All images by photographer: David Holloway
(c) 2012 Cable News Network. A Time Warner Company. All Rights Reserved.
CNN's round the clock coverage of President Obama's second Inauguration in Washington, DC is in full swing. Here is CNN's look back at the last four years.
Incredible speech from President Barack Obama. It was
modern and traditional at the same time. It felt like the
1st 21st century inauguration. CNN could learn many
things here. CNN needs to hold on to it's tradition of
news but evolve and modernize the news for the ties
we are currently living. Cable news is not changing
fast enough with society. Maybe it has to do with the
fact the television is an old medium. CNN is extremely
dated. I can take an I-Phone and broadcast events live.
There is Instagram, Face Book & Twitter, You Tube.
CNN should become a news/information provider.
That's the future. The graphics should look like
apps. Transitions should look like tablets. There
should be a news menu screen left that loads to
sync up with the stories the anchors are talking
about and focusing on.
I absolutely am loving Robin Meade reporting on CNN for the Inauguration. Why on earth would Jeff Zucker want boring Erin Burnett for a morning show when he can easily move Robin Meade to CNN from HLN's Morning Express to co-anchor with a male for a new morning show. Ratings win. She is great.
4:40PM: I AGREE!
I have to agree with you about Robin Meade. She is a hidden gem.
Oops! On my 5:31PM comment, I obviously meant to refer to Anon4:50PM (not 4:40).
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