Friday, October 18, 2013
Your Views on the News 10/18/13
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7:02 PM
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7:02 PM
So many graphics this past week on CNN. It was overly done and highly distracting. There was the scrolling news bar at the bottom that not only reads headlines, but basically summerizes articles. Next to that is a bar that tells you the time, stock quotes, and reminds you to visit Above that is the CNN logo with the LIVE bug that never disappears when it should. Then there is the headline bar that tells you what is being talked about. Highly annoying when its all lower-cased. So much to read. Then there is the animation box that reads the program/segment logo. Then there is the banner that reads Breaking News, Developing Story, or Just In. Above all that there was a Government Shutdown Day count, and also a debt ceiling deadline coutndown clock. You also occasionally see the name of the city in which a guest is speaking from, along with the time of that city. With all do respect, if CNN is trying to reach out to the deaf community, they surely are doing a good job. Otherwise it is WAY too much! My God! Why not simply have the CNN logo with a simple sentence of what is being discussed? Let the viewer listen, not multi-task. Less is more. Period.
I absolutely love the chemisty of John Berman and Zoraida Sambolin on Early Start. That right there is a winning team. John seems like a good guy who gets along with everyone. Hopefully they can keep the program going for two hours from 4am to 6am and not revert back to one hour. I am usually up very early and it is always enjoyable to see them both.
I have to say that there is a bit of a fake chemistry between Chris Cuomo and Kate Bolduan. Chris Cuomo would probably do better in prime time alone or have Kate Bolduan return to Washington. She could host her own show from Washington or I do think she too would do good in prime time. Perhaps with Don Lemon. I'd love for CNN to bring back the brief show CNN Tonight. A double anchor prime time show. Thought it was fantastic. If Chris Cuomo stays on New Day, perhaps it is best to team him up with Brooke Baldwin. I always thought that she would make the best female co-anchor.
Michaela Periera is underused. I think that CNN doesn't need a New Day news reader. She should co-host the 9am to 12pm hours considering it is still morning time in California (6-9am PT) where she is from and had a good following. Perhaps team her up with the upcoming Bill Weir?
I do hope I was that wise reader because, like it or not, I always give my views on the news.
In the weekend edition of USA Today, which really has no reason to slant the news one way or the other, it said that the cost of the shutdown was in the billions, what with those that were furloughed to the federal mortgage lending that was suddenly put on hold, to all the retailers that depend on employees who run the government.
So what did the repugnant Republicans accomplish?
This just added to our debt. Now I'm no economist, but when you shutdown half the economy in DC, you have to wonder about the mental stability of the Speaker of the House and the Minority Leader.
Our economy was fragile to begin with....but the stock market didn't seem to falter if that's any indication of how rock solid we really are.
And CNN continues to slam ACA. On Erin Burnett's program some idiot held up a sign that said only one person in Delaware actually applied for healthcare. How does HE KNOW?
Yes, someone in Health and Human Services should be held accountable, but according to the NYT, the gov't is using ten year old technology. Someone had to approve of this usage?
It must have been a Republican.
Dan Lothian is the latest correspondent to leave CNN.
I agree about Michaela being underused. Give her the 9 PM show with other female journalists. That way it would be able to draw those west coast viewers, Try this list for a ladies nees show : Michaela, Erica Hill, Betty Nguyen, Isha Sesay and Ana Cabrera , who is anchoring the weekend edition of New Day.
Media Matters said it best, CNN has some whacked reporting on the government shutdown. It was really detached from reality. CNN was basically saying don't believe your lying eyes and forget you have a brain. CNN is being hypocritical talking about government dysfunction while airing a show called Crossfire Media Matters is right, CNN is a part of the problem. Zero credibility but plenty of stupidity and ignorance on display. CNN is a national joke and disgrace. WHy do you think the ratings are bad for CNN ? The reporting on CNN defies logic. Quit trying to fool viewers because you are being called out. So CNN thinks viewers are to dumb to know facts. Don't insult your viewers intelligence.
I think it would be a good idea to incorporate the panel discussions of AC360-Later into Anderson Cooper 360º, making one great show because honestly the 8PM hour has gotten boring. That is until though CNN can come up with a new prime time line-up.
Good grief. Just when you thought CNN would not sink any lower. CNN is now doing a crime show called Making The Case. Now the idea from Jeff Zucker is to turn CNN into HLN. CNN is already over the cliff and a crash landing is coming soon. Turn the channel. Panels don't work in prime time . MSNBC ratings sunk to lows because of the panel discussions on All In. It's too slow.
AJAM needs to have a huge ad push on TV and radio so that viewers know they longer have to suffer from CNN.
With crap like this. I 'm turning on CNN. Bye bye.
Has anyone else seen Ashleigh Banfield's "This is CNN" promo? Is it just me or is it kind of...creepy?
CNN really needs to fix the weekend line up. It is ridiculous to have Frederica Whitfield and Don Lemon on for multiple hours year after year. I don't understand why a new schedule is not created.
I was surprised to see that Ali Velshi, Tony Harris &
Richelle Carey all on Al Jazeera. The network has
some great commercials about the news being for
you, the viewer. CNN talks at you and not to you.
I find myself watching them less. Outside of 360
& Parts Unknown CNN has some really bad shows.
It's not just the weekend that needs to be fixed.
In a couple of weeks, the ratings for October 2013
come out and they will show that CNN is tanking.
Once CNN gets behind MSNBC for big news stories,
it is game over. Neither CNN or HLN are doing that
well. Bad news indeed.
