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Posted by
6:35 PM
Thank you Daily Show for letting CNN
know they are torturing viewers. Where
has the news gone ? Has anyone seen it
on CNN lately ? I feel sorry for viewers
who don't have a news alternative like
AJAM. Most networks appreciate their
viewers and respect them.
360 Later has great potential, last night's panel discussion was probably one of the best things on cable news at that hour (thank goodness the horrible Crystal Wright was not asked to return). One thing they should do is cast a wider net for guests and not just rely solely on CNN contributors as panelists. Audiences like to see new faces and hear a variety of interesting, intelligent perspectives and Later could be a good vehicle for that.
It' time for CNN to understand that television, internet & social media are all different types of media. There is no 1 size fits all. The internet needs clicks. Even if it is just for a few seconds it counts. Of course they have bold headlines to grab attention to make you click. TV has to retain viewers for minutes. You ignore them you lose them with a click. Cable news makes false conclusions that this is what people are talking about. Wrong assessment. Just the other day TV BY THE NUMBERS has some data from a Nielsen survey. It is not ever a close race between TV and the internet . It was very clear that the internet is not disrupting TV viewing. Know why. The picture quality and screen size. HD picture quality and tv's like the Samsung Curve will always win with home viewing Content is king. I have no idea what the resources of CNN are , but they should have the resources for content, original reporting and booking better guests. I see radio personalities, pundits and bloggers I have never heard of. The only talk radio I listen to is sports. I don't like being told I am in a left vs right universe. That's a lie for anyone who has a life. Who has time for ideology. . I have difficulty relating to cable news. Judging by the shrinking audience and demos. I am not alone. If CNN does not make the switch to being a news content provider on TV, they will be like music,movies and soap operas. They are not bringing in new customers/viewers.
Way too much writing on CNN's graphics. There is a scrolling crawl at the bottom of the screen that basically now types out an entire news article. Not to mention an annoying bar next to it that reminds you to visit, informs you of stocks, and tells you what time it is. Above that is the tiny CNN logo with a LIVE bug that never disappears anymore when pre-taped segments air. We then have a paragraph written in a color-change bar showing the viewer what is being talked about, half of it being lower-cased letters. And next to that we have an animated box that says the name of the program or segment. Above all that, 98% of the time you see BREAKING NEWS. It's all TOO small and way to much to read. Personally, I cannot multitask to the point where I can pay attention to what I'm hearing AND read everything at the same time. I can barely read anything because of how small everything is.
I honestly think CNN's graphics definitely play a small part in their ratings struggle. They over do it! Same with the election. Like when there was a presidential debate, you see so many pointless things on screen like the squiggly lines. Not to mention if there is a hurricane hitting the United States, the graphics are way over done too, providing more information than necessary.
CNN's graphics need to be more simple! Less is more. Get rid of the scrolling news crawl at the bottom along with the pointless time/ bar, however bring back the red crawl when there is major breaking news. Go with a white CNN logo in a red rectangle box on the left, and to the right of that have an ALL CAPITALIZED LETTER headline bar of what is currently being spoken about in the segment, rather than a paragraph. Get rid of the program name/segment animation box. Use the LIVE bug at the top of the screen only when the name of the city in which a reporter/guest is talking from appears on screen, not leaving it up all the time. And finally, properly use Breaking News and Just In and Developing Story. Don't over do it.
Slight example:
Huffpost has a headline that reads:
9/11 Fades.
They meant from the front pageS, but NEVER from our psyches.
How could it?
It STILL remains the most important event of the 21st Century.
Children will forever read about that brutal day on the internet or in history books. (If they still have TEXTS)
And even if we speak about other subjects, the question on this day is still, "Where were you when it happened?"
For ALL of our generation, and I speak of baby boomers and preboomers, WE WILL NEVER FORGET, and we shouldn't, it was that horrific.
Is Strombo still around?
Or is the show dead already ??
(a mercy killing)
It would be nice to see the graphics all line up on 1 single line. It's annoying watching the crawl and graphics on CNN. too often it interferes with video, maps and graphics. CNN has an ugly look.
You have to wonder if AJAM is gaining anywhere from 500-5,000 viewers from CNN daily. It might seem small now but over time that could grow and spell some major bad news for CNN. TDS is expressing how millions feel about CNN these days. In the past, CNN never had a real news alternative with resources that CNN can only dream about matching. AJAM can be quite successful having a younger viewing audience that is highly educated and wealthy. CNN will not get viewers to turn from FOX or MSNBC so irritating their viewers.TWC lost viewers over the CBS fight. Fios, Direc TV, Dish & Comcast are all going to be gaining viewers. TWC does not have AJAM. So as people drop them they will discover that other providers have AJAM. CNN can't afford to turn off viewers.
So this explains why the political coverage on CNN is now so inaccurate. CNN does not seem to no that the republicans san not defund Obamacare. It's the law and has been ruled constitutional by SCOTUS.
