Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Ratings for the Week of Nov. 5 - 9, 2012
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9:13 AM
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Posted by
9:13 AM
I find the CNN commercial for how the channel was #1 on election night very interesting.
"CNN: America's Choice - When It Really Counts"
It's very much true. The commercial is well done. CNN recognizes that it isn't the top news channel but knows that they are on top when big news is happening considering people who don't watch the news on a regular basis tune into CNN for when it does matter. I'm sure they will be #1 again during the inauguration in January.
CNN needs to update their on-screen graphics soon, as they do every 2 years. Make the CNN logo bigger, use simple colors like CNN International, capitalzie all letters, and get rid of the flipper and animation box. I can barely read the screen! I would highly think that a big part of CNN's ratings struggle has to do with their tiny, lower-cased graphics font. Put less on screen so the viewer can concentrate on what is being talked about. Less is more.
I've been enjoying Soledad O'Brien lately. I absolutely hated Starting Point from the time it premiered in January up until just a few weeks ago. I think she has big potential in primetime. I think John Berman's upbeat personality is great for mornings. He should have been paired up with Ashleigh Banfield instead of Zoraida Sambolin. They should both host from 5-9AM. Move Soledad to prime time.
CNN was number one on election nite because of its projection coverage carried by Wolf, and John King's magic at his map.
The pundits were also needed for analysis on this particular nite.
No, CNN is NOT the place to go to for Breaking News anymore.
Sometimes they are lacking and MSNBC has outpaced them.
CNN is not the smart place to go for news like it once was.
Too many smart, talented anchors have left and management must fill this void.
And they still devote too much time to people like Paul Ryan.
On 360 Anderson dysected Ryan's response to whether the President received a mandate in his election.
Paul Ryan is old news. It doesn't matter one bit what that little smart a.. thinks about anything.
He lost, big time and someone should put him in his place, not analyze what he said on a morning talkshow.
Why cover the little squirt anymore?
I'll answer for him. Yes, President Obama got a mandate and Paul Ryan lost. Obama has 'capital to spend, and he's about to 'sell' all nine year olds who think they know everything.
@9:51PM - Then don't watch CNN. It's obvious you aren't a Republican (neither am I) but I refuse to watch a left wing channel (MSNBC), even though I'm a democrat. I don't need to be fed what to believe. I would rather make up my own mind. I would rather go with the facts on CNN. Also, CNN basically IS the place for major breaking news considering they beat everyone in the ratings when something major is happening. I do agree about the Paul Ryan talk though. He is technically now old news. I would say the same if it was the other way around.
I agree with you about the shortcomings of partisan cable news. CNN is undoubtedly the most balanced. That being said, I wish you were right about CNN having the best ratings during big events. This used to be the case, hands down. They had a good election night, but depending on how you dissect the numbers, they didn't come out on top. They were beat by FNC. As for other big events in the last couple years, again their audience is shrinking and they were often beat or at leat rivaled by the other two networks. CNN's audience has dwindled more than any other cable news program. I have watched CNN for years and still do, but honestly, in today's media environment, I am finding more compelling and interesting news sources than CNN. I want CNN to be better and I want them to be more competitive in the media market. If they are losing a once loyal viewer like me, they are in trouble. CNN is slowly losing its grip on its core brand. CNN can smugly claim to be the only non partisan news network but if no one is watching, does it matter? Denying the rather stark ratings decline is not going to fix the problem. Arrogantly claiming they are a channel for the dwindling constituency of smart, influential people is not a reasonable excuse for dismal ratings. It just makes CNN look like jerks. Yes, CNN does well enough in big events but the ratings trendline is worrisome and should not be overlooked. Their problem is that without an enormous event to stew over for days on end, CNN has a hard time delivering good content. Not to mention their disastrous choice of smug, overbearing, annoying anchors over the last couple years. Editorially, they are adrift, out-of-touch, and without purpose. That can't last.