@7:10PM. Don't forget all the annoying "ON CNN" advertisements that flash at the bottom of the screen, promoting upcoming specials as well as in the scrolling ticker that advertises them. New Day has it worst with all that and the weather bar.
Am looking forward to seeing the Sundance film acquired by CNN, 'Blackfish,' the story of the performing Orca, who killed his trainers.
The producers were on Bill Maher not too long ago and they were against keeping wild animals in captivity for the sake of making circus performing animals, specifically "Sea World."
CNN needs more of these types of meaningful documentaries about animals in the wild and their place in the environment.
Jack Hanna, with all his charm and knowledge, is one that comes to mind when it comes to holding wild animals in capitvity for a price.
He is also an investor in 'Sea World' who should be held accountable for failing to comply with animal rights and their natural habitats.
As more people learn about Al Jazeera, that is bad news for CNN down the line. Al Jazeera looks like everything CNN should be, quality journalism. There is news,sports, tech, weather, just about anything you can think of, you can find it on AJ. The storytelling and photography is amazing.. I would like to see AJ have better maps, infographics and adopt the media bar for all of their wonderful stories. Current TV, the network it replaced, used it. With HD TV drop the graphics/banners over every piece of video. Just like your I-pod/You Tube. Time elapsed to the left/time remaining to the right. Current also used music in the background when giving details on a particular story. Current also told you about the person who just brought you a particular featured story. At the end of the story they
told you something about the reporter and photographer involved in the story.
Watch out New Day, Aj just started a morning news block from 6-10 AM. They are looking to take advantage of the CNN morning show misstep. Sort of like making AJ stand out as the news alternative. Similar to what CBS is doing in the mornings. You heard it here first.
It is a wide open field for AJ. they can experiment, be creative, innovative , building a viewership along the way. When was the last time you heard a network talk to viewers by saying tell us stories you would like to see on our network ?
Very interesting how John Berman and Michaela Periera filled in for Carol Costello again today.
Huffpost is reporting that the Dems could take back the House.
Let's hope so because nothing has gotten done with these inept Republicans who lack sensitivity and common sense altogether.
Now is the time...the first Tuesday in November, make your voice heard in every Republican district, whatever the office.
Get rid of them....they cater to the Tea Party and are afraid of their own shadows and are NOT for the middle class.
The shutdown is costing us billions and all because the republicans in the house wanted to hold the Obama Administration hostage over healthcare. It was cruel and insensitive and they were looking out ONLY FOR THEIR OWN BEST INTERESTS...the insurance companies, the drug companies and everyone who lobbies for the insurance companies and the drug companies.
Boehner needs to leave, not lead and he needs to take Paul Ryan with him.
Make your voice heard...VOTE.
Caught some of AJAM this morning. Whole lot of news going on. They have to be aiming at CNN. Other than CBS technically there are no other morning news shows on TV. Those numbers for New Day are getting lower even with a week of big news. AJAM does not have to take away huge numbers of CNN viewers just enough. The longer New Day stays the same it's possible for AJAM to steal away viewers. The promos are great. CNN needs to get better soon. It all starts with New Day. What's up with the repeating of the same stories.
Republicans have nothing to fear in NJ in Chris Christie re-election bid for Governor.
Unfortunately after living in NJ for 40 years, this is a state that could could go either way, in any election, and Chris Christie's re-election bid, looks safe.
Not because he did what he said he'd do, balance the state budget and lower property taxes, but because Barbara Buono, his Demoratic opponent, is doing so poorly in defeating the Republican incumbent.
Half the state doesn't even know who she is, and she constantly has to "introduce herself."
If you have to let the voting public know who you are, at this stage of the game, the show is over.
Since Sanjay Gupta anchored 360 the other nite and TVN ran the clip of Robert Kennedy Jr. and the Jeffrey Toobin toss up, I thought this would be the place where I could at least vent my opinion on the matter.
I have never liked RKJ....there are several reasons, none of which have to do with his defense of his cousin Michael Skakel and his pending jail sentence. I have no opinion on that. I do not know if he killed the girl or he didn't, nor do I care.
But I do care about justice under the law and the Kennedys...this particular Kennedy has always had an attitude that he was "above it all." Yes, he is the son of RFK and a big so what.
He is also an environmentalist and has appeared on Bill Maher's program a number of times, but every time he appears any place I can barely listen to him.
He is very nasal for one thing, and recently his wife of a number of years committed suicide because of his alleged "infidelities," although she had problems of her own.
At any rate, he is now after Jeff Toobin for berating his cousin, according to the TVN clip. Toobin said he was outraged that Kennedy's cousin, Michael Skakel, would not complete his sentence, and Kennedy accused Toobin of bias.
Frankly I'm on Jeffrey's side.
I have one question for Robert...was his late Uncle Teddy ever prosecuted, back in 1965??
Just asking?
TVN is reporting that the documentary/film, presented by CNN "Blackfish," topped cable news in the demo between 9-11, and came in second in primetime, following the almighty Fox primetime line-up.
So I guess we can therefore conclude from these facts, and CNN seldom is one to actually deal in factual information, that viewers would rather see whales in captivity, than one more hour of Erin Burnett, Wolf Blitzer, or Anderson Cooper.
No matter, whales won the nite big time and animal lovers/environmentalists are really sick of CNN's slanted political GOP coverage in every available timeslot across the board. That is a fact CNN, a conclusion every reasonable viewer would come to, if they weren't Jeff Zucker.
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