundits
credible. How dumb is that ? Oh yeah this is the
network that lets their anchors say time to play
for pundit segments all day long. That is fine
for Wheel of Fortune or Jeopardy because you
can interact and answer questions. It would be
fine if CNN asked questions all day long that
are related to news not necessarily politics for
viewers to answer. Have 2 pundits go at it is
so last century. It has no point.
CNN's political coverage sucks. CNN get suckered
into repeating GOP talking points all day long. If
CNN just keeps reading GOP released statements
as fact without asking is it really true. CNN is
basically repeating the same talking points. In
other words CNN is the GOP proxy. NO real
constructive conversation just talking points.
I guarantee you all day long the CNN will talk
about the jobs report as only political,leaving
out some key factors. Some are now going back
and saying that 2008 was a mini Depression.
Now we are in a global economy. The world
economy is the driving force now. Europe will
drive the economic crisis. The decisions made
in the Eurozone will be the determining factor.
It might not be the greatest in the jobs report
but take a look around the world. CNN is not
doing a good job at putting things into proper
perspective. All day long they will try to treat
the GOP talking points as fact. We all know it
is not true what they are saying. I want to know
the facts. Are we losing jobs or gaining jobs,
how are we stacking up in the global economy.
Just trying to figure out who benefits politically
is just wrong. The wrong conversation is being
had .
BS. Erin Burnett has been in TV long enough to
know what to do. Face it : she is not that good.
CNN made up a fake ad campaign to sell Piers
Morgan that lied to viewers. We now know the
truth. Morgan is a fired tabloid editor who has
zero journalistic morals. CNN has no ethical
problems with this ? What about standards ?
CNN knows the critics are right. Piers Morgan
should never have been given a show on CNN.
CNN should try Aisha Tyler at 7 PM . She could be
their Rachel Maddow Strombo could help with the
cool factor up against Rachel. Piers Morgan can't
challenge Rachel Maddow. CNN has to get back to
being smart, hip and cool. That is what the news
is all about. If there is breaking news you have
Anderson Cooper and Isha Sesay. More likable
personalities would help. Viewers do have to like
you to watch you. Nobody watches people they
can't stand. Larry king is having the last laugh.
Everybody knows PMT has been doing worst.
CNN has to have a group of shows from 5-11
that viewers will tune in to watch daily even if
there is not breaking news.
MSNBC decided to beat FNC not be FNC and that
is why CNN is losing and going nowhere. You
don't copy FNC to beat FNC you have to offer an
alternative.CNN is doing more damage to itself
by sticking with shows that are not working. At
the same time MSNBC is gaining on FNC. The
tale of 2 networks.
CNN went with birthers,tea partiers, and pundits.
Lying to viewers faces and making up non-news.
Tossing facts and common sense out of the
window, insulting viewers intelligence.
Jon Stewart has been sounding the alarm for
months. CNN is terrible.
Shouldn't it be someone's job at CNN to keep tabs
on all CNN shows and document what all of the
shows are doing to fix problems ? At the end of the
week you discuss what CNN did right or wrong. I'm
wondering if the powers that be at CNN watch the
network. I would have to say no. All of these shows
have Executive Producers. Are they not keeping an
eye on their very own shows and staff, keeping an
eye on content, writing,editing , etc ? Recently I
came across an article that was very critical of the
producers of 360 when it comes to content. It is
widely known that austerity in Europe destroyed
the economy of the Euro Zone. However, if you
watch cable news you would never know. Conan
did a great segment the other day about why
China is kicking out butts. He pointed to the news.
Cable news is ignorant.
These firings remind me very much of the Miles O'Brien debacle, back around 06 or so.
When CNN executives were questioned as to why Miles, a perfectly competent science reporter and journalist was let go, their stupid answer was, "we have the series Planet in Peril."
The only thing that was in peril, was CNN's ratings and logic.
Renold Wolf's firing will save them a ton of money. Really?
Yeah, I read about that Phil Kent interview as well. CNN just gets farther and farther out of touch. If I wanted to listen to Burnett's blather, I would watch CNBC - she has the same talking points. Like a commenter above says, she has been in TV long enough to know what to do and at least have an ethical standard. I was genuinely surprised at how immature she is on TV. With all the financial troubles in the world, this is ther person CNN thought best to explain things? Really? Plus, as an anchor, she just isn't that good. What is with the giggling and flirting? Do you want women to watch the show?? I guess not.
Maybe 360 should be hiring producers from TRMS
& TLW. Rachel Maddow has an interesting interview
in Broadcasting & Cable Magazine. She says if you
talk about the election the ratings go down. That's
so true. Nobody wants to hear the pundits. It is no
more than pure speculation. Rachel Maddow does
not have pundits on her show and just take a look
at those ratings.
360 has a bad habit of dragging out segments
longer than they need to be. Just last night AC
talked with both lawyers on the Zimmerman
bond revoked story. Instead of moving on to
another story afterwards 360 brought on
another segment with lawyers. Didn't we just
see that ? 360 needs to dig for better content.
Mashable has a fascinating post on this very
Call me a cynic but I think CNN purposely had PMT
guest hosts week in an effort to get the ratings up.
The sub hosts did better than Piers Morgan has been doing lately. I wonder how many times we
will now see this stunt.
I regularly scan this site each evening for CNN news, for I have been a CNN=watcher for years. These posts depress me, for it confirms what I know but don't wish to admit........CNN is all but unfixable with the current cast. I can't watch Fox. I certainly can't go the MSNBC route. CNN has been my preference for years, but it is so dreadfully difficult to watch these days starting with the mornings. I just cannot watch Soledad O with her holier-than-thou smugness. I probably dislike her more than any CNN personality. Why on earth did they do a re-run of her? Costello continues with her "I'm in such pain" facial expression that is difficult to watch. Kyra is a wonderful oasis in the mornings. I have always liked Suzanne, but she is not growing in the role by attaining more gravitas. She is watchable, though.....for now. Blitzer is not nearly the anchor he was even five years ago, for he has tried to become too "Fox". King, Burnett, Anderson......others have nailed these well. I have found myself recently watching the live streaming of Al-Jazeera where some former CNNers have found a home. I find it remarkable how "toned down" they are as opposed to what they were at CNN, and Tony Harris is a good case in point. Can't someone provide us some hope!!!
he's on the weather channel now.
The reason Erin Burnett remains with her "hobby" show is because-- like MSNBC's inexplicable reverence for Andrea Mitchell, Chuck Todd and Luke Russert--they have a pathological obsession with nepotistic money and influence: Erin is married to a top-level exec at Citigroup. Too much power and influence for CNN, which swoons when dealing with uber-wealthy banking thieves.
I like Burnett. But Morgan is toxic...I just have to tune away from him. Brianna Keilor should be given a shot at an anchor spot. She and Don Lemon seen to actually have some news-telling capacity.
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