4:18pm, I totally agree about Soledad. She is awesome and would be great in primetime. If Anderson leaves CNN, she should replace him. No question!
It is disgusting to think that residents from fifty states want to "secede from the US" because President Obama won re-election.
Did they want to secede from the US when W. won re-election, who brought on this raving recession??
Did this happen to any other President?
How disgusting.
And yes, racism still exists in this country and it started with Sarah Palin and John McCain in the election of 08 and Paul Ryan wants to carry it forward.
Shame on all of them.
Let them secede and go to another Country like France or Germany and see how racist they are.
I say line them all up in front of the media so WE can identify them and decide if they CAN STAY.
I voted for the POTUS last week.
I supported him in the last election as well.
But I do not support his nomination of Susan Rice just because she is the Ambassador to the UN.
She has proven not to be qualified.
Yes, she has big shoes to fill following Hillary Clinton, anybody that follows including John Kerry, has to follow in her footsteps, but this time, the GOP, is right.
They've cried wolf so many times with other issues and have stood in the way of so much legislation, that it is hard to imagine that they do have a worthy principle here, but President Obama MUST choose someone else.
It is obvious to me this is merely a political appointment and Susan Rice does not meet certain criteria
of this demanding position.
For once I do agree with John McCain, and if I were in the Senate, I'd vote NO.
She appears docile and timid and was not upfront in Benghazi. She spoke when she did not have all the facts. Her instincts and leadership skills are lacking. There are better, more qualified people, to do the President's bidding.
Find them.
I agree with most about CNN being the most often place to go for breaking news. However, usually if it's a big breaking story and not political I tend to go to all 3 cable news channels to see what is being covered. FOX is very good at covering breaking news as well.
As far as CNN being balanced, I used to feel that way, but during this last political cycle on a daily basis and I guess I'm focusing more on 360 with this remark than TSR, there seems to be much more leaning to the right. John McCain could be billed as co-host with AC, he's there so much. Fletcher and Castellanos are allowed to speak for as long as they like and aren't pinned down nearly as much as a left surrogate. MSNBC may lean left considerably especially in prime time but they have their fair share of republicans and I don't see news being deliberately presented inaccurately like on FOX.
Most news junkies are at least somewhat political junkies. With FOX covering the right and MSNBC the left it kind of leaves CNN trying to find their place where so much has already been defined.
Anon 11:56, completely agree, John McCain may have the title senator but he also needs the title CNN Contributor.
As for CNN in "domestic" breaking news, they no longer have that market cornered. FNC gets live feeds at a much quicker pace than CNN.
Susan Rice is not my choice to be Sec. of State, but that has nothing to do with appearances on the Sunday shows talking about Benghazi. If you watched the President's news conference yesterday he said she went on those shows because of a request from the WH. All she said was what she had been briefed on by the CIA. I watched her on MTP and she was very clear in saying what she was relaying was the information they had at the time. She did nothing wrong and she doesn't deserve the criticism she is getting from McCain and Graham.
My choice would be John Kerry because I feel he's much more qualified.
Susan Rice does deserve the criticism and she doesn't deserve to be nominated for Secretary of State.
She is not qualified, either before or after Bengazhi.
Unfortunately McCain is very hard to believe because of his negativity and disrespectful attitude towards the Obama Administration right from the get-go.
This is a political favor and President Obama should rethink his position on Ms Rice's nomination for the good of the country.
On this issue, they're both wrong and partisan.
Susan Rice hasn't even been nominated for the position at this time or if at all. We also need to let the investigation happen before our partisan politicians start this unnecessary battle.
So glad CNN aired that tape of John McCain being rude and defensive about failing to attend the meeting.
This Susan Rice nomination reminds me of W's short lived nomination of Gonzalez, a supposed favor for the Latino coummunity, for the Supreme Court and that one couldn't even tie his shoelaces.
That statement is confusing because neither one of them could tie their shoelaces.
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