Please update your world history books. Russia is no long a superpower. The country is completely isolated on Europe without those satellite countries. CNN is aware of the European Union and China. Cold War is so last century and retired CNN. Russia is a permanent member of the UN. Iran even says Assad used chemical weapons and FP says the UN will release a report saying it was Assad. Come on CNN. Stop using pundits for news sources. CNN looks misinformed or worse, they really don't know.
The NYT today had an article about Putin VS Obama which has been the major discussion for two weeks now.
None of us are foreign policy experts so we can only give our opinions, but I did write a post prior saying that the POTUS came up short in his decision making on this very subject.
So Putin, it would seem, came out the winner here. According to the Times he became the "indispensible player" at the table and if Syria just gives up half of its chemical arsenal, who will get the other half? Yes, who? Might it be Russia?
Obama it was said, may seem "Nimble" in his decision making by some, but by others, including myself, he seems indecisive, uncertain....and that sends a poor message to those watching. No one can argue with this, well they can try but it is futile.
TVN has an interesting clip of Julie Chen who is Asian, and why she had plastic surgery done to her eyes.
What she leaves out, in the process, is, she was told by her agent that there were no Asians in Ohio and she would never be an anchor.
At table during "The Talk" she says she's proud of who she has become, but what she was told was to "become more American," and viewers would accept her appearance.
In the end she married the boss, but she's successful because of her surgery, not because she was proud of being Asian.
Which tells the viewer that we are still evolving in our acceptance of other ethnicities.
Any mention of news shows on CNN. Thursday, there was a huge fire on the Jersey Shore CNN ignored the breaking news for hours. But CNN had plenty of time for the old news of the Putin op-ed. On top of that , there was an attack on an American consulate in Herat, Afghanistan. Turned to CNN did not see it. AJ followed both stories and the massive floods in Colorado. Jay Rosen was right CNN is an entertainment channel. Some woman pushing her husband off a cliff is not a major news story. Well, to CNN it deserves coverage
every hour. As far as I'm concerned AJ has already outperformed CNN. AJ has a journalistic spin
As an avid sports fan and ESPN watcher, the
Mannings are not the big NFL match up this
weekend. It's the 49ers vs Seahawks. There's
more talk on Alabama vs Texas AM Also, the
dropped passes in the Pat/Jets game. CNN
has to fix it's reporting issues.
Replace CNN domestic with CNN international. period.
I am looking forward to Parts Unknown. Anthony Bourdain is the lone hit show for CNN in years.
Anderson kicked of 360 at 8 with the NJ fire and the Colorado floods.
That is why CNN should launch a women's news show with female journalists of all ethnic backgrounds. No pundits just female journalists hanging out talking about the news, interesting topics and fun. Michaela would be perfect as the primary host leading her fellow girls. Put it on a 9 PM in prime time. Too bad Alina just left. Isha Sesay is another good one. Brianna Keilar too.
Wow 360 Later must have been good last night. The Huffington Post has a pretty emotional clip featuring Christiane Amanpour. Seems it's popular. The tone of the conversation and smart guests will make the show work. All In falls short because Chris Hayes comes off as a know it all who at times is rude to the guests. Like he tries to put down their intellect. You don't have to get angry. We can respectfully disagree.
If a host is not likable. Forget about it.
Love the Crossfire music.
OK. I shall now argue with myself who said it was "futile" to argue about Obama and his dealing with Syria.
Bill Maher is back with his first show of his new season and he said that we are "not the world's policemen and who made us God?"
Yes, he did mention God...though not a believer, in his monologue.
It's true, we are not the world's policemen and who are we to to inforce our values about humananity on other societies, as horrible as they might seem to us?
Roosevelt knew about the Nazi atrocities taking place in Germany, and was very reluctant to get involved, until we were actually atacked.
So perhaps the President's indecisiveness is insightful. Who alone can make this judgement?
Chemical warfare is horrific, but it's not our's just with all the instant news today, it is really hard to justify our isolationism. It is selfish to sit by and watch others literally burn to death for rebelling against their government.
Being President of the US is a difficult job indeed.
Michaela Angela Davis said that she has become a CNN contributor and will be on the 360 Later panel as well as other CNN programs, she is a favorite of mine and I'm glad to hear it. Hopefully Crystal Wright (GOPBlackChick) won't get the same deal.
to no one's surprise another CNN fail on the Syria chemical weapons deal. At some point , someone at the network will learn to focus on the what is going on , like real reporting, instead of using pundits for news stories. CNN has very little of any news credibility left. At least Ted Turner cared.
Jeff Zucker is making CNN irrelevant. January 1, 2014.
He would have been around for a year. CNN had no room for error. The problem with CNN is this vs that.
Who won and who loses. Fake debates. So far what has he done : New Day and Crossfire. Neither show is doing anything for CNN. CNN should have gone with a Mo Rocca, Conor Knightong Bret Erlich or Jacob Soboroff. I love the way Take Part Live mocks the news. Jacob was trying to talk about Syria but he kept being interrupted by breaking news of a cat on a roomba. In other words, the news mishandles breaking news.
Morning Joe is now the Washington establishment & power player political show. CNN does not get that they have to change the tone of their politics. Left vs right is ancient history. That is why Crossfire will not work in the 21st century. Intelligent conversation matters more to CNN. CNN keeps stumbling because the make selections based on ideology. Which is not good TV. That is Why Joe created a different type of political show. He lived through a disastrous Crossfire type show. It leaves the viewers out and is a turnoff.
I just read a story on Mediaite about Erin Burnett talking about the wealthiest congressmen with Joe Concha. Why in the world would CNN let that dimwit Concha on their channel? What authority is he? Erin points on that 7 of the top ten in Congress are Dems and that somehow proves that its not just the GOP that is the party of and for the wealthy? What does that have to do about anything? Its about policy and platform! If the anchor isn't smart enough to know that then they shouldn't be on CNN. Did she mention the latest poll that shows how angry people are with Wall Street? What about the study that shows how 95% of the household income gains in the "recovery" have gone to the top 1%? Or perhaps she doesn't bring up how much she has PERSONALLY benefit from Wall Street theivery. No, she just whines that there are more rich democrats than republicans in congress as if that means anything to the shrinking middle class. Burnett needs to go and so does her attention-seeking knuckle-dragger friend Joe Concha who can just stay on Fox as far as I'm concerned.
Erin Burnett hasn't been credible since she denigrated OWS on her first program. She can't disguise her right wing/Wall Street bias. She brings up the IRS "scandal" and BENGHAZI!! almost as often as Fox. Maybe she should hop on over there.
CNN needs a new management team. People who are committed to news and have a sense of what makes news. Hundreds are missing in Colorado. CNN did a hit piece on Michelle Obama and water because conservative media did it with anit-Obamacare doctors. The NYT Putin op-ed is no where near as big as CNN has made it out to be. Yawn . CNN's content and story selection process needs to be overhauled.
CNN is much worst off under Jeff Zucker. Obviously, the man does not respect the rich history of CNN that made the network a legend.
At the current pace, CNN will have less than 500,000 viewers in prime time this month and perhaps for the remainder of the year. Parts Unknown is a hit show for CNN but Zucker had nothing to do with hiring Anthony Bourdain. CNN is in big trouble. Nothing is right with CNN these days. Jon Stewart has plenty of material.
Heads up. Anthony Bourdain/Parts Unknown won the
emmy for outstanding informational series or special. This is big news. It will be interesting to see if it increases the ratings for Parts Unknown. With the emmy win, more now know about the show. Season 2 kicked off Sunday. AJAM has already broken the news on the UN report on Syria. There was a photo op with the handing over of the the report and you could read it. Basically, it says there was a chemical attack. It was sarin delivered by rockets. CNN is going to face some real competition from AJAM. CNN has got to get back to being informational not bad entertainment.
The tragic news out of Washington , DC
shows us the news matters. The big question
is ; will viewers come to CNN in wake of the
recent drift from news that CNN is taking ?
CNN seems to be confused with it's Navy Yard shooting coverage. Other networks say he was never charged in the incidents that CNN keeps calling criminal. Incident reports and having a criminal record are 2 different things. Also, he a was separated from the Navy. There are also privacy issues here. CNN's reporting is wrong. There is way too many questions surrounding the shooting to be getting the facts wrong. Don't let this be Boston all over again.
I noticed something strange last night while scanning through the DVR last night. There was guide info that said Wrap Up With Jake Tapper at 11 & Crossfire at 11 :30. However, Out Front was on and it makes me wonder if CNN will continue to mess things up and make matters worse. Jake Tapper's ratings were inflated by breaking news and Crossfire should never have happened in the first place.
I was watching Piers Morgan and thought he did a great job at interviewing Rick Warren and is wife. He is better at sit down interviews that are not LIVE. He doesn't do his best with Breaking News. I'm not too fond of his opinionated views. This is not what I want CNN to be. Move him out of primetime and have him host a weekend program called Piers Morgan Interview.
Speaking of opinion, I'm not thrilled that CNN brought back Crossfire, and I'm not a big fan of Legal View with Ashleigh Banfield. It seems like CNN actually is slowly changing their dayside programming after what John King said recently, saying that anyone could get the same news on their smart phone that you see at 9:00AM, 10:00AM, 11:00AM, etc.
Not everyone has a smart phone and I do prefer LIVE, straight forward news. Although straight forward news may not do best in ratings, CNN can benefit from major breaking news events. In the meantime, I don't want to see shows like Legal View take over CNN.
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