SUNDAY, July 21, 2013
Sunday 9:00AM – 10:00AM and NOON
Topics: Syria; Military
Sexual Assaults; North Korea; Russia
Guest: Sen. John McCain (R-AZ)
Topics: Race and Racism in
the Wake of Trayvon Martin
Guest: Charles Blow, CNN contributor; New York
Times visual op-ed columnist
Guest: Newt Gingrich, CNN co-host,
“Crossfire”; former Speaker of the House
Guest: Chrystal Wright, editor and publisher,
The Conservative Black Chick
Guest: Sherrilyn Ifill, president and
director-counsel, NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund
Anchor: Candy Crowley
FAREED ZAKARIA GPS – Airs 10:00AM – 11:00AM and 1:00PM – 2:00PM
Topics: What is the state of the health of the
U.S. economy? Why are some sectors booming while others continue to
lag? What effect will potential slowdowns in the rest of the world have
on the US economy?
Guest: Rana Foroohar, assistant managing
editor, TIME
Guest: R. Glenn Hubbard, dean
of Columbia Business School; former chairman of the President’s Council of
Economic Advisors (George W. Bush Administration); former Romney campaign
senior economic advisor
Guest: Edward Luce, U.S. columnist, Financial
Guest: Zachary Karabell, PhD, financial
manager, president of River Twice Research, and author of Superfusion: How
China and America Became One Economy and Why the World's Prosperity Depends on
It (2010), The Leading Indicators: A Short History of the Search for the
Right Numbers (February 2014)
Topic: Should
there be no more college football in America?
Guest: Malcolm Gladwell, author of David
and Goliath – Underdogs, Misfits, and the Art of Battling Giants (October
2013), staff writer for The New Yorker
Anchor: Fareed Zakaria
11:00AM – NOON
Rolling Stone Draws Criticism for After Publishing Boston Bomber on its
Topic: Media Covers Aftermath of the Zimmerman
Callie Crossley, host of “Under the Radar,” WGBH
Topic: DC Insiders Hyping “This Town”
Carlos Lozada, outlook editor, The Washington Post
Molly Ball, The Atlantic
Jim Warren, DC bureau
chief, New York Daily News
Topic: Murdoch to Face Parliament Again
Louise Mensch, former MP; columnist, The Sun
Topic: WDRB-TV in Louisville Abandons “Breaking
Guest: Bill
Lamb, president and GM, WDRB-TV
Guest host: David Folkenflik, NPR
CNN is always ignorant and quite frankly incapable of having a constructive conversation about anything. Already they have bickering over Obama's comments on the Zimmerman verdict. CNN proved his point and show they are the problem. CNN is on the wrong side of history. You make choices. CNN has decided to be hateful and divisive. It is going to prove costly. Ignorance rules at CNN.CNN lacks humanity and a conscience. CNN always sets out to be polarizing and they will make sure that is all you will get on CNN. What about an eloquent conversation. This is not going to be a divisive issue for most Americans. The partisan hacks don't represent us CNN..
Maybe it's smart for CNN to offer alternative shows. CNN won the primetime demo on Thursday. Will & Kate Plus One was the highest ratted show on CNN. Take a look at the ratings on TVN. I would guess women watched the show. That is how CNN will expand it's audience. Pundits won't grow CNN. That's nothing new for cable news. It's the norm. CNN needs to concentrate on winning the prime time demo, that is where FNC is vulnerable. All CNN needs to do is to deliver a higher percentage of demo viewers. Go with the 18-54 range.
Here's the deal : CNN loads the deck with partisan
bickering. The same tired old people who have been
on cable news forever and will never solve our
problems because they set out to divide us. Where
are the people who are actually working to solve
our racial issues. Those who are in the trenches and
walking the walk. The chattering class will not solve
the racial issues of this country. It is the younger
generation who you will never see on CNN. But we
are at a point were CNN can't fool people anymore.
CNN said there would be rioting not knowing that
churches were involved in organizing peaceful
protests, including those in 100 cities this
weekend. Majority of the U.S. are not driven by
political motives. We have real lives of work,
school, raising families and going about our
daily lives. We don't have time for the left vs
right foolishness. I am seeing and hearing this
for the first time now. What's all of the fuss.
TEANN. So CNN's behavior should surprise no one. The network for Obama haters. There is so much hate in conservative right wing media that CNN is allied with. From Sean Hanity, tea party and others. It's disguising. Gawker is tracking the comments.
President Obama, according to Huffpost, said today that there should be a review of the law "stand your ground," in all twenty-four states where this law exits.
That is a direct approach and it is a good one. BUT, it will never happen because those states are pro-gun states and to nullify this law would be a direct hit for the NRA. So once again, as in Sandy Hook, where there was no justice, and no tightening of gun restrictions by this Congress or this Administration, we find ourselves up against the gun lobby.
The Zimmerman case was another example where the gun law was upheld, and justice was denied, some think, and this will continue so long as law makers and politicians refuse to tighten gun restrictions across the board.
II think Anderson Cooper did a good job on the speech. 360 acted responsibly. Jake Tapper, Wolf Blitzer and Erin Burnett were terrible.
When it comes to CNN and right wing media, haters gonna hate. The have been losing influence for more than a decade. There is a reason why their audience is 65 or older. They can't dictate what people do or think. CNN had the audacity to put folks on their channel telling black people what they need to be talking about, That is how insulting that CNN has become. The conversation is already talking place. the revolution will not be televised. Who needs to say outrageous comments to show up on CNN. Who needs CNN ?